Chapter Twenty-Six

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"You look absolutely stunning in that dress, Livvie." Lou smiled, as she and her fiancee got ready for bed the night they had their second to last fitting.

"I don't want to outshine you on your big day..." Olivia replied. She was far from their house at the moment because she was so confused about why her mother snapped at her earlier.

"My big day?" Lou questioned, as she stopped and turned to look at her fiancee.

"Yeah," Olivia replied. She finished tying her hair back, before turning to leave the bathroom.

Lou followed quickly behind and watched as Olivia climbed into bed.

"What's wrong?" Lou asked.

"Hmm?" Olivia questioned, as she made eye contact with Lou.

"What's wrong because I know that you just aren't tired. You are all zoned out and don't even seem excited about our wedding anymore." Lou huffed.

"Sorry." Olivia frowned.

"What is going on with you, because if you are having second thoughts-"

"Lou, I love you and I want to be married to you. I want to be a mother to Mathias. It's just that I'm having a hard time dealing with how my mother responded to me earlier..."

"She's probably just stressed. We have a lot to do to get ready for the wedding and to add to this, Lena's case is going to trial."

"How did you find out?" Olivia asked, quietly.

"Because I work at the courthouse, Olivia. It's not too hard to find this stuff out."

"Lou, do you think she's angry at me for not telling her right away that Lena's attacker is going to trial?"

"You found out this morning, didn't you? You didn't really have a chance to tell her since we were busy this morning getting our outfits to fit right, which mine just keeps getting more uncomfortable to wear." Lou spoke.

Olivia frowned before reaching out to her fiancee. She grabbed her hand and drew her onto the bed. Lou snuggled into Olivia's side, as Olivia gently ran her hand over Lou's swell.

"So much is happening right now, and I'm just really overwhelmed," Olivia whispered, as she rested her cheek against Lou's soft red hair.

"There is no reason to be overwhelmed, honey. And tell me this all when you start feeling it. I don't want you to zone out on our whole marriage." Lou spoke.

"I don't want to be either..."


Serena and Dwayne laid together in their bed the night that Lena told her mother that she had almost been raped. Serena was silent, but she was so incredibly angry that it wasn't even funny. She wanted to kill the boy who hurt her baby.

"Serena, what's happening in that pretty little head of yours?" Dwayne asked, and Serena just gave out a small huff before crossing her arms over her chest.

"Don't talk to me, Dwayne Houston." Serena spat.

"Why not?" Dwayne asked.

"Oh, don't you dare ask me questions. Just go to bed like you have every night we have been married! Just shut up and sleep!" Serena spat. Dwayne didn't know what he did, but he climbed out of bed and grabbed his pillow before slowly heading towards the door.

"Where do you think you are going?!" Serena growled.

"I'm going to sleep in the den. Like I usually do when we fight." Dwayne replied.

"Oh, no you aren't!" She exclaimed.

"Okay. Then you have to at least tell me what is happening because you haven't been this angry since Liam and Lena brought that snake into the house and lost it while you were pregnant with the twins." Dwayne replied.

Serena let out a shaky breath but didn't speak. She just stared ahead as her husband climbed back into bed. 

"Rena, tell me." Dwayne breathed.

"I don't want to," Serena mumbled. Dwayne turned towards his wife and gently caressed her cheek until she turned to look at him.

"We talk about everything, and I don't want that to stop now," Dwayne replied quietly.

Serena started to sob, and she quickly turned into her husband and clung to him. Dwayne rubbed his wife's back until her sobs slowed down and she could breathe normally again.

"The boy who attacked Lena tried to rape her before..."


Elliot sat at his desk the morning after he told Olivia about Elijah Moore. He was just about to call her and check in on her and make sure everything was going good, but he didn't get the chance because Dwayne Houston was stomping towards his desk.

"I want all of the information on the bastard that tried to rape and kill my little girl." Dwayne boomed, and Elliot shook. He has seen Mr. Houston several times before, but he has never seen him angry. 

"Mr. Houston, I can't just give you this information. Not until the trial. I'm sorry." Elliot replied as he tried to not show off the fact that he was about to shit himself because he was so scared.

"Tell me right now before I beat the information out of you!" Dwayne yelled. He was so upset that information had been kept from him, that all he wanted to do was know it. 

"Daddy?" Olivia asked as she walked into the squad room. She had been called by Cragen and asked to come in and start helping with the new case they had.

"Olivia, go home," Dwayne spoke. Elliot didn't look away from his partner's father, because he was scared of what might happen.

"Daddy, calm down. Elliot couldn't tell you the information that Lena told him because she's an adult. This isn't his fault, or my fault, or Lena's fault. But you know what you can know until the trial starts. So please sit down." Olivia spoke, as she approached her father. She gently touched his arm, and she was surprised when he didn't shrug her hand away.

"She's only 19." Dwayne breathed.

"I know, but she's doing so good right now. I'll drive you home. You should be with Mom and the kids." Olivia breathed. She turned her father around and saw tears on his cheeks. Olivia reached up and gently brushed the tears from his cheeks before giving him a gentle smile.

"I don't want any of my kids to get hurt again." Dwayne whimpered, and Olivia nodded.

"I know. And we won't. Let's just get you home."

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