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I live in a Singleplayer world. And normally this would mean: what I built, stands. No one else can live here. Nothing else can be built by others. I was soo wrong!

Today was the day.

The day I'm going to find out, who else lives with me in this world! I will venture through my world in order to find my 'neighbor'.

I stood in the middle of my living pool, the door leading outside just a few steps away.

My more or less heavy, handmade, leather backpack was slumped down in front of my feet on the red carpet. I checked through it once more, to make sure I didn't forget anything.

Food - Check.
Pickaxe - Check.
Sword - Check.
Bow - Check.
Arrows - Check.
Torches - Check.
Some wooden planks - Check.
Rope - Check.

I also checked if my iron armor was fine.

After a positive result, I decided, I was ready to go.

I pushed the door open to be greeted by the birch forest boom I lived in. Sunlight shine in rows through the tree's leaves and covered the ground in golden Spots.

I locked my door twice. Who knows which kind of 'neighbor' I got here, right?

Now, where shall I start looking for them? I grabbed my chin thinking while walking down the gravel path, backpack flung over my shoulder.

Maybe the last Pyramide I found, holds some clues?, I thought.

Didn't sound like a bad idea!

I took a 90°-turn right, left the path and walked through the forest until I reached its border.

There, about 150 blocks away, in the middle of a plain biom, stood a 3x3 sandstone pyramid, absolutely not standing out.

I walked over to it and set my backpack down. Hands on my hips I stared at the pyramid, thinking about what I could do with it.

Circling it, I noticed absolutely no odds. Just a plain boring looking sandstone pyramid.

But maybe, just maybe, there was something inside it?

I grabbed my pick out of my backpack and stood on the first step of the pyramid.

Before I gave it a second thought, I raised the pick over my head, it's shiny iron edges gleaming in sunlight.

SMACK! I slammed it repeatedly against the block until it broke.

I was right! There WAS something inside of the pyramid!

A Redstone torch...


Redstone torches aren't real clues, but it reminded me of something:
The redstone tunnels.

Now, in which kind of tunnel would I hide? Most surely not in these short 1x2 ones... But this long one! It's a 2x2, with some turns, I guess... Maybe my 'neighbor' is hiding there!

So I went to the mines. It took me half an hour to get back to the forest, follow the test of the path and venture down my mineshafts to the desired destination.

Neko! Herobrine x Reader | Once a Neko, now a human (COMPLETED!!!)Where stories live. Discover now