Chapter Fifteen

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Even if Olivia was no longer screaming and her breathing had evened out for the moment, it still seemed like her scream was echoing throughout their house. It seemed like when silence had settled between the two, the scream buzzed in their ears and pounded inside of their chests.

"I can't do court anymore." Olivia breathed, as she and Lou sat on their living room couch, both snuggled down under one very large quilt.

"You have to, Liv," Lou replied, quietly. She looked over at her fiancee and saw how much older Olivia looked tonight than she had yesterday morning or even yesterday night. She had aged just by half a day during court.

"I feel like I'm not going to be able to make it through court without having a complete mental breakdown. I'm going to be so mentally exhausted by the time our baby comes, that I won't know how to take care of you and the baby." Olivia replied. Lou frowned, before reaching over and rubbing Olivia's leg gently.

"I can still take care of you. You and the baby will probably be just as whiny as the other." Lou spoke. Olivia couldn't help but smile a bit at her fiancee. She shifted closer to her and placed a gentle kiss to her lips before sighing.

"We should go to bed... I have to face them all in the morning." Olivia spoke.

"I'm glad that you are going. No matter how many weeks this takes, everything will end up how it's supposed to in the end. Like, you know that by the end of this year we will have a baby."

"An amazing baby."


Lou went to work the next morning, and Olivia got dressed hesitantly before driving to the courthouse. When she walked into the courtroom, only a few minutes before it was due to start, Serena and Dwayne looked at her and were both surprised that she showed up. They were sure that she wouldn't want to be there again, but here she is.

"Are you and Lou okay?" Serena asked as Olivia sat down in the spot between Dwayne and Serena. 

"We are okay right now... I don't know for how long though." Olivia sighed. She grabbed her father's hand then grabbed her mother's hand.

"We are always here for you, remember that," Dwayne whispered, before he leaned over and kissed Olivia's temple gently.

"Thanks, Dad... it means a lot. I just don't know how long I'll be able to last through this."

"Are you-"

"I'm starting to feel very anxious. I screamed for five full minutes last night without saying anything. I just yelled. Lou and I broke up but then got back together... I'm very close to falling off of the edge and needing serious help. Like, serious mental help." Olivia breathed. She swallowed hard when she saw the Meyers walk in again.

"Just think about them wearing orange jumpsuits in prison. Imagine Stella and Jake getting their asses kicked once the prisoners find out that they kidnapped a baby just because her parents didn't have the same color skin."


4 Weeks Later

On the last day of court, Lou joined her fiancee during court. She sat beside Olivia and held her hand tightly. She kept looking over at Olivia during the closing arguments, but she noticed that Olivia looked so numb and empty during them. It was going to be a close case, and Lou didn't know how Olivia was going to respond if Stella and Jake didn't get jail time, or if they won the case and they could walk completely free without anything special holding them down.

"We are going to break and once the verdict comes back, we will join up back here." The judge spoke, before declaring a recess. Olivia and Lou walked out together, and they went outside and waited.

"Are you going to be okay if they walk free?" Lou asked, and Olivia sighed softly.

"I'll have to be, right?" She asked.

"No. You don't have to be okay with it, babe." Lou frowned. Olivia nodded slowly before feeling a hand on her back. She turned around and hugged Serena tightly before stepping back.

"Does ADA Cabot have a prediction?" Olivia asked as Lou looked at her watch to see how long they have been waiting. But she frowned when she realized they have only been waiting for five minutes.

"She doesn't know. She is just as unsure about this case as you are." Dwayne frowned, as he watched his daughter's face grow darker again.

"Detective Houston." Elliot Stabler spoke, and Olivia turned towards him.


"Can I talk to you real quick?" He questioned, and Olivia nodded slowly.

"Yeah." She replied. Olivia kissed Lou's cheek gently before following the detective over to the side.

They stood there in silence for a few moments before he spoke.

"So, Captain Cragen asked if you had ever wanted to be a sex detective?" Elliot asked.

"What?" Olivia asked.

"Well, I'm assuming you are going back to work after the trial is over. And my Captain would like you to join Manhattan Sex Crimes... or SVU because not everyone likes talking about what they do for a living to only say they are a cop for sex crimes." Elliot spoke, and Olivia bit her lip before nodding slowly.

"Did you talk to my Captain about this? Because if you say no, then I can't accept this job offer until you do." Olivia replied.

"We talked to him. He said that it would be a good placement for you. We would be beyond lucky to have you." Elliot smiled. Olivia looked down at her hands before nodding slowly.

"Yeah, I'll join your unit," Olivia spoke. But the happiness that filled her eyes faded quickly when Lou walked over to them.

"The verdicts in..."


"On the count of hate crimes?" The judge asked.

"We find the defendants guilty."

"On the count of first-degree kidnapping?"

"We find the defendants guilty." The head jury member spoke. Olivia felt tears in her eyes as those words were spoken. 

"Alright, we will come back tomorrow for sentencing..." The judge said the rest of her spew, but Olivia had zoned out completely as the tears escaped her eyes and streamed down her cheeks.

"I'm going to ask for 25 years in prison," Alexandra spoke.

"You couldn't even ask for 27 years? The number of years that Olivia was away from us?" Serena asked.

"25 is the most I can ask for... I'm sorry. But by the time that their sentence is up, they will be almost 70." Alexandra spoke.

"They will be 75. They still have years ahead of them... what are the chances that they just get let off because the trial was enough of a punishment?" Olivia asked, and Alexandra frowned.

"They have money. They are powerful. Chances are they will have to do a certain amount of hours of community service and then they will need to probably pay fees or something." Alexandra spoke, and Olivia bit her lip hard before grabbing Lou's hand.

"I guess that I'm glad that bad people don't have to serve time anymore. That the victims still have to suffer, but they don't have too."

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A Case Reopened [AN SVU Fan Fic]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora