Chapter 31 - Trip (1)

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Taeya POV's

I lay on the bed and close my eyes. I smile because I feel happy. It feels so good when you know your entire life got back in place. Suddenly my phone rings and shows Jae oppa name "Hello oppa" I greet him with a smile "Taeya, help me please" His tone makes me worry "What happened?" I ask him with panic. Suddenly I hear his chuckle "Yah! Stop playing around" I shout to the phone and he stops "I really need your help Taeya" He says that "Tell me now now" I chuckle "Can you give me Sena's number?" He asks me and a loud laughter comes from my lips "Yah! Stop it" He shouts to me but I can't stop laughing "I'm serious, help me please?" He asks. I stop laughing "You like her right? Tell me now" I say it excitedly "Shut up and give me her number" I say "Arraseo! I like her and I will ask her for a date, satisfied? Now give me her number" His tone turns into serious one "Hmm, arraseo oppa, I will text you her number, good luck" I hang up and text him Sena's number. I close my eyes and I see Luhan. I miss him and I miss our togetherness.

After ready for school, I walk downstairs to have a breakfast with mommy. She smiles to me and I kiss her cheeks "Good morning mom" I say "Morning babe" She smiles "Mom, I have a trip tomorrow with my school" I start "Today I will sleepover at my friend's home" I continue "Really? Please take care babe, and call me if something happen, hmm?" I nodded to her as I eat my breakfast. After that I drive my car to school eventhough I'm lazy. I bet all my friends are lazy too cause tomorrow is the D-day. No one pays attention to the lesson or to the teacher. Everybody is busy with friends. Talking about the trip tomorrow. Every class turns like that until the last class end. All students run out from class because they can't want to pack their stuffs. I just put all my belonging into my bag slowly as my friends leave the class. Suddenly I hear someone's clearing his throat. I lift my face and see Luhan's smile "Hey, don't forget, I will pick you at 5" He said. I nodded as I used my bag. I give him a slight smile "I won't" I said and walk out from the class. I can't wait for tomorrow.

I pack all my stuffs to my bag after I finished my shower. I walk slowly to my wardrobe when suddenly I hear a knock on the door. I open the door and my maid bows to me "Mr. Lu is here, he waits for you in his car" She said. I bulge my eyes and slam the door. I run to the wardrobe and change my clothes in hurry. Wae? I thought 5 pm is still away. After that I ask my maid for help. I walk to his car as my maid put my bags in his trunk. I get in to his car and our eyes met. He smiles to me "Annyeong" I smile back but suddenly I feel so awkward. I turn my face to the window "You are late" He starts the conversation. I look at his face and smile awkwardly "Mian" I said as I close my eyes. I pretend like I'm sleeping but I'm not. I can hear his sweet voice following radio's song. Andwae, I can die, his voice is too sweet. I keep closing my eyes until I really fall asleep.

I feel a poke on my cheek and I open my eyes. I saw Luhan's face is really near to mine "Wake up, we are here" He smiles as he gets out from the car. I get out from his car and walk with him to the apartment "Why did she so cute?" I heard his mumble and a smile appeared on my face. I watch his back. I sigh when I realize how much I miss this boy infront of me. He open the door for me. I froze on my place and look around the apartment. I miss this place so much. Luhan stand infront of me and I lift my face "Wae?" I asked "Anni, I just---" "Hmm, I just---" "Just forget it, here your room" He open the door for me and I saw my old room. I get in to my room and bite my lips. I miss it so much. The broken mirror was replace with the new one. I lay on the bed and close my eyes. My heart beats so fast because I miss this place so much. The scent never change. I feel like I never leave this apartment.

Luhan POV's

She avoids me. I know it's really awkward but I still want with her. I can't even sleep because I think about her. She is here but I can't do anything. I roll on the bed and think about what should I do tomorrow with her. I miss her. I miss her. I miss her. That's all I feel. I stand up from my bed and walk out from my room. I stand infront of her room and stare blankly at the door. I touch the doorknob and my heart beats so fast. I turn the knob and I saw her there closing her eyes. I get in and walk closer to her bed. I lay beside her slowly and I try to not awake her. I slip in to her blanket and stare at her face. God, this is so breath taking "I miss you Taeya, I really do" I whispered to her and smile "I will win your heart again" I continued and caressed her cheek. Suddenly she moves slowly and I froze on my place. Please don't wake up now. She moves closer to me and stop infront of my chest. She mumbles something but I think she is just dreaming. I feel so relief. I stare at her and I smell her sweet scent. I miss her so much. If I just can hug her now, it would be the best night.

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