Chapter Twenty-Three

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Olivia and Lou didn't hear from Elliot or Olivia's parents for the whole night. They just spent the night together and decided on two names for their baby. Both were wondering whether they'd get a little boy or a little girl. Either way they knew that they'd be happy, and would love their child no matter what he or she ended up being.

"You better not have a case." Lou groaned as she rolled over onto her side so that her fiancee could climb out of bed and get her phone.

"Hey, you just fell asleep. I think our early morning session is over." Olivia replied, with a small smile on the corners of her lips.

"Hey, I'm pregnant. I have an excuse." Lou spoke, as her fiancee left their bedroom and quickly ran to grab her phone.

She unplugged it from the wall before answering it.

"Hello?" Olivia questioned, as she walked over and grabbed a blanket from the back of the couch and wrapped it around her body. She didn't want her neighbors to walk by and see her standing in the living room completely naked.

"Hey, Liv." Lena breathed, and Olivia's eyes went wide.

"Lena? Uh, hi." Olivia breathed. 

"Mom said that you sat with me the whole night of my accident," Lena replied.

"I did. I didn't want you to be alone. I know that we aren't really 'sisters' right now or really have ever been, but I still love you. I still didn't want you to wake up and be scared if you didn't have someone you knew with you." Olivia spoke.

"How are you?" Lena asked, nervously.

"I'm good. Are you doing better?" Olivia asked.

"My neck still hurts. But I'm getting released today. One of the girls passed away this morning. She had a seizure and was without oxygen for too long." Lena sighed.

"Did you know her?" Olivia questioned, cautiously.

"No. But it's still sad. Elijah is such an ass to do this to us." Lena huffed.

"Who is Elijah, Lena?"

"The guy. The one who did this to me and the girls. The one that tried to strangle your other victim. I dated him for six months. I gave him that ring." Lena spoke, and she heard her sister go completely silent.

Olivia was having a hard time to wrap her head around what her little sister had told her.

"Liv, what's wrong?" Lou asked from where she stood in their bedroom doorway. Olivia turned around as she swallowed hard.

"Lena, did you tell Elliot about him?" Olivia questioned, and Lou quickly crossed the carpet and to where Olivia stood.

"I did. I guess I'm just calling you to tell you too."

"Thanks for telling me, Lena... If you need anything at all just call me. I will even be able to get you to take out as you want." Olivia spoke.

"Thanks for sitting with me, Liv. For being my sister even if I didn't want you to be my sister."

"If you still don't want me to be-"

"I want you to be my sister. I want to be an Aunt to your baby. Just give me a few weeks."

"Take your time, Lena... I love you." Olivia spoke, and she heard Lena mumble something before hanging up.

"Lena called you?!" Lou exclaimed, and Olivia nodded.

"She wants to be my sister again. God... I'm so surprised."


Lena got home and she was hugged by each of her siblings. Then Emma, Katy, and Eliza took their sister to her room and tucked her into her clean bed and grabbed her laptop and made sure she had snacks and water.

Lena liked being pampered, but she didn't like the looks that Liam gave her when she walked into the house. It was like he was a little ashamed of her.

"Lena, I think we need to talk," Liam spoke, and Lena looked at him and frowned.


"Nope. I know you are my big sister, but we need to talk. Now." Liam replied, before shutting her bedroom door. He walked over and opened up one of her windows before sitting down on Lena's desk chair.

"Liam, if this is about Elijah-"

"Of course it's about him! He's he tried to rape you when you blacked out at our party. I had to pull him off of you. You didn't believe me, but I feel like you should now." Liam huffed, and Lena rolled her eyes.

"Dude, just calm down. He's going to jail for this. Liv and Elliot will make sure he rots." Lena replied. 

She was so sure about this, but she should feel unsure about the verdict. She was just thinking about how Stella and Jake Meyers got 27 years in prison for taking Olivia, but this is a different case.

 A lot of cases like this one just ends up with a slap on the wrist and a few hours of community service.

"Mom and Dad were talking about what happened. They said that you were so ready to make this guy go to jail. But they don't know who he truly is. You need to tell them. Tell them about the attempted rape. Tell them that he hurt you before, Lena! He was verbally and physically abusive to you!" Liam exclaimed. 

Standing out on the sidewalk, Olivia looked up at the open window with wide eyes.

Lena was almost raped?


Olivia ended up leaving without even checking in on her sister. She sped towards the precinct and quickly rushed up to the SVU floor. She quickly opened the door before walking to where Elliot sat eating.

"Hey, partner!" Elliot mumbled, and Olivia sat on the edge of his desk before staring into his eyes as she spoke.

"Elijah tried to rape my sister when she dated him. I heard Liam say that he had to pull Elijah off of Lena after she blacked out. And that he verbally and physically abused her when they dated. Investigate the shit out of this, Elliot. Please. Get him for more than he did that night, because then maybe, just maybe, he'll celebrate his 30th birthday or even his 40th birthday in prison." Olivia spoke. She gave him a pleading look before standing and leaving.

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