Chapter Forty-Eight

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Olivia waited quietly for her mother to respond. It was as if she was shocked that Olivia had the kids, even if there had been a note left and Olivia told her when she was drunk. 

"I'm hanging up now." Olivia groaned, after several moments of silence.

"Why did you take my kids? Why did you just take them away from me without telling me face to face? I'm a good mother to those kids. Way better than you can be to them and your own kids." Serena spat.

"They aren't getting abused here. They don't have to see you sleeping on the kitchen floor because you are so fucking drunk. By the way, it was a nice touch to show that you are truly crazy by throwing a knife at me." Olivia replied.

"Oh, fuck off, Olivia." Serena spat. Olivia sighed before looking back at Nicole.

"My baby is sleeping. I need to keep quiet so she doesn't wake up Lou. Go to sleep and leave us alone. I will be filing for custody of the children if you don't leave us alone." Olivia spoke. She hung up before sitting her phone on the coffee table. She leaned back and rubbed Nicole's back for several long moments before sighing.

"Our family is crazy, Nicole. Super freaking crazy."


Early the next morning, the kids got up and Liam and Lena took them to the arcade. Olivia got Mathias occupied on playing with blocks while she held Nicole or changed her. Lou slept in super late, and when she finally made her entrance she saw her wife. Well, the zombie version of her wife.

"When did you get up?" Lou questioned, as she took Nicole into her arms and sat down to nurse her.

"Uh, I think since 2. I just bottle-fed Nicole every time after that because I knew you needed your sleep." Olivia replied.

"You look like you are going to pass out. Go get some sleep." Lou ordered. Olivia shook her head before picking up some clothes from the living room floor. She moved past her wife and into the laundry room. She started a load before leaning against the washer as she yawned so loudly and with such strength that tears ran down her cheeks.

"Liv, go lay down," Lou called from the living room. Olivia turned and walked towards the living room before shaking her head.

"I promised to take care of you and our children. And I-"

"You are going to pass out and get hurt. You are so tired you are going to get sick and then I will have even more to deal with. So go get some sleep. I've got the kids and I'll take messages on all your calls. Sleep."

Olivia shook her head and just sat down on the ground beside Mathias and started to play with them. They stacked blocks and knocked them down before doing it all over again. They did that until lunchtime, where Olivia went in to make lunch. She was in the middle of cutting Lou's sandwich when everything caught up to her. She slid down the counter and slumped down on the floor as she started to snore.

"Liv?" Lou asked, as she quickly walked into the kitchen and saw her wife sleeping on the floor.

"Mommy, what's happening?" Mathias asked as he joined his mother in the kitchen.

"Momma is really sleeping, Mat. Go get her a pillow and a blanket. I'll make your lunch."


When Olivia's siblings got home, they walked into the kitchen and stared at where their sister was curled up on the kitchen rug with one of Mathias' Paw Patrol blankets on her and a pillow under her head. They stared at her for a while before moving out into the living room.

"Why is Liv sleeping on the kitchen floor?" Liam asked, as they watched Lou fold a bunch of baby clothes.

"She kinda passed out. She was up all night, and I can't move her. So she is sleeping there." Lou replied.

"Want me to move her?" Liam asked.

"If you wouldn't mind," Lou replied. Liam nodded before walking into the kitchen. He lifted his big sister up and carried her into her bedroom. He laid her on her bed before covering up and walking out. He closed the door before running his hands over his face.

"How was the arcade?" Lou questioned.

"We won a few things. But we mostly won them for Mathias." Eliza spoke, as she handed her stuffed toy to her nephew.

"Yay!" Mathias squealed as he hugged the stuffed otter to his chest.

"What do you say, Mat?" Lou asked.

"Thanks!" He squealed. Lou smiled before looking back at the kids.

"Do you guys need anything or want anything?" Lou questioned.

"No. We are good. I think we just want to go to nap or something. See you later." Lena spoke, before ushering her siblings towards their room.


Olivia woke up late that night and walked into her dimly lit living room. She saw Lena sitting on the couch with her phone ringing in her hand.

"Hey, what's happening?" Olivia yawned.

"Mom's calling me," Lena whispered.

"Oh, really?" Olivia huffed. She walked closer to her sister before declining the call.

"I hate that she has no one at all, Liv. Not even Dad is there to deal with her craziness." Lena sighed.

"Well, she made mistakes. I had to take you so that you guys didn't get hurt even more than before." Olivia replied.

"I want to do something more than just wait here for Mom to get us or for her to have you arrested-" Lena didn't finish her statement before seeing blue and red lights flashing from outside Olivia's house.

"Well shit." Olivia groaned, before moving to the front door. She opened it before the officers knocked.

"Please be quiet, my wife and kids are sleeping," Olivia spoke.

"Detective Houston, your mother called us and told us that you had her children." An officer frowned.

"Uh, I do. She is a drunk, she hit my brother and yelled at my siblings. I took them to give her a chance to sober up and then get them back." Olivia spoke.

"We have to arrest you for kidnapping, Detective." The detective frowned.

"Can I go get changed real quick?" Olivia asked, and he nodded.

"Make it quick."

"Yes, sir."

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