11. Cry for help

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((Y/n)s' FoV)
Zomb shook his head.

"We're not supposed to reset. Anything could happen, make the situation worse or even kill everyone at once in the most horrible and painful death. Or it could just repeat itself in a different order."

I sighed and rubbed my temples. "So we aren't even allowed to reset without being sure of success?"

Zomb nodded sadly.

Notch stood up and went out of the room to his bedchambers.

Steve stayed with the zombie while I went into Hero's room, completely done with myself.

While going into it I noticed a sketchbook on the table. It was closed and a pen was lying on it.

I shrugged it off and sat down on the bed, only to lay down completely a few moments later.

I gripped the bedsheets and put my face into it. Taking a deep breath I noticed the already familiar smell of Hero.

I turned on my back again and looked at the ceiling.

Is he okay? Was he able to respawn?

The thought kept repeating in my mind until I finally got myself to stand up and walk towards the sketchbook.

I looked at every picture for a long time, taking in every single detail of it.

They showed pain, death and depression.

But one picture caught my eye.

It was a simple picture unlike the others. But, it was the most showing picture in the complete book.

It showed pain and fear, but also some kind of feeling lost.

It showed pain and fear, but also some kind of feeling lost

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It was surprising what a simple picture can show.

I looked at it for a long time, not thinking about anything else.

A few minutes later I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around but...

There was no one.

Notch was standing in the doorway, looking into my (e/c) eyes.

"You felt something too, didn't you?"

I nodded slightly sad. Suddenly I winced tho.

"What do you mean 'too'?", I asked confused.

Notch took a deep breath and sat down on the bed. He patted the blanket next to him. I sat next to him.

"Steve, Zomb and me felt the same thing. We didn't know if it was just something we felt ourselves. But now that we all felt it, it has to mean something important."


(Herobrines' FoV)
My breathing was going quick because of fear and pain.

Hollow did a job to not kill me. He stabbed those parts of my body which wouldn't kill me, but hurt like hell.

Neko! Herobrine x Reader | Once a Neko, now a human (COMPLETED!!!)Where stories live. Discover now