Chapter Thirty-One

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Olivia and Lou sat in their living room and talked for a while. Olivia told her fiancee about everything she was feeling. She explained her concerns about being a mother to Mathias, and about how she still felt so guilty for losing their first child. Lou listened and reassured Olivia when she could, but she still knew that her fiancee was beyond broken at the moment.

"Next Saturday you'll be good, right? For the wedding?" Lou asked, and Olivia looked at her fiancee and nodded slowly.

"I'll be good. I promise. I just don't know if you'll be happy marrying me then." Olivia breathed.

"Hey, I'll be nearly 31 weeks pregnant, but I'll be happy to marry you at any time. I know that you are still confused and upset, but one thing you need to be able to be confident about is the love we have for each other." Lou breathed. Olivia nodded slowly as she looked over at her.

"Do you think my parents and I will be better by then? Because I want my Dad to be there... I know that I'm just gonna be up there because this is your big day that you'd dreamt of... but I still want him there." Olivia whispered.

"I don't know, Liv. I hope so for your sake. But that is going to be our big day, darling. Not just mine."


Monday came around and while Lou and her mother were driving around finishing up the last touches for the wedding, Olivia was in court with her siblings. She sat on the bench behind the ADA. Elliot sat beside her as they waited for Liam and Lena to be called to the stand.

"How are you?" Elliot whispered so that Serena and Dwayne didn't hear. Olivia still wasn't talking to her parents, and Elliot knew that.

"I'm okay. I'm getting married on Saturday and I'm going to be a mother in 9 weeks. I'm happy now. For the most part." Olivia replied. Elliot looked over at her and smiled softly.

"If you need me too, I can help out with the wedding some more."

"You are my best man, Elliot. You are standing up there next to me." Olivia smiled.

"Liv?" Serena questioned, and Olivia looked over at her mother with no expression on her face.


"Can we talk after court today? Or while the jury is deciding?" Serena asked as a few more people entered the courtroom.

"I need more time to cool off, Mom," Olivia replied.

"Kid-" Dwayne started, but Olivia just shook her head.

"You were both assholes to me. So I have every right to want some space from you. As of right now, you are still invited to the wedding, but we will see if that can change." Olivia replied, before bailiff entered the room and cleared his throat before speaking.


Liam was the first one called. He talked about what he saw the night that Elijah Moore tried to rape his sister. He talked about their relationship, and how he saw how dangerous it was from outside. He then proceeded to explain how he stopped Elijah from raping Lena the night she blacked out.

"I had just put her down in her bed, and I went downstairs to get her some water and a bucket because I knew she'd probably get sick. When I came back up, Elijah had gone into her room and was straddling her body. She didn't have her skirt on anymore, and Elijah was undoing his belt. I walked over and I pushed him off of my sister."

"What did he do after you pushed him off?" Alex asked, and Liam bit his lip before speaking.

"He punched me, and once I was on the ground from the shock of the punch, he undid his pants, and climbed back on my sister." Liam whimpered. He wiped a tear from his cheek because he was really having a flashback as he had to talk about it. He knows that Lena is his older sister, but he knows that he still has to protect her and he almost didn't get to her in time.

"Liam, why didn't you tell your parents?" Alex asked as Liam tried to calm himself down.

"I didn't want to tell them that night because they were out of town with the younger kids. And I wanted to see what Lena wanted to do first. She was scared of what they would say, so I stayed quiet about it. But whenever I saw Lena with Elijah, I always reminded him that I would kick his ass again if he tried to hurt my sister." Liam replied.

"Thank you, Liam," Alex spoke, before turning and sitting down. Liam looked into the crowd and found his sister sitting there. She gave him a gentle smile before nodding slowly.

He had done a good job, and he knew that now.


Lena told the court everything about her relationship with Elijah. Like how he was abusive their whole relationship, but when she called him out on it he'd try and make it up to her. Flowers, jewelry, dinners. Lena told the truth, and she did it without an ounce of fear. She wasn't scared of Elijah anymore. He was just her attacker, but one she didn't fear anymore. She was stronger now than she was before. She found her strength when she started to hang out with Lou and Liv more often.

Once Lena was off the stand, court was dismissed for a lunch break while the jury decided. Olivia found her siblings and took them outside to the hotdog cart. They each got one before sitting on the steps of the courthouse.

"I'm proud of both of you. You both did amazing." Olivia spoke, as she looked over at her siblings.

"Liv, do you think that I could live with you and Lou?" Lena asked out of nowhere.

"What? Why?" Olivia asked, and Liam sighed as he looked over at Lena.

"I saw the expression on Mom and Dad's faces. They were so disappointed in me. And I don't want to face them again. I just want to be with you and Lou. You two care about me more than they do." Lena sighed. Olivia sighed softly before shrugging.

"I'll talk to Lou. But maybe it won't be as bad as you think it will be. Now-" Olivia didn't get to finish her statement before their parents came and stood in front of them.

"Kids, we are gonna all talk."

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