Chapter Forty-Nine

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Olivia walked into her bedroom and got dressed before walking over to where Lou laid. She kissed her forehead gently before moving over and saying goodbye to Nicole. She left her bedroom and went into Mathias' room to check on him before walking to the front door.

"Alright, uh, Lena let Lou sleep then tell her what happened. I'll call Elliot and get him to come down and bail me out." Olivia spoke.

"Come on, Detective." The officer frowned.

"Have to cuff me?" Olivia asked, and he nodded.

"Sorry. We need to make sure you don't try and escape the back of the cruiser."

"Eh, I have a wife and kids. I need to be out of jail to take care of them." Olivia replied. She was cuffed and her rights were read to her before she was taken from the house. Waiting outside was another officer and a lady from CPS.

"Jackie, the two older kids are of age and if they don't want to leave they don't have too. The rest are sleeping in the second bedroom on the right. Please try and be quiet because my wife and babies are sleeping." Olivia spoke.

"I wish I didn't have to do this." Jackie frowned.

"You are just doing your job. I was just doing my job in protecting my siblings. I'll see you in court." Olivia spoke, before being walked the rest of the way to the cruiser.

"Watch your head."


Olivia laid on a bench in a holding cell. She had her arms behind her head as she tried to get some sleep before her hearing later in the morning. She was just starting to doze off when the cell door slid open.

"Houston." Cragen sighed, and Olivia sat up quickly.

"Captain! What are you doing here? I asked Elliot to come down and see if he could get me bailed out early." Olivia replied.

"IAB called me and said that one of my detectives is sitting in a cell for kidnapping her siblings. So I came down here to see what the fuck was going on in your head to lead you to take  your siblings from your mother." Cragen huffed.

"Well, because she hit Liam and was verbally abusing my siblings. She hates me, so she was taking it out on them because they still want to see me. So they said they wanted to stay at my house. I let them and when we went to get their stuff, Serena was laying on the kitchen floor drunk as hell and violent when she woke up. She threw a knife at me." Olivia spoke. Cragen sighed as he ran his hands over his face.

"So they went to you for help?" Cragen asked. Olivia nodded slowly.

"Yeah. Lena was babysitting Mathias while I was at the hospital with Lou and Nicole. They were there when I got there, and Liam's jaw was already bruised and swollen. I was just protecting them. It's my job not only as their sister but also as a detective." Olivia breathed. Cragen sighed again before moving out of the cell.

"The kids were taken to a foster home. Serena won't be getting them back and neither will you until we can go into court about this. Do you want me to go out and wake up Lou and tell her what is happening?" Cragen asked.

"No, Captain. She just had our baby. I need her to sleep and Lena will tell her what is happening in the morning. After court hopefully."


The next morning, Trevor Langan stood beside Olivia in the courtroom. She was pleading not guilty because she didn't kidnap her siblings, she was protecting them from the drunk woman that mothered them.

"Detective Houston pleads not guilty to kidnapping her siblings, your honor," Trevor spoke.

"What do you recommend, Ms. Cabot?" The judge asked as she glanced at Alex.

"Your honor, we would like to move this case to family court. Detective Houston was just trying to keep her siblings from getting harmed. She wasn't going to keep her siblings away from their mother." Alex spoke.

"Ms. Cabot, you aren't the defense." The judge spoke, and Alex frowned.

"Sorry, your honor. But Mr. Langan and I agree. This isn't a case for criminal court. We'd like to dismiss her charges and let her go. CPS has the children in a foster home and they will be staying there until custody can be determined." Alex spoke. The judge looked over those standing in front of her before frowning.

"Okay, this case is dismissed and all charges are too. Detective Houston, you are released but will have no contact with your younger four siblings until custody can be decided. We will be taking a five-minute recess." 

Serena stood up and started screaming once the judge left the room. Olivia turned to look at her and just shook her head.

"Just think about how the kids aren't going to be happy that you got their sister arrested." 


Olivia got home before Lou had gotten up. Lena was feeding Nicole a bottle and Liam was playing with Mathias on the floor.

"Momma!" Mathias exclaimed, as he quickly climbed off the floor before running to his mother. Olivia swung him up before hugging him tightly.

"Hey, baby. Have you been good for Aunt Lena and Uncle Liam?" Olivia asked, and Mathias nodded as he hugged his mother's neck tightly.

"How are you home?" Liam asked, as he stood and stared at his sister.

"The charges were dropped and now the case is being moved to family court. I'm going to fight mom on this. Those kids don't deserve to be hurt again."

"So you want to have custody of them?" Lena asked, and Olivia nodded slowly.

"Yeah. I do. Lou wants the kids safe and is fine having them here too. So I want custody of them. If Mom wants the kids back, she'll have to prove that nothing is going to happen again. Like rehab and therapy. I'm not going to keep them from her forever, just until she'll be better." Olivia spoke.

"Olivia Margaret Houston!" Lou huffed, as she swung open the bedroom door. Olivia looked at her wife with wide eyes.


"Why did I get a text from Captain Cragen saying he was with you at the jail last night and that you are okay and have court in the morning?" Lou spat.

"I can explain, baby."

"Then you better get to explaining! Why were you arrested?!"

Hey guys! Thanks for reading and please vote and comment all of your feedback below! :D

A Case Reopened [AN SVU Fan Fic]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin