Chapter Seventeen

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Between expecting a baby, planning a wedding, and having Stella and Jake going to prison, Olivia found herself in a place that was better than she had been before. She was excited about her life, and about how everything just seemed to be going good.

"I feel like this is how I'm going to be on the first day of school our baby attends," Lou spoke, as she helped Olivia pick out something to wear on her first day of working at Manhattan SVU.

"At least you and I aren't sobbing right now, which I know will happen the day our baby heads off to preschool," Olivia spoke before she turned around and smiled at her fiancee. Lou smiled back at her fiancee before sighing softly.

"You are gonna be okay right? Like you aren't going to get attached to the victims and get yourself in trouble?" Lou questioned, as she wiped the dust off of Olivia's boots.

"I'm gonna be okay, I promise. So, this shirt?" Olivia asked, and Lou looked at the dark blue top and nodded.

"Looks good. But honestly, you should skip your first day and just spend it here with me... without any clothes on." Lou grinned, and Olivia sighed before taking her nightshirt off and tugging the other shirt on.

"Yeah... I wish. But babe, if I don't go in today I never will be able to go to work. I just want to stay home with you and help you get the wedding details together but we need money to live the life we have." Olivia spoke.

"You are gonna talk to your new Captain about coming in later next Wednesday, right?" Lou asked, and Olivia eyed her.


"Because we are looking at venues," Lou replied, and Olivia nodded.

"I will ask him. I'll see you tonight. Make sure you get some rest." Olivia spoke, and Lou nodded.

"I'll try too." She smiled, before walking over to Olivia. Olivia placed her hands to Lou's waist before drawing her close.

"I love you both so much." Olivia breathed, as she reached down and gently touched Lou's stomach gently.

"We love you too. Now, go. Before I convince you to stay here for the rest of our lives."


Olivia walked into the squadroom of her new squad, and she couldn't help be a bit nervous. She kept messing with the ends of her sleeves as she looked for Elliot.

"Hey, there you are!" Elliot exclaimed, and Olivia turned around and looked at her new partner.

"Hey, Elliot... how are you?" Olivia asked.

"I'm good. I'm glad that you are here. We just got a call about a rape case. Do you want to go in and get your stuff from the Captain before joining me?" Elliot asked, and Olivia nodded slowly.

"Yeah, sure. Uh, what's his name again?" Olivia questioned, as Elliot led Olivia back to their Captain's office.

"Don Cragen. Most of the time you can just get away with calling him Cragen." Elliot spoke, before knocking on the door and opening it when Cragen told them to come in.

"Ah, Olivia Houston. It's nice to finally meet you." Captain Cragen spoke, as he stood up and walked around his desk before reaching his hand out to shake Olivia's.

"It's nice to meet you too, sir. Thank you for asking me to come onto your squad. It means a lot." Olivia spoke, and her face went red because she was fearing that she was rambling and she knew that once she starts to ramble, she never stops.

"You're kinda nervous, huh?" Cragen questioned, as he got into the bottom desk drawer and pulled out a bag and handed it to Olivia.

Olivia opened it before grabbing her badge out and hooking it back to her belt loop before grabbing her new gun and cuffs.

"This unit is a lot more dangerous than my last one. I'm a little nervous because I have a fiancee and a baby on the way... I don't want to get hurt and leave them." Olivia spoke, and Cragen nodded before looking at Elliot then back at Olivia.

"Elliot is one of the best detectives that we have. He'll cover you and make sure nothing bad happens to you. Now, go investigate this rape."


Olivia was shaking as she and Elliot walked into the hospital. Olivia kept glancing over at Elliot who didn't look scared or nervous at all.

"Okay, until you know what to do, I'll do the talking. Unless she seems drawn to you." Elliot spoke, as they stopped outside of the door of one of the rooms. Olivia nodded before looking at him.

"I don't want to fuck this up. I don't want her to think that I'm some newbie that has no fucking idea what she is doing." Olivia breathed.

"Then act like you know shit and just be kind and understanding," Elliot replied, before gently touching her arm. He gave Olivia a reassuring smile, and she gave him a wobbly one back.

Elliot and Olivia walked into the room and saw a middle-aged woman laying in the bed. She was covered up to her neck and kept looking over at the door. When she saw Olivia and Elliot walk in, she started to scream.

"Hey, it's okay. You are okay!" Olivia exclaimed as she walked slowly to the woman.

"Get him out!" She cried, and Olivia fanned Elliot out of the room before she slowly walked towards the bed.

"He's gone. It's just you and me now. Do you want to talk about what happened?" Olivia asked, her voice soft and even.

"The man was in my office when I got to work. He grabbed me and gagged me before hurting me down there." The woman whimpered, and Olivia sank down onto a chair and reached out and gently touched her arm. Olivia didn't know how, but this all seemed to come naturally to her. Like she was meant to work with victims and not cold cases.

"Okay. Did you let them do a rape kit for you?" Olivia asked, and she quickly shook her head.

"No... there was a male nurse. I can't-"

"Hey, let me get you a female nurse. I'll even sit with you if that will make you more comfortable." Olivia breathed, and she nodded quickly.

"Please." She begged.

"Okay. Well, I need to know your name before I can go get a nurse." Olivia spoke, and the woman nodded before letting the blanket fall down a bit. 

"Tracey... Tracey Null." She breathed, and Olivia gave her a gentle smile.

"Okay, Tracey. We will get through this together." 

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