Chapter Fourteen

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Alexandra Cabot called Detective Stabler to the stand since Olivia and Lou were long gone for the day.

"Detective Stabler, how did you get put onto this case?" Alexandra asked, and Elliot sighed softly before speaking.

"I caught the case once we caught wind that Olivia Meyers was actually Olivia Houston. I was sent up to Albany to arrest Mr. Meyers and to read Mrs. Meyers her rights again." Elliot spoke.

"What did Detective Houston say to you when you told her you were taking over the case?"

"She told me about her family. About what Mrs. Meyers said to her before she was arrested. What Detective Houston said to me was brought back to my Captain who filed the hate crime charge against the Meyers as a whole." Elliot replied.

"What mindset did she seem to be in at the time?" Alexandra asked, and Elliot frowned.

"She was destroyed. She was having a hard time not crying because her whole world had been turned upside down. I could see how broken she was just by looking into her eyes." Elliot replied.

He felt so bad for what had happened to Olivia, even if it wasn't his fault. He knew that she deserved more than she had been given and that maybe she wouldn't have been so confused and so upset about her parents being angry about her being gay and about how happy her mother seemed when she lost the baby.

"Why is this case also considered a hate crime?" Alexandra asked.

"Because Mr. and Mrs. Houston don't have the same skin color... the whole crime was detailed in a letter that Mrs. Meyers wrote to the Houstons."

"This is the letter you are talking about, correct?" Alexandra asked, as she walked over to her table and grabbed the bag that had the letter in it.

"Correct," Elliot replied.

"Would you mind reading it to us? You must have seen this letter and realized how this fits in perfectly with a hate crime charge?"

"Of course. I'll read it." Elliot spoke.

The letter was handed to Elliot and he cleared his throat before starting.

"Serena Houston... you deserved this. You deserve to be suffering because your daughter was taken from you. When you sleep with someone unlike yourself, it is a sin. She is way better off where she is now. She is loved and she is getting taken care of by people who are the same. People who love each other and who can give her the right life. You'll be going to hell..." Elliot finished the short letter before looking up at ADA Cabot.

"And who's address is on the front of the letter?"

"It's the Meyers' address. There is no name, and because they didn't exactly say that they had taken the baby, they weren't charged until now. Until Olivia Houston went over there and asked Mrs. Meyers about the letter."

"Thank you, Detective Stabler."



Back at Olivia and Lou's house, Lou was laying on their bed sobbing. She was so angry that Olivia was embarrassed by their relationship and their dead child. She just wanted to break up with Olivia and kick her out just because she lied to her about loving what they had.

"Lou?" Olivia questioned, as she walked into the front door of their house.

Lou quickly climbed out of bed and stumbled out of their room.

"GET THE HELL OUT!" She screamed, and Olivia quickly stumbled back and leaned against the door as her heart pounded in her chest.

"Let me talk... I can explain. I'm not-"

"You are embarrassed of me! You are embarrassed of the baby that you miscarried! How dare you come in here and tell me otherwise!" She screamed.

"I didn't say that! I just wanted to have my life stay private because you know how private I am! That's why I didn't tell you that I loved you until I felt like you were the one I wanted to be with! That you were the only person who could truly see me as more than I thought I was!" Olivia cried.

"I want you out now, Liv. We are done!" Lou cried, and Olivia screamed. She didn't say anything. She just screamed.

Lou stared at her in horror, as Olivia continued to scream as she sank down onto her knees by the door. She wrapped her arms around her body as she doubled over.

Her pain wasn't in her stomach, it was in her whole body. Her brain hurt. Her heart ached. Her body felt like it was going to collapse or to combust out of nowhere. 

She felt like she was dying because her whole world was ending and exploding.

"Liv..." Lou breathed, as Olivia's scream faded away and it was replaced by her gasping for air. She couldn't seem to get her lungs to fill, and she felt like she was going to die right there in the front hallway of their house.

Lou quickly walked over to Olivia and sank down beside her. She reached out and hesitantly touched Olivia's shoulder and she felt as her fiancee jumped from the contact.

"I'm. Sorry." Olivia gasped, and Lou shook her head before pulling Olivia close.

"You are okay. I'm sorry. I should have listened..." Lou breathed, as she rubbed Olivia's back as she sank down closer to her.

"I'm not who I should be... I'm a monster. I need to go. I need to leave now." Olivia cried, as she quickly stood up and started to figure out what she needed to grab before she left.

"You aren't a monster. I'm sorry for what I said and for telling you that we are done. I love you. I'll listen. Just come here and sit down and try and breath. You are going to give yourself a panic attack if you don't try and at least calm down for a few minutes." Lou spoke, and Olivia stopped moving and looked at Lou.

"You still love me? You still want to be with me?" Olivia asked, confused and her voice almost completely gone.

"There is no other person in this world that I'd rather be with. I love you so much that it hurts." Lou spoke, before holding Olivia tightly in her arms so that she wouldn't be able to leave.

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