Chapter Thirty-Three

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While Lou and Mathias were getting cleaned up, Olivia left the room to tell Joan and Serena that Mathias was here and healthy. She was exhausted, but she still had a large smile on her lips as she walked down the hall to where they were sitting and talking quietly.

"Okay, so Mathias is here. He is 5 pounds and he is perfect." Olivia breathed, and Joan and Serena both looked at her.

"Are they good? Both healthy?" Joan asked, nervously.

"They are. Lou was so strong and brave. I'm so proud of her... uh, would you guys mind making the calls? I want to get back in there with Lou and our son. I hated leaving her side, but she asked me to tell you two." Olivia spoke.

"We can do that... are you good though, honey?" Serena asked, and Olivia took a slow breath before nodding as a few tears ran down her cheeks.

"I'm a mom... it's crazy to think that I have a son now. I exhausted, but Lou will never know that. She will never know that I could sleep for a year after watching her in so much pain. So please don't tell her... I'll tell you guys when you can come to meet the baby." Olivia spoke. She stepped forward and hugged them both tightly before turning and walking back towards Lou's room.

Joan and Serena looked at each other before breaking down and hugging each other tightly.

They were grandmas now, and it made them so freaking excited.


Olivia walked back into Lou's room, while her fiancee was just walking to the bathroom to shower. Olivia walked past the nurses that were changing the sheets on the bed, and she made her way over to where her son was getting cleaned up. She was a little unsure about what to do because even if Mathias is her son, she didn't know if the hospital really recognized that.

"Alright, I think this little one wants to be held by his Mommy." A nurse breathed, and Olivia blinked a few times before seeing the nurse standing in front of her. She was holding out Mathias to Olivia.

"I can hold him?" Olivia asked, and the nurse smiled and nodded.

"He's your son, right?" She grinned, and Olivia nodded.


"Just hold him, honey. You are just as much his mother as Lou is. I can see the doubt on your expression."

"I've been just going through some stuff, and I'm having a hard time dealing with this whole thing..." Olivia breathed.

"Holding him will make it better. Trust me. Hold your baby for the first time makes such a difference." She smiled.

Olivia took Mathias into her arms before sinking down onto a chair near the hospital bed. Olivia examined every inch of her son. She gently slipped the hat from her son's head and smiled when she saw small red curls. She loved Lou's red hair, and now Mathias had them too.

"You are so handsome, Mathias. I love you so much, and I'm so happy to finally be able to meet you. You look just like your Momma. So cute and with that adorable red hair." Olivia breathed. She held Mathias to her shoulder before resting her cheek against his hair. She rubbed her son's back before starting to gently kiss his chubby little cheeks.

She did that for a while before Lou walked from the bathroom. She stopped for a moment and just smiled when she saw Olivia in her element. She wasn't scared that Olivia would run again because she was already so madly in love with their son.


Serena went home after making the calls that Olivia asked her to make and after meeting little Mathias. She walked into the house and heard absolute silence. She slipped her shoes off before walking towards the stairs. She took them slowly before heading towards the bedroom she shares with her husband.

Once she opened the door, she found her husband sitting on the edge of the bed as he ran his hands over his face.

"Dwayne, what's wrong?" Serena asked, and Dwayne stood quickly.

"Lou and Mathias are okay? Liv?" He asked quickly. She was wondering if he was just worried about Lou and the baby, or what the jury had decided.

"They are all fine. Liv is doing great with the whole being a mother thing so far. Mathias is staying in the NICU overnight just to make sure he is doing better before he can be moved back to the normal nursery." Serena replied.

"Good. I was so scared that she would run off again."

"What did the jury decide?" Serena breathed, as she walked over and sank down beside her husband.

"A slap on the wrist. He has 1500 hours of community service and there is a 10-year restraining order against Elijah Moore for Lena and the other victims. Plus our whole family." Dwayne breathed.

"No jail time?" Serena whispered as tears welled in her eyes.

"They thought he served enough time. That he suffered enough." Dwayne growled before he stood and walked over to the window. He pressed his hands against the walls on either side of the window as tears welled in his dark brown eyes.

So much was happening in their lives lately. First, it was finding out that the young detective that came to their door was their Olivia. Then they had to go through the trial for the Meyers. Next was Lena and Olivia fighting. Then the whole rape thing with Lena and the fight that he, Serena, and Olivia were involved in.

He was overwhelmed and in tears. He leaned down and let out a sob, as his wife walked over to hold him. As her arms wrapped around his tall frame, Dwayne clutched his chest as pain filled his body and it felt like an elephant was sitting on his chest. His breathing got heavy, and he slowly slipped from his wife's arms and fell to the floor as his wife gasped.


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