Chapter Seven

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"What is she like?" Lena asked as she leaned against the doorframe of her parents' room, while Dwayne got ready for bed in the bathroom, and Serena was pulling the blankets down so she could climb into bed.

"Olivia?" Serena asked, and her daughter nodded slowly.

"Yeah... what is my big sister like?" Lena questioned, and Serena smiled before walking over to her daughter and holding her close.

"She's great. She's smart and caring. She has an infectious laugh and she is so excited to meet you and your siblings." Serena spoke, as Lena leaned her head against her mother's shoulder.

"You still love us even though your long lost daughter is back?" Lena questioned, and Serena held her daughter at arm's length before staring her straight in her eyes.

"I love all of my children exactly the same. I might love you a little bit more because you are just so damn special... but don't tell your siblings about that, okay?" Serena spoke, and Lena smiled and nodded.

"I love you, Mom. And when you and Dad decide to bring Olivia back around, I'll be waiting anxiously to meet my big sister."

"She is waiting just as anxiously as you are to meet all of you."


Olivia woke up the next morning to her girlfriend sleeping beside her. She liked the mornings that she woke up to Lou beside her, instead of an empty bed because Lou had gone into work early. But as Olivia laid there, she started to remember why Lou wasn't out of bed yet.

"Stop staring." Lou yawned, as she finally woke up. Olivia smiled, before leaning over and kissing Lou several times before resting her head against Lou's bare shoulder.

"It's hard not to when you are so fucking hot," Olivia replied once she had gotten comfortable.

"Tell that to me when I'm fat," Lou replied, and Olivia laughed softly. She loved her girlfriend even if she was a bit of a grouch in the morning.

"I'm kinda glad that we didn't tell my parents last night that today is the day you get inseminated. I don't want them to get all excited to only find out it didn't take." Olivia breathed, and Lou nodded before pressing a soft kiss to Olivia's messy brown hair.

"I know you want to tell them everything, but this is our little secret. We can tell them once we know our baby is doing well. Once there is a steady heartbeat and we make it past 14 weeks."

"That week will be haunting me for the rest of my life. Especially if we decide I will carry the next baby." Olivia breathed, before looking up at Lou as tears welled in her eyes.

Lou leaned down and kissed Olivia between her eyes before sighing softly.

"We will have the family we want. And maybe, just maybe, you will get your head out of your ass and ask me to marry you before our first baby gets here." Lou spoke, and Olivia rolled her eyes before rolling over and climbing out of bed. She walked quickly into the bathroom so Lou didn't get a chance to enjoy the view for much longer.


By noon, Lou and Olivia were heading back home. Both were silent as they worried about if they would finally be getting a real chance at becoming parents. Olivia and Lou both wanted kids so badly, but now it almost seems like their intense want to become parents might fuck this all up.

"Is that Serena's vehicle?" Lou asked as Olivia pulled into their driveway.

"Yeah." Olivia sighed softly.

"Great," Lou replied, as she crossed her arms over her chest as her girlfriend got out of the car to see what her mother wanted.

"Serena, what's up?" Olivia asked, and Serena smiled as she walked around the car and to where her daughter stood.

"I've been calling you... and I guess I just got worried..." Serena breathed, and Olivia nodded.

"I'm sorry. I was with Lou this whole morning and we were busy. Are you all okay?" Olivia questioned.

"We are... Sorry. I don't know what I'm doing. It's like I want to be around you all the time, but you aren't a child anymore so I can't." Serena breathed. Olivia looked back and saw that Lou had gone into the house without saying anything.

"Serena, today isn't a good day. I want to be spending time with you and Dwayne all the time... but today was a big day and Lou and I need to be together." Olivia spoke.

"Oh, yeah. Sorry. I love you, Olivia. And I'll make sure to call next time. I didn't mean to interrupt something."

"It's okay. And I love you too... I'll call you tomorrow on my way into work."

"Sounds good," Serena replied, before drawing her daughter close and placing a soft kiss to her cheek.


Lou was standing the kitchen drinking some water when her girlfriend came back inside.

"Lou?" Olivia questioned, and Lou sighed before telling Olivia where she was. Olivia went into the kitchen and smiled at her girlfriend. She also noticed that Lou's eyes were wide.

"Where's Serena?" Lou asked.

"She went home. I told her that today was a big day and I needed to spend the rest of it with you." Olivia replied.

"You really sent her home?" Lou asked, and Olivia nodded.

"I did. Because this was a hard day, and it's only noon. And since you think I'm stalling on us getting married, I think it's time I show you something." Olivia spoke, before reaching her hand out to Lou. Lou took it hesitantly, before letting Olivia lead her from the room.

Olivia forced Lou to sit on the couch. She went into the bedroom and grabbed the engagement ring she had hidden in her purse. Lou never tries to go through Olivia's purse because it's such a mess, which helped Olivia with her plan.

"Babe, I didn't mean to make it seem like I was anxious to get married. Or that I'd leave you if you didn't give me a ring." Lou explained as Olivia walked out of the bedroom.

"Lou, my love... shut the hell up," Olivia spoke. Lou bit her lip before looking at her girlfriend as she sank down in front of her. Olivia didn't know if this is what she's supposed to do when she proposes to her girlfriend, but she's doing it anyway.

"Louanne Nicole Davis, will you marry me?"

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