Chapter Forty-Three

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Lou cut up grapes for her son's snack, and she carried those out plus a glass of water for her mother-in-law. She stopped by the couch and saw that Serena had lifted Mathias onto her lap and was reading him his favorite book.

"Are you hungry, Mat?" Lou asked, as she carried the plate over and sat it down on the coffee table.

"Yeah!" He exclaimed, before climbing off of Serena's lap and went straight to the table. Lou walked over and helped Serena up before handing her the cup.

"Thanks, Lou," Serena spoke, and Lou nodded. She walked over to an armchair and sank down into it before watching at Serena as she drank her water. After a while, Lou started to speak.

"Liv said to keep things light. To talk about Mathias and Nicole." Lou spoke, as she rested her hands on her stomach.

"You got in contact with her? I wasn't here to try and hurt you or-"

"She may be ready to make up with you and have you back in her life... but you put my wife through hell. You hurt her so badly, and I think that you have more to make up for than you think you do. Like blaming her for killing her father. Treating her like shit for a year, and then being absolutely horrid to her when all she wanted to do was show Mathias where his grandfather is, and to tell him about the larger than life man. Serena, you made a huge mistake when you let her take the blame for something she didn't do."

"I know." Was all Serena replied with.

"But do you really know?" Lou questioned coldly.

"I hate this," Serena mumbled before she stood and moved towards the door.

"Yeah, walk out once again. Be the victim. Throw a fit." Lou spat.


Olivia came home the next afternoon and found her wife sitting on the back porch. Mathias was playing in his sandbox and didn't notice when his mother came home. Olivia walked over and wrapped her arms around her wife's shoulders and placed a soft kiss to her cheek.

"Good afternoon, beautiful." Olivia smiled, and Lou shook her head.

"It's not a good afternoon." She huffed.

"What? What happened, Lou?" Olivia asked quietly.

"I'm tired of your mother." She replied.

"Oh." Olivia frowned. She walked around and knelt down in front of her wife before gently running her hands over her swell.

"I wanted to talk about Nicole and Mathias, but it turned into what happened. I can't deal with this all right now. Not when I'm actually two weeks away from having Nicole." Lou replied. Olivia nodded slowly before standing slowly and leaning closer to her before kissing her softly.

"These next two weeks will be stressfree. You and I won't talk to them until you are ready to talk to them again." Olivia replied.

"You can talk to your siblings, but we need to avoid the stress of your mother for a bit."

"I'm fine with that, Lou. Honey, I'm willing to do anything for you. For Nicole and Mathias." Olivia smiled gently.

"Are you-"

"I think that Mathias should go take his nap," Olivia spoke.

"Why? It's-"

"It's time for us to have some wife time. We haven't gotten that in so long, because we've had Mathias sleeping in our bed and then you've been so uncomfortable... I'll do all the work and you can just relax." Olivia smiled softly. Lou nodded slowly before looking up at her wife.

"I love you." She whispered.

"I love you too, Lou."


Serena was confused about why her daughter was contacting the kids but never did call her back. She didn't know why Olivia wanted to make up but was now ignoring her altogether.

"Where are you guys going?" Serena asked late one night.

"The hospital," Lena spoke, as she grabbed her car keys.

"Why? Are you all okay?" Serena asked as she stood quickly.

"We are fine. We are just going to visit someone. We will be home before midnight." Liam spoke, as he handed Emma her lighter jacket.

"Who are you visiting? I know it's Friday night and all, but Adam and Emma are too young to be out late." Serena sighed.

"Mom, just relax at home without your kids. We will call you on our way home." Lena replied. She opened the front door and let her siblings out before following close behind. Serena stood and watched as her children drove off. She was so confused who they had to see, and why they had to leave at 9 at night. Serena started to gather her stuff to follow her kids, but she stopped herself and sat back down in Dwayne's recliner before sighing.

"They will tell me when I need to know."


"Lou? Liv?" Lena breathed, after knocking lightly on the door.

"Hey, come in." Liv smiled, from where she sat on the bed with her wife and baby girl. Lou looked up from where she had been watching Nicole sleep, and she smiled at her wife's siblings.

"How are you doing, Lou?" Liam asked as Lena sat the gifts on the dresser on the far side of the room.

"I'm good. Thanks for asking." Lou replied with a tired smile.

"She was a warrior once again. Nicole did prove to be easier since she came when she was supposed too." Olivia grinned. She leaned down and kissed her daughter's bald head.

"She's so cute." Katy smiled, as she stood close and stared at her niece.

"Do you guys want to take turns holding her?" Lou asked, which shocked Olivia a bit. Lou had a hard enough time letting her mother hold Nicole, let alone anyone else. But now she was offering up her baby to Olivia's siblings.

"We'd love too. But not until after we all wash our hands. C'mon." Lena spoke before she and Liam forced the younger four towards the bathroom. Olivia turned and looked at her wife before smiling.

"I watched you bring two beautiful children into this world, and I don't feel as scared anymore of me doing it next time," Olivia spoke, and Lou smiled softly before kissing her temple.

"I know you and I want a kid a year for a bit, but let's not talk about another baby soon. Let's just focus on Nicole."

"If you insist."

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