Chapter Fifty-One

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Olivia knew not to believe what Serena said. She lies about a lot of things, and those lies were probably going to be carrying her through the entire custody battle. Serena marched into that courtroom as if she knew she'd be leaving with her children because she didn't think anyone would trust someone who 'kidnaps' children.

"She's cocky." Lena sighed, as they followed Serena into the courtroom. Trevor pointed at the chair beside him for Olivia to sit at, while Lena and Liam sat on the bench behind them.

"She may think she is going to win this, but I have a pattern of mental illness and addiction to bring up." Trevor sighed.

"What?" Olivia whispered.

"You want your siblings, and you are going to get them. I'm going to-"

"You aren't going to play dirty, Trevor. I refuse to let that happen." Olivia whispered quickly.

"You know how things go. This has to happen." Trevor spoke, as Serena's lawyer walked in. Rita didn't even look over at those sitting at the other table, and she only focused on her client.

"Trevor-" Olivia started again, but Trevor shook his head.

"I know what I'm doing. But you got yourself into this and I'm getting you out of it." 


Trevor and Rita went at it for a while and Judge Linden just sat and listened. She decided to call a recess and Olivia pulled Trevor aside to know what he knew on her mother.

"What do you know about Serena?" Olivia whispered as she followed Trevor towards one of the side doors.

"It's for me to know and for you to find out about later," Trevor replied. Olivia groaned as she grabbed his arm and stopped him. She looked up at him as tears welled in her eyes.

"If what you know will completely ruin my mother, I'm dropping this. She can have her kids back." Olivia warned. She brushed a tear from her cheek as she tried to act brave and tough, but she didn't want to ruin Serena's life. She just wanted to help her siblings until Serena could get them back.

"Olivia, you don't want to do that. They could recharge you with the kidnapping." Trevor replied.

"No, they can't. You just don't want this case to drop. So either tell me or I'm going straight to Judge Linden and telling her that I'm done. That this isn't happening." Olivia hissed.

"To pay for medical school, your mother was a prostitute. She was also hospitalized four times for trying to kill herself. Five times for overdosing and alcohol poisoning." Trevor replied.

"When did she try to kill herself?" Olivia whispered.

"When she was pregnant with you. After the rape. Dwayne found her every time and had to take her to the hospital." Trevor spoke. His voice was quiet and even, but Olivia's started to shake as she spoke.

"Give her the kids back. I can't do this." Olivia whispered.


"If she would have just lost a little more blood then I wouldn't be here. I don't want to continue this. Just drop it." Olivia whimpered.

Olivia turned quickly and walked back to where her siblings were sitting. Olivia stopped in her path before shaking her head a bit.

"We aren't doing this anymore, guys. Trevor is going to drop the case. Please go home and stay with Mom. Help her with the kids. And please just don't ask questions." Olivia breathed. She kissed their heads before quickly walking from the courthouse.


Olivia couldn't catch her breath as she tried to walk to her car. She felt like someone had kicked her in the stomach and every ounce of air had left her lungs. She kept stopping and holding onto whatever she could grab because she couldn't wrap her head around the fact her mother tried to kill herself. That because Serena was pregnant if she had succeeded she would also have killed Olivia.

Olivia made it to her car and climbed in before dialing her house number. She was just waiting and waiting, and then that's when she realized that Lou wanted nothing to do with her right now. Olivia felt her chest tighten as a loud sob left her body. She didn't have anyone to turn to right now because she fucked up in regards to her wife and she wasn't talking to her mother anymore.

Olivia just sat there and sobbed for longer than she even thought she had. She opened her eyes and sat back so she wasn't resting her head on the steering wheel anymore. She looked around and saw that the sky had darkened a bit as night approached. She turned on her car and moved to back from her spot, but she stopped herself before giving herself one last shot at making up with Lou tonight. 

"Olivia?" Joan asked quietly as she answered her phone.

"Are you still with Lou?" Olivia replied, her voice hoarse and barely even audible. She had been sobbing for so long that she was losing her voice for sure.

"I'm staying here to help out. Is something wrong?" Joan replied.

"I really need my wife right now. Could you try and convince her to meet me somewhere? I need to see her." Olivia choked out.

"Olivia, honey, I love you so much. But right now my daughter's side is the one I'm taking. Just give her time and space."

"My mom tried to kill herself when she was pregnant with me. I having a hard time getting used to that idea. So I'm not feeling too good mentally at the moment." Olivia huffed before hanging up.


That night, the kids were returned to Serena's care. Lena and Liam went with them, but only to make sure Serena didn't try anything. Serena spoiled her kids that night and made sure to tell them that she loves them more than Olivia ever could.

But Liam and Lena needed to at least discuss what happened with her and get her to stop shit-talking Olivia to the kids.

"Mom," Liam spoke, as he sat in the dining room with his mother and big sister.

"Yes, Liam?" Serena replied.

"Olivia didn't want to keep the kids from you. She wanted to take care of them while you dealt with everything you are dealing with. She was planning on giving them back to you once you had recovered." Liam spoke.

"I doubt that." Serena huffed.

"She dropped the case because her lawyer knew stuff about you that would hurt you if we found out. So what are you hiding from us?" Lena spoke.

"I'm not hiding any-"

"He did hand us this file on his way out. It has everything in it. So do you want to tell us or should we read this out loud?" Lena threatened.

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