Chapter 7 - Detention

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Taeya POV's

Guess where am I? I'm stuck inside this jerk's car. For your information, I am on my way to apartment with this jerk. I really thanks to my mom's stupid idea. She suggested Luhan to go apartment with him since I have school tomorrow. I just frowned to myself  because of this bad luck "Taeya" Suddenly Luhan called my name "Hmm?" I just hummed with a very low tone, I'm just too lazy to answer "How about eat an ice cream? My treat" Luhan said that with a smile on his face. A smile, not a smirk. What happened to him? I would like to eat ice cream but I'm really tired. I want to sleep on my bed "No" I answer easily "Waeyo?" He asked while turning his face to me but he hurriedly looking back to the road "I'm tired"

Luhan POV's

"Waeyo?" I asked her and saw her face "I'm tired" She said and yes, tiredness draw on her face. But she is the first girl who rejected my treat. Other girls will totally agree even they tired but not for this girl. I don't care, I keep driving my car to the ice cream shop. I park my car at my favorite ice cream shop and get out from my car. I walk to Taeya's side and open her door. She glares at me but I just take her wrist and drag her to ice cream shop. I pull her wrist and force her to sit on my favorite seat. She lift her face and stares at me coldly. I think she is a little bit angry and annoyed. Suddenly the waiter come "One vanilla ice cream" I said that to the waiter and turn my face to Taeya "What do you want?" I ask her but she just remain silent "Two vanilla ice cream then" I said that and the waiter gone away.

"Taeya, I never knew you are Mrs. Lee's daughter,  your mom is a really kind person" I start a conversation and I hope she will answer. She lift her face to me just to look away. I'm about to open my mouth and explode but suddenly the waiter came with a tray. He served the vanilla ice cream while stealing a glance to Taeya. Yah, daebak, how dare he is? I turn my face to my ice cream and eat it "Hmmm, so delicious, you must try" I said that to Taeya and smile to her. She didn't move an inch. She keeps looking away "You must try it Taeya! It's really good" I raised my tone and she stands still. What a stubborn girl. "Yah Taeya! Why didn't you eat the ice cream? I bought that for you"

Taeya POV's

"Yah Taeya! Why didn't you eat the ice cream? I bought that for you" Luhan raised his voice again. Ugh he irritate me. I hate him so much that I really want to slap him "Yah! Tae---" Before he could finish his sentence, I cut him by stood up from my seat "Taeya" He lowered his tone but I just walk out from the ice cream shop "Yah Taeya! Lee Taeya!" I can hear his shout but I don't care with that jerk. I will just take a subway. I'm allergic whenever I'm near him.

I stormed in to the apartment and straight away walk to my bedroom. I walk to my wardrobe and pull my clothes. I walk out to bathroom. I need to use this bathroom before that jerk arrive. I don't want to look his face. After finished, I used my clothes and go to my room. I lay my back on the bed. Feel so great after a tiring day. I close my eyes and suddenly I fall asleep.

I wake up the next day before that jerk. As usual, I get ready for school in hurry. I'm scared I will meet Luhan, I'm allergic of Luhan. When I arrive at school, I immediately go to class and put my bag on the chair. After that I walk out from class to go to the restroom. I wash my hand there and go back to class. I froze infront of the class when I saw Luhan sit on Sena's chair. What is he doing there? I walk towards him while staring at his eyes. I never broke the eye contact between us "What are you doing here?" I asked him "I'm going to have a class here" He said that stupid things in purpose. He wants to pissed me off "That's Sena's chair. Your chair is behind" I continue while pointing at his seat, Sena sit there while eyeing our little argument "Sena exchange her chair with me" He pouts cutely. The fuck, Sena will never do that, she knows how I hate him. I bet this jerk forced her. Suddenly the bell rang and Luhan pull my wrist just to make me sit on my chair beside him. You win this time but not another time.

Luhan POV's

Save by the bell. I hope my plan will run smoothly. I smirk when I saw her annoyed face. Her emotion almost reach her head. It's easier for me to accomplish my plan. I see Mrs. Kim enter the class and immediately start the lesson. Mrs. Kim is the scariest teacher in Seoul Highschool. The class is very quite, no one has a guts to make a noise. This is the right time to start my plan "Taeya" I call her softly but she ignores me "Taeya" I call her once again and pinch her left cheek "YAH LUHAN" She yells at me. Yoohoo, it works. All eyes on us, including Mrs. Kim's eyes, 3 2 1"Luhan, Taeya! Detention" She yell at us. I can see a frown on Taeya's face but I'm smiling because my plan works.

Taeya POV's 

Detention? It's not a week yet and I have a detention. And the worst part is I have a detention with Luhan. Looks like he did that in purpose, he wants me to get a detention. Ugghhh, I hate him. For the detention, Mrs. Kim command us to clean the gym. I arrive first at gym and start clean the gym. I have to clean the gym as fast as I can. 5 minutes later, Luhan arrive and start to clean the gym too. We clean the gym in silent. It's already half of the gym and suddenly my allergic of Luhan start to grow. I maintain our distance but Luhan keeps following me like he has a magnetic force with me "Mianhae Taeya" He said that but I keep in silent. Suddenly Luhan grab my wrist and lowered his face. Our eyes meet and lock into each other "I really sorry" He said that but his eyes told me that he didn't regret what he did. He just throw a bullshit "I don't believe you" I said that and forced him to let my wrist go "Finish this damn detention alone, I think I will faint if I continue this detention with you" I said that and leave him alone. He just gives me an allergic and I think it's getting worst.

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