Chapter 5 - Letters

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Taeya POV's

I hear a loud sound from my alarm. That sound makes me awake form my sleep. I stood up from my bed and suddenly I feel a little bit dizzy. I just ignore that and go to the kitchen.  I pour water to the glass and drink it in one shoot. I look around to find Luhan but I know he exactly still snoring on his bed.

I take a bath inside the bathroom that I share with him. Can you imagine? There is just one bathroom inside this luxurious first class apartment. When I'm done, I used my uniform and go to school even it's still 6.30 am. I really don't want to see Luhan's face. I remember last day, it's just make me more hate him.

I walk slowly to school with a little step. I inhale the fresh air and enjoy the morning air. After 5 minutes of walk, I arrive at school. I immediately walk to classroom and sit on my chair, waiting for Sena. When it's 6.50 am, I see Sena walk in to class and I really glad she came. I turn my face to her and frown "Wae?" She asked. I tell everything that happened between me and Luhan, I told her that jerk is my roommate "I think its your destiny Taeya" Sena gives me a little chuckle. I just give her my WTF face "You are so cruel Kim Sena" I frown to her and punch her arm playfully. She just laughs at my childishness.

Luhan POV's

I woke up from my sleep when I hear a loud bang from the front door. What's that?? I stood up an walk to the kitchen. I have a drink and look around to find Taeya. She is nowhere. Maybe she already go to school. Better get ready and go to school too so I can see her pretty face. I smile like an idiot. What happened to me? I can't control my smile.

I go to bathroom and start to take off my clothes. I see my toned abs on the mirror. I am a perfect angel. I continue to admire my body and suddenly I saw black strange thing from the mirror. I turn my face and smirk. I bet it is Taeya's bra. I laugh evilly. Wait for my little surprise for you my baby Taeya.

Taeya POV's

I saw Luhan walk in to class. He arrives at school on time today. When he passed my seat, he gave me that smirk again. This time, I know something bad will happen to me. I really have a bad feeling about that and I can't even concentrate with the lesson. When the bell rang, me and Sena went to the locker room to take some book that we need. I open my locker and suddenly a bunch of letters fall out from my locker. They are making a mess on the floor "Omo, I forget that you are the new queenka" She helps me to pick the letters from the floor. I stop when I notice one black letter. It's the only black letter, the others are pink or red letters. I take out the letter and read it. I bulge my eyes when I read that "Annyeong babe, found something interesting at the bathroom. As black as this letter" I froze on my place. Suddenly, Luhan's smirk appear on my mind. I get a goosebumps all over my body. My life is a mess, I forgot my BLACK lace bra. Damn it, what should I do? So embarrassing, I can't face him. Andwae.

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