Chapter Nine

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"She's here!" Serena exclaimed as she walked away from the front window. She had just spotted Olivia and Lou, and now she was acting like a little kid because she was so excited to see her daughter again.

"Mom, chill," Lena spoke, from where she sat on the couch and cleaned the dirt off of her hightops.

"You are making a mess, child," Dwayne spoke, as he came out of the kitchen as they heard the boys fighting upstairs. He headed up the stairs, while Lena slipped her shoes back on before heading out back to see what her youngest sisters were doing. 

"So? Gonna let them in?" Dwayne asked, once he walked back down the stairs and heard the doorbell ring.

"She's meeting the kids today, Dwayne... It's kinda scary."

"Everything will be good, Rena. Now, open the door before she thinks that we ditched her." Dwayne spoke, before kissing the back of his wife's head. Serena moved away from her husband and opened the door and smiled at her daughter and Lou.

"I'm so glad you two could come over for dinner. We still have so much more we want to talk about... so much more we want to know." Serena smiled.

"Well, we have some good news to tell you. Very good news."


Serena was so excited that Olivia and Lou were engaged. She hugged them both tightly for several moments, before having to let them go when the kids flowed into the room.

"Alright, you know the drill. Line up by age, and or how much your mother and I love you more than your other siblings." Dwayne spoke, a smile plastered on his face.

"Dad." Liam sighed, and Dwayne shook his head.

"Get over it, dude. It's time we introduce you all to your big sister." Dwayne replied, as Serena moved to him and stood beside him.

"Hi..." Olivia spoke, nervously. She knew which kid was Lena, and she assumed which boy was Liam because he was wearing a football jersey.

"So, that one is Lena, then Liam is the next oldest. Uh, 19 and 17." Dwayne spoke, and Olivia nodded before stepping forward and shaking their hands before stepping back and holding Lou's hand again. Lou looked over at her fiancee and saw her nervous she was. She was still 4 siblings short of knowing them all, and she already looked like she is going to get sick.

"Then I'm Eliza and this is Katy. We are twins, each 13." Eliza spoke, and Olivia nodded before stepping forward and shaking their hands. Katy smiled at Olivia, and Olivia couldn't help but wonder if she looked anything like her siblings. She couldn't tell, but she was hoping she did so that they might like her more.

"2 to go." Serena laughed softly.

"Then that is Adam, he's 12. And that's our baby girl, Emma. She's 9."

"Almost 10!" Emma exclaimed, and Olivia smiled.

"Well, it's so good to meet you all. Honestly, I never thought I'd have siblings, let alone this many... uh, so I know you know who I am. But in case you don't know, this is my fiancee Lou." Olivia spoke.

"It's good to meet you, Lou. Mom not only talks about how amazing Olivia is, and how she is so much like me and the rest of our siblings, but she also talks about you a lot too. Says that you are good for Olivia and that you have helped her through a lot. So, from us all... thanks so much for taking care of our sister when we didn't even know where she was or how she was doing." Lena spoke, before stepping forward and quickly hugging Lou.


Katy and Eliza seemed to have really taken to Olivia and Lou. At first, they seemed to think that they were twins just like they were, since Lou and Olivia are extremely close, but then Serena pulled them aside and explained to them what their relationship really was, the girls still really liked Lou and Olivia.

"So, Serena said that you are into art," Olivia spoke, as she leaned against the doorframe to Lena's room. She was sitting cross-legged on the floor as she painted something. She looked over her shoulder and nodded.

"I am. I get it from my grandma... our grandma? I don't know. I just get it from my father's mother. She really likes to paint." Lena replied.

"I still don't get that either. Like, I know that we share the same mother, and if I had been raised by your father and our mother, he'd be my Dad too. But with grandparents, I don't know what they would say, think, or feel." Olivia sighed. She didn't walk into Lena's room, because she didn't know if she was welcomed in her sister's room.

"Are you and Lou gonna have kids?" Lena asked, and Olivia felt her cheeks grow warm and she nodded slowly.

"Yeah. You can't tell Serena or Dwayne though... because we don't know if Lou is pregnant or not yet." Olivia replied, quietly.

"You had a baby before, didn't you?" Lena asked, and Olivia nodded.

"I did. But I lost the baby. Why?" She replied.

"I feel like it's in our family. The first baby is always lost. At least you got to come back. Mom and Dad love you so much,  and we all are glad you got to come back and wasn't lost forever." Lena replied.

"I never knew where I fit in when I was younger. Lou and I went to a Catholic middle school, and then when we were finally out of middle school and got to go to a public school, we fit in. Lou and I could finally be together. But then my parents found out that I was gay and freaked out."

"Mom and Dad would have accepted you and Lou from the start, Olivia. I would have too. I just wish I would have had you for my full life, then maybe you and I could be as close as the twins are. Or how Emma is with Mom and Dad."

"She's spoiled, isn't she?" Olivia asked, and Lena nodded.

"She is. But she's spoiled by us all. She's the baby, and she had barely made it when she was born. She had a heart issue and then had to get surgery when she was barely 2 hours old because she kept turning blue. She's spoiled because we almost lost her." Lena spoke, and Olivia nodded slowly.

"I guess that I have-"

"You can say what you want, but learn more us before you say something about the baby of the family." Lena snapped a bit, and Olivia swallowed hard.

"I'm sorry... I think that maybe it would be wise if Lou and I left for the night. Bye." Olivia breathed, before turning and walking away from the door. 

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