Chapter Eighteen

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Olivia sat with Tracey Null throughout the whole rape kit. This was the first time that she witnessed this before, and she knew it wouldn't be the last time she sat with a victim as the nurse gathered evidence.

When Olivia walked out of the room after Tracey Null was taken to a room for the night, Olivia looked for Elliot in the crowded ER.

"Olivia?" A different voice questioned, and Olivia turned around felt so relieved to see her mother standing there.

"Hey, Mom. I didn't know that you were working today." Olivia spoke, as she stepped forward and hugged her mother tightly.

"I didn't know that you were going to be here. How is work?" Serena questioned, and Olivia frowned.

"This is the first rape case that I have had to deal with. It's scary and I'm a little overwhelmed."

"Well, you'll be okay. Just make sure you go home tonight. It's good to separate yourself from something for a while." Serena spoke. Olivia nodded slowly before hearing Elliot say her name.

"Hey, Elliot. Uh, Mom... this is my new partner Elliot Stabler. Elliot, this is my mother Serena Houston." Olivia spoke, and Serena chuckled softly.

"Honey, I met him at the trial. But it's good to see you again, Detective. I have to go check on a patient that they asked me to come to see. I'll call you tomorrow." Serena spoke, before drawing Olivia close again and kissing her daughter's forehead gently.

"Bye, Mom. I'll see you later." Olivia breathed. Serena walked towards a room, while Elliot and Olivia headed from the ER.

"So?" Elliot questioned.

"A uniformed officer took the rape kit to the lab, and now you and I have to tell the squad about the rest of the information I got," Olivia spoke.

"Did she tell you what happened?" Elliot questioned. He was surprised that Olivia had done so well on her first interview.

"She did. He was in her office when she got to work and he raped her there."

"Where is there?" He questioned.

"She wouldn't tell me. But we can run her name and figure that out. We are detectives."

"Okay then, Houston. You made the right choice to accept my offer. You are meant to be a sex detective."


Olivia and Elliot went back to the precinct and all of the information that they gathered was given out and everyone started to work on figuring out more information about Tracey Null and who might be her rapist.

After eating dinner, Olivia headed home for the night. Elliot was covering for her, and then tomorrow night she'd cover for him. Olivia drove home and opened the front door to the house before calling out her fiancee's name.


"Hey! How was work?!" Lou exclaimed as she walked out of the nursery that never got finished. Olivia looked at Lou in confusion, as she saw Lou covered in a pale green paint.

"It was okay... but why were you in the nursery?" Olivia breathed. Lou looked at her fiancee before sighing softly.

"I was painting... I didn't know if you'd be up to painting the nursery after what happened... I also called to get new carpet." Lou breathed. Olivia swallowed hard as she ran her hands over her face. She walked past Lou and walked into the nursery. She saw where the large red stain was on the dark grey carpet. Olivia fought off tears before stepping out and shutting the door.

"You shouldn't be around the paint fumes. It's not good for you and the baby." Olivia breathed.


"I got my first rape case today. The woman was raped in her office at work. The guy was waiting for her. So, from now on, when you leave work I want you to leave a lamp on in your office and lock the door from the outside." Olivia spoke, and Lou nodded slowly but she was still thinking about the nursery.

"Liv, are you okay with me starting the nursery? I know that it's still earl-"

"But we both work and we need to get this done early before either of us get too busy too. Just don't paint anymore until I can do it. Just pick out the furniture you want and have it delivered. I'll put it together when I get some time." Olivia spoke. She walked over to Lou and kissed her several times before walking towards their bedroom.

"No matter how busy we get with this baby, I will never be able to forget the baby we lost. We are still its' mothers." Lou breathed, and Olivia stopped in the doorway of their bedroom and nodded slowly as she fought off tears.

"This is baby number two."


Olivia went back to work the next morning, and even before she could go inside, Elliot was running down the stairs and heading to the sedan.

"Get in, Houston!" Elliot exclaimed, and Olivia turned around quickly and sprinted to the sedan before climbing in.

Elliot pulled out of the spot before Olivia could even buckle up.

"What's happening?" Olivia questioned quickly.

"The lab called and said to get down there ASAP. So I'm getting us there as quickly as possible." Elliot spoke.

"Has anyone gotten in contact with Tracey to see how she is doing?" Olivia questioned, and Elliot looked at her for a moment before shaking his head.

"We don't usually do that... sometimes we do but not as often as we should. We gave her numbers for therapists to talk about the rape with, but by the time the trial is over, we will have another rape case. Another rape victim. Another week of long and restless nights." Elliot spoke.

Olivia frowned as she looked out the window.

"I'm going to be different, Elliot." She breathed.

"You already are different, Olivia. You proved that to me when we went into the room and got a rape victim to trust you."

"I mean that I'm going to not just toss the victims away once we file their cases away. Elliot, I'm going to make sure that they actually get help. That they don't feel alone once we stop investigating."

"Are you gonna have time for that, for being married, being a detective, and for having a kid?" Elliot asked, and Olivia sighed softly.

"I will make time to be everything that I need to be. Now, turn up here. If we go down this side road we can get their quicker."

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