Chapter Sixteen

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Olivia laid in her bed that night and just listened to her fiancee's breathing because she couldn't sleep. She had started to doze off earlier, but then she woke herself up when she started to dream about Stella and Jake coming to hurt her again. But this time they had stolen her baby, and Lou blamed her for it.

It was a nightmare for Olivia, one that she'd never be able to forget because she lost her child. She lost her child to the people who took her from her own parents. And she could still hear their voices when they said 'Sinners don't deserve babies'.

"Olivia Margaret Houston, close your eyes and go to bed. We have sentencing in the morning." Lou yawned. Olivia turned her head and looked at her fiancee.

"How did you know I was awake?" She asked.

"Because I'm a light sleeper. I could hear that your breathing wasn't normal so I woke up."

"I had a nightmare, Lou. That Stella and Jake took our baby."

"They won't be able to take our baby, because they will be going to jail for what they did. Now, close your eyes and go to sleep. I'll hold you if that will help."

"But you are so uncomfortable and hot at night." Olivia frowned.

"I was uncomfortable and hot because we forget to turn the heat down when it started to get warmer. I'm fine, now get over here."

Olivia moved closer to Lou and let her fiancee draw her close. Olivia rested her head against Lou's shoulder as a few tears slid down her cheeks.

"Everything will be okay, my love. I promise."


Lou woke up violently sick, so after Olivia got her settled back into bed with some ginger ale and crackers, she headed into court by herself. She was in tears as she drove to the courthouse because her fiancee was the one who made her feel good even when she was so scared that everything would end up bad.

"Where's Lou?" Serena asked, as Olivia joined them outside of the courtroom and waited for them to be allowed in the room.

"She's at home. Her morning sickness comes in waves, and today it is pretty rough." Olivia frowned. Her mother wrapped her arm around her waist and held her close.

"All of this will just lead to a baby..." Serena smiled.

"I had a horrible nightmare last night, Mom. About Stella and Jake taking our child. It's scary because I feel like they might actually do it. Eventually, Lou is going to start looking pregnant and if they see... they might decide to really fuck me over once again."

"You are just nervous. It's okay, nothing will happen to you, Lou, or our grandbaby. Do you hear me, Olivia?" Dwayne asked, and Olivia nodded.

"Yeah... I hear you, Dad."


They all sat in the extremely cold courtroom as they listened to ADA Cabot argue with Trevor Langan for nearly an hour about what Stella and Jake Meyers should get for their sentence. Olivia felt dizzy... like she was watching a tennis game. She just kept looking back and forth between the two, but she couldn't figure out who was talking and what they were talking about before the next one was talking again.

Olivia got to the point where she felt like getting sick as violently as Lou was this morning. She couldn't stand to sit there any longer, and she stood and quickly ran from the courtroom. Serena looked over at her husband, and he stood quickly before heading out after his daughter.

Dwayne saw the women's bathroom door swing shut, so he quickly walked over to it and pushed it open a tiny bit before hearing his daughter getting sick.

"I'm coming in, Liv." He spoke, but she didn't and couldn't respond. Dwayne quickly walked to the stall Olivia was kneeling in, and he quickly held her hair away from her face.

He did that for a while before his daughter stopped getting sick and she reached her hand up and touched her father's hand.

"Dad?" She whimpered.

"I'm here, kid. Everything is good." Dwayne breathed. Olivia reached up and pulled off some toilet paper before wiping her mouth off with it. She stood up slowly before flushing the toilet and moving out of the stall.

"I hate that they got to me. That I let them make me ill." Olivia breathed, before turning on the water. She washed her face off before wiping it off with some paper towel.

"Olivia, you are such a good person and stuff like this just gets to you. I'm sorry, but Olivia you just need to get through this. Just go back in there and make it look like-"

"They just got 27 years in prison. 27 years!" Serena exclaimed as she opened the bathroom door. Olivia's eyes went wide as she turned to look at her mother.

"W-what?" Olivia breathed.

"27 FREAKING YEARS!" She cried, before rushing over to her husband and daughter. Dwayne wrapped an arm around each of his girls and they clung to him as they started to cry.


"So they got 27 years after Alexandra told them about how horrible Olivia's life was when she was with them. How lost she felt. How lonely." Serena explained to Lou, as they talked on the phone the night of the sentencing.

"She's sleeping right now, but I know that she's doing better," Lou whispered, as she looked over at her fiancee who was sleeping very deeply beside her in bed.

"How are you doing?" Serena asked.

"I'm tired, and really not enjoying being pregnant at the moment... with the whole case thing, I'm doing good. I'm glad that they get to see how it feels to suffer for 27 years just like Olivia did."

"I don't want to overstep this at all, and I don't want to try and force myself into your life when you might not want me too... but if there is ever an appointment that Olivia can't make it too, can I come? I really cannot wait for a grandbaby." Serena spoke, and Lou closed her eyes and smiled.

"Olivia is staying home for the rest of the week. I have an appointment tomorrow afternoon and if you'd like to come, you can." Lou spoke.

"I'd love too... sleep well, Lou."

"And you too, Serena."

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