Chapter Thirty

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Serena drove over to Lou and Olivia's house. She tried to figure out what to say to them to get their relationship back on track. But she didn't know that Olivia wasn't there anymore and that Lou was still standing and staring at the front door as she prayed for her fiancee to come back home.

There was a knock on the door, and Lou quickly moved to the door and opened it. But she saw the woman that started this all.

"How dare you come here after what you said to Liv!" Lou cried as she went to slam the door in Serena's face. But Serena stopped the door from shutting and opened it back up before stepping inside.

"I'm so sorry for what I said, Lou. I really am. I love her, you, and Mathias. I was just so overwhelmed and angry." Serena spoke, as she reached out to grab Lou's hand. But Lou slapped Serena's hand away and stomped towards the kitchen.

"You really destroyed her, Serena. She's devastated! She sat in the rain for hours last night because she was so numb! You should really realize that she's not like your other children. She is delicate as of late because of everything that has happened in the last year or so."

"I didn't mean to hurt her so bad. I didn't mean to say that thing about her pregnancy. You have got to believe me." Serena pleads, but Lou was beyond angry and she was on the verge of tears.

"What if my fiancee never comes home? What if I have to raise Mathias on my own because you were an absolute bitch to her?!" Lou cried.

"I love my daughter and I won't let her ruin her life!" Serena cried.

"So this baby and I are ruining her life!?" Lou cried, before slamming her hands against the counter and let out a loud scream.

"Lou, you are meant to be with my daughter. You aren't ruining her life. Mathias isn't either. But she is building up her walls and forcing everyone out. She's scared and confused. She's-"

"You don't know her, Serena. You know nothing about her. Get out of my house before I call the police." Lou growled.


Olivia had driven to the ocean. She parked her car and got out and sat on the sand. Everything was cold and damp, but she was so numb that the coldness didn't faze her. She sat as tears ran down her cheeks and she stared out and watch as the waves washed onto the shore. They barely touched the toes of her boots, but she still felt too far away from the water. Away from something that could wash her away and from the trouble she has made. She was wishing that maybe, just maybe this would all just go away. That it would fade to black and never come back. She didn't want to live and cause her fiancee and son more harm than she already did.

"Where are you?" Elliot questions, as he sank down beside Olivia. Olivia looked over at him with tired and confused eyes.

"How did you find me?" Olivia asked tiredly.

"I'm a cop and you are my partner," Elliot replied. Olivia wiped a tear from her cheek before sighing softly.

"I think I'm gonna leave Manhattan... for good." Olivia breathed.

"What? Why..." Elliot trailed off. He watched as she tensed up from those questions.

"You don't have to answer if you don't want to, Liv." Elliot breathed, as he gently touched her leg with his hand.

"If my egg had been used and Lou carried the baby, I feel like I'd be Mathias' mother. But since she is just pregnant with the donor's baby, it's their child. Not mine. I'm nothing to him and I never will be. That's why I want to leave. And I want to leave now."

"Did you ever promise Lou that you'd always be together?" Elliot asked, and Olivia bit her lip before nodding slowly.

"When we first kissed... I told her that I loved her and that I always wanted to be with her. But I was a child still." Olivia replied quietly.

"But you aren't anymore and you still love her, right?" Elliot asked.

"I will never be able to stop loving her. I met my soulmate when I was in middle school." Olivia replied, her voice almost a whimper. She hated to think about hurting the girl she loved more than she ever loved herself.

"Then what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with her? She's what, 82 weeks pregnant or something?" Elliot spoke, and Olivia cracked a small but weak smile.

"30 weeks pregnant... but she doesn't want me back. I just walked out. I just keep fucking everything up." Olivia mumbled.

"Get in your car and drive home. I'll cover for you at work." Elliot spoke.

"I'm still his mother even if Lou carried him and the donor is his father?" Olivia asked, nervously.

"The donor donated his sperm. He isn't the father. For all Mathias knows, he only has two amazing mothers who love him no matter what." Elliot spoke. Olivia quickly leaned over and hugged him tightly.

"Thanks, Elliot... Lou and I have talked and we kinda want you to be Mathias' godfather... but we can discuss that later. I have to get home to her."

Elliot watched as Olivia scrambled up and went running to her car as she brushed sand from her jeans. Elliot turned around and looked at the water before sighing.


Olivia got home and she opened the front door before walking towards the kitchen where she heard the kettle start to hiss. Olivia saw her fiancee standing by it as she slowly pulled it from the heat. She poured the water into a mug before sighing softly.

"I'm sorry that I ran out on you and Mathias, Lou. I really didn't mean to hurt you as I did... I guess I just still having doubts about everything." Olivia breathed. Lou turned around slowly and a few tears ran down her cheeks as she looked at her fiancee.

"I didn't expect to see you again, Liv."

"I wanted to run away. I want to die... I just didn't want to face everything that was hurting me." Olivia whispered.

"We are gonna get married. You need to tell me everything, even if you think it will hurt me."



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