Chapter Twenty

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Olivia didn't know what to do because Lena is still her sister even if Lena wanted nothing to do with her. Olivia looked at her partner before biting her lower lip hard enough to draw blood.

"Get in your car and go home. Contact your parents." Elliot spoke, as he tried to turn Olivia around so she would walk towards her car, but instead, she just stood as still as possible.

"That is my little sister, Elliot. I'm not leaving here. I won't investigate, but I will sit by here until our parents can get here." Olivia replied. Elliot frowned before nodding slowly.

"Okay. I'll show you to her room. Sit there and contact Serena and Dwayne but don't ask her questions."

"Is she awake?" Olivia questioned, and Elliot frowned.

"She was unresponsive at the scene. Don't ask her questions if she wakes up. Just sit there and be a family member." Elliot spoke. 

Olivia let him lead her to a room as she numbly walked behind him. She walked in and sat beside her sister that had bruises on her arms and around her neck. Olivia said Elliot's name before he could leave and he turned around to look at her.


"It looks like she had someone try and strangle her." Olivia breathed.

"What?" Elliot asked, and Olivia pointed at her sister's neck.

"She doesn't usually have hand marks on her neck, Elliot. Someone tried to kill her, and you better find out who did it or I'll be on a warpath. Trust me."


Olivia continued to sit with Lena all night. She couldn't reach her parents, so she just left a message on their machine at the house because she knew they checked it whenever they got home.

Lena didn't move nor stir at all. She just laid motionless in the bed as she got help from oxygen to help breath. As the hours went on, Olivia watched as the bruises got even darker on Lena's skin. She just wanted her sister to wake up and say that she knew who did this to her.

Olivia eventually pulled her phone out again and called Lou because she knew she'd be up right now.

"Hey, babe," Lou spoke once she answered the phone.

"Hey. So I'll be home sometime today." Olivia spoke.

"Is the case over already?" Lou questioned, her surprise very evident in her voice.

"I'm not allowed to work the case," Olivia spoke.

"Well, why not?" Lou questioned.

"Because Lena is a victim." Olivia frowned, as she leaned back in her chair and examined her sister's face.

"Is she okay? Did you get ahold of Serena and Dwayne?" Lou questioned rapidly.

"They aren't answering their phones and didn't check my message on their home answering machine."

"Okay, so I'll get ready and head over to the house. Maybe the kids are up and they can tell me where your parents are." Lou spoke.

"No, Lou... you don't have to do that. Honey, just go to work and I'll head over there if I don't hear from them soon." Olivia replied.

"Your family is my family, Olivia. I'll see you soon." Lou replied before hanging up on her fiancee.


Lou went over to the Houston's house and she knocked on the front door for a while before Serena came to the door.

"Lou? What are you doing here?" Serena questioned. Lou could tell that she had just woke her up, so now she had to break the news to her.

"Liv has been trying to call you all night. I need you and Dwayne to come to the hospital with me." Lou spoke.

"Oh my god... did Liv get shot?" Serena whimpered.

"No. Oh no. But it's Lena... she got hurt at the club last night. Liv has been sitting with her all night and she has been trying to get in contact with you guys the whole time." Lou spoke, and Serena just stared at Lou numbly.

"Serena let's go inside and you can get changed," Lou spoke gently. She reached out and helped her soon to be mother in law up the stairs before shutting the door behind them.

"Lou what are you doing here?" Dwayne asked as he came down the stairs and saw Olivia's fiancee standing there.

"Okay, so Lena got hurt last night. Liv is at the hospital with her and has been trying to contact you for several hours. I came here to take you to the hospital to be with her."

"What happened?" Dwayne asked as he helped his wife over to the stairs before stopping to look back at Lou.

"I don't know yet. Liv will tell you when you get there."


Lou and Liv sat with Lena while Serena and Dwayne talked to her doctor. When they were done, they came into the room and Olivia stood up and let them sit beside their daughter.

"What are those marks on her neck?" Serena breathed, as Liv stood beside Lou and wrapped an arm around her waist.

"Those are bruises... we think that someone tried to strangle her." Olivia breathed tiredly.

"Who would do this to my baby... I told her not to go but she didn't listen! God, why does she have to be so stubborn?!" Serena cried, before turning into her husband. He wrapped his arms around her and held her close as she cried.

"We are going to leave you guys with her. I'll get as much information as I can to make sure that you all stay up to date. She'll be okay. She's fluttered her eyes a few times since I've sat with her." Olivia spoke, and Dwayne nodded.

"Thanks for taking care of her. It means a lot to us. Thanks for making sure we stay in the loop."

"Of course. I'll head over there once I make sure Lou gets to work."

"I can get to-" Lou started, but Liv just pulled her from the room. Olivia pressed her fiancee against the wall outside of the room and kissed her deeply. She was so anxious about this all that she just needed to feel the confidence and love and strength she felt when she kisses the woman she loves.

"Everything will work out. She'll be good." Lou breathed once Olivia had finished kissing her.

"God do I hope so because I don't want my sister to die before we can make up."

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