Chapter Five

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As Lou left the next morning, after Olivia tried to convince her to stay home all day by kissing her more than she usually does, Olivia's phone rang. Olivia shut the door behind her girlfriend before going over and grabbing her phone. She answered the call even if it was a number she didn't know.

"Yeah?" She questioned.

"Olivia? I got your number from the new unit on our case... Is it okay that I called you?" Serena asked, and Olivia smiled.

"Yeah, it's fine you called me. How are you?" Olivia questioned, as she walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge to try and find something to drink.

"I'm good. I'm surprised how good I am with all of this shocking news that keeps flying at me. Like, I met my daughter even before she or I knew that she was my daughter."

"I'm so sorry that this happened, Serena. That Stella and Jake took me from you and Dwayne. I just hope and that I can actually fit into your family. That you'll all be okay that I'm going to be marrying a girl eventually."

"We will accept you for everything that you are. Okay? Do you understand that?" Serena asked, and Olivia nodded. It took her a moment before realizing that Serena couldn't actually see her.

"I do understand that, Serena. And thank you for that, because Stella and Jake didn't accept me for who I am. Stella had the audacity to tell me that I was meant to have a miscarriage. It was like as if she was excited about it. Like that my child wasn't going to be anything she wanted to have anything to do with. She cared more about her horrible thoughts than me grieving the loss of my child." Olivia breathed. 

Serena hadn't expected Olivia to open up to her about something like that, but she was so thankful that she had.

"They do not deserve you, Olivia. They didn't deserve you from the moment they took you from our home. So, I don't want us to talk about them until we have to. Okay?"

"Yeah. I think I can do that." Olivia replied quietly.

"Your father and I would like to sit down and talk to you. Learn more about the girl we love so much."

"Lou is at work... would you like me to come over this morning?" Olivia asked.

"Actually, could we see where you and Lou live?" Serena asked, and Olivia walked into the living room and looked around her house and realized that it was kinda messy since there were still files all over the place and Olivia and Lou had pictures on the walls and on the mantle that Olivia didn't know if she was ready for her parents to see. 

"Olivia?" Serena asked.

"Yeah, you guys can come over. But, I guess that maybe I need to clean up a bit." Olivia spoke.

"No need to. I want to know you for you, whether if you are a slob or not." Serena laughed softly.

"Okay then... I'll send you my address since then you'll just have it in our messages... I'll see you and Dwayne soon."


Olivia rushed around to get the house to be something that resembles a place where people live and not where pigs live. She vacuumed for the first time since she and Lou moved in here since Lou usually does most of the cleaning. Olivia put the case stuff into a few boxes and then hide them in her closet before going out to hide the binder full of possible donors for the next time Olivia and Lou were going to try for a baby again, but then Serena and Dwayne were ringing the doorbell and Olivia's eyes went wide before she quickly walked to the door as she smoothed her hair.

"They are your parents... they love you... they aren't going to judge you... they want you to be happy," Olivia whispered to herself before opening the door and smiling at her parents.

"Hi. So my house is still a mess, but still. Welcome." Olivia spoke, before stepping out of the way and she let Dwayne and Serena into the house.

"Don't worry. You should have seen our house this weekend. Lena brought home everything from college and just dropped it in the basement or wherever she could find the space." Serena laughed softly, and Olivia smiled.

"Well, we've been done with college and stuff for a while, so there shouldn't be a problem with dirty clothes and books that are completely overpriced." Olivia smiled. Dwayne and Serena walked over and looked around Olivia and Lou's living room. Everything was very simple, but Serena could tell that this house was full of love.

Olivia busied herself by making coffee because she was hoping that they hadn't had enough coffee today, and it gave herself something to focus on while her parents explored.

"Oh." Dwayne breathed, and Serena quickly walked to where her husband stood looking at a picture of Olivia and Lou. Serena felt tears in her eyes as she looked at it.

"I was going to take down some pictures, and that was one of them." Olivia breathed, as she carried the three mugs out of the kitchen and sat them down on the coffee table.

"When you said you miscarried the baby, I didn't expect for you to have been showing that much..." Serena breathed, and Olivia nodded.

"I had reached 14 weeks. And it came out of absolutely nowhere. Lou and I were actually painting the nursery and I just started to feel sick and started to bleed. So we have one of our rooms halfway painted with pale green paint." Olivia sighed. Serena and Dwayne turned around and walked over to the couch and sank down on it while Olivia sat in one of the armchairs.

"So..." Dwayne trailed off, as he looked down at his steaming cup of coffee.

"So, I know that I have Lena as a sister, but how many other siblings do I have?" Olivia asked because this all was super awkward for all of them.

"4 girls and two boys. Lena is counted in those four girls." Serena spoke, and Olivia smiled as she settled back.

"Tell me everything about them... I just want to know everything so I can start to fit in more. Or try and fit in more."

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