Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Serena didn't like hearing that her daughter was starting to get better. That she was finally feeling like she didn't kill her stepfather. Serena wanted Olivia to feel bad, so it made her angry to hear that she was happy.

"You killed him, and you are crazy if you think that you didn't." Serena huffed. Olivia shook her head as she helped her wife closer to the grave.

"We will be out soon. Until then, we are going to place these flowers on his grave and I'm going to talk to him." Olivia replied. She shifted Mathias in front of her, before kneeling down beside her mother. She took the flowers from her wife before arranging them. Serena was so angry that it was like steam would come out of her ears.

"What are you having?" Lena breathed, as she walked closer to Lou and gently touched her shoulder. Lou turned around and hugged Lena tightly before smiling as she looked down at her stomach.

"A little girl. We are naming her Nicole Margaret." Lou replied quietly. She kept looking over at Olivia and Mathias and was making sure that Serena wouldn't start something.

"Why didn't Olivia get pregnant this time?" Lena asked nervously.

"The doctors said that she has a clotting disorder. It's what caused the first miscarriage and she'll have to get shots every morning to get pregnant and to allow her to carry the baby to term. So that's why I'm pregnant again. But this next time, we are going to see if she can conceive." Lou replied. 

"Kids lets go wait in the car." Serena spat finally. She stood and grabbed Adam and Emma by their arms before pulling them to the car. Katy, Eliza, Liam, and Lena stayed there and they knelt down beside their sister and nephew.

"Your Papa loved you so much, even before you were born." Lena breathed, as she reached out and took Mathias' tiny hand and gave it a tiny squeeze.

"Who you?" Mathias asked, and Lena looked at her sister for a moment before seeing as Olivia nod slowly.

"I'm your Aunt Lena. This is your Aunt Katy and your Aunt Eliza. And this is your Uncle Liam. We all love you, Mathias. And we have missed you so much since everything happened." Lena breathed. Olivia looked at her siblings before turning her head to look at her wife.

"Ask." Lou urged, and Olivia took a shaky breath before looking at them.

"We are heading to the mall to get some lunch in the food court. Would you guys like to join us? We can catch up and you all can hold Mathias and see the sonogram pictures of Nicole." Olivia smiled softly.

"Good thing we drove separate from Mom. Let's go, before she comes back and yells at us." Liam replied.


After getting food and sitting all together in the corner of the food court, the kids caught up with their sister, sister-in-law, and they all got a chance to hold their nephew. Olivia tried her hardest to not ask questions about their mother, but she was more than happy to answer any questions about the last year of her life.

"So, was it shocking when you guys found out that the baby was a girl instead of a boy?" Lena asked, and Olivia and Lou laughed softly.

"It was quite a shock. We both thought that we would only have little boys, then when they were doing the scan to see what her gender was and we saw that there was nothing between the legs." Lou smiled. She looked over at her wife and saw that her face was flushed. But it wasn't because she wasn't feeling good or because she was embarrassed. It was from her laughing and actually enjoying her time.

"I was going to not ask questions... but how is life without Dwayne?" Olivia questioned quietly.

"It's really hard." Eliza frowned, from where she was taking Mathias from her twin, Katy.

"Is Mom doing okay? Like, keeping everything running smoothly?" Olivia questioned.

"Well, we moved. She couldn't stay in that house after losing him so we live closer to you guys... but we never see you guys. Uh, she's been going to grief therapy and has been working a lot more often than usual. We don't need the money, but she doesn't want to be home with us as often as she had been." 

"It's not your fault," Lou spoke, as she saw the sadness in the kids' eyes.

"It's hard not to feel like it is our fault. Like, she is avoiding us." Katy frowned.

"I think it's more that she's avoiding the memories that she sees when she looks at you all. Like she sees Dad's eyes and the way he used to arch his eyebrows when he would be trying to not laugh at something he knows he shouldn't laugh at." Olivia replied.

"Liam does look a lot like Dad. But now we are scared that something will happen and we will all die the way he did." Lena admitted quietly.

"There are different tests to be performed that can tell you certain things you are at risk for. I'll even set you up with a specialist to help you get these tests and screenings." Olivia replied.

"You'd do that for us?" Liam asked, and Olivia nodded. She felt Lou's hand gently touch her leg, and Olivia turned to look at her.

"I got my test done a few months ago. I have some nasty things that could happen to me, but now is not the time to discuss it. And of course, I'd do it for you guys. I'm your sister, even if Mom doesn't want me as her kid anymore. I'll always be here for you, even when you don't want me to be." Olivia replied.

"Can we do this again, Liv?" Katy asked, and Olivia's eyes went wide.

"If Mom will let you... I'd love to see you all more often. I could always use some help with Mathias and getting yet another nursery set up for Nicole." Olivia breathed. Lena's phone rang and everyone looked over at her. She frowned as she looked at the screen.

"It's Mom. We better get going. I think we are helping her make Dad's favorite dinner tonight." Lena spoke. She quickly got up and they all hugged Olivia and Lou before hesitantly giving Mathias back. Olivia looked at her face and saw a pained expression on Lou's face.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"I need to know what you could possibly die from..."

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