17. Training

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(Xalphires' FoV)
I woke up in the next morning, stood up and stretched my back. I rubbed my eyes and stroke my messy hair out of my eyes.

With a deep breath I walked into the bathroom, brushed my teeth and combed through my hair before going back outside and towards the dresser.

After a short time of standing in front of the mirror and thinking about what I could wear today, I decided to wear a purple pullover and black jeans.

I opened the door and decided to wake Nightmare and Hero up.

But as I opened Hero's door, I instantly noticed the opened blinds and the empty bed.

I went over to Nightmares' room which was empty as well.

Completely confused I opened the door to the balcony and stepped outside, instantly feeling the warm air of the Nether around my body.

The balcony was directly at the edge of the training arena: a flat sand and gravel area.

Two boys were standing in front of me, Herobrine and Nightmare.

(Nightmares' FoV)
"Since your one of the more experienced persons, I won't give you a regular wooden sword as I would, together with the leather armor. I trust you that you won't kill me and you can trust me that I won't kill you. We both take stone swords and iron armor. The iron armor is twice as heavy as the Netherarmor, so you'll probably lose your breath even faster. And the stone swords are not sharp at all. It's like we're using sticks with stones bound to it.", Herobrine explained while he turned away and showed me to follow him.

I did and together we went into a armory.

While I looked around, Herobrine went away and came back a bit later with two iron chestplates and two stone swords.

He put the swords on the table, as well as one chestplate. He opened the other one like a vest and I put it on.

Herobrine closed the chestplate and told me to raise my arms so he could fix it.

He pulled some leather bands and knotted them. Then I had to do the same with him.

Since I never did it he gave me instructions of how to close the chestplate and how to correctly knot the bands.

He looked over it as I finished and smiled.

"For the first time you actually did extremely well.", he complimented.

That sentence actually made me smile. "T-Thank you.", I responded.

He gave me one of the swords and I suddenly noticed how heavy this actually was.

The sword itself was an average weight, but the chestplate was way heavier than I expected. And most of it was actually leather!

I swallowed and tried to move a little bit, only to find out that I could barely move.

Herobrine only chuckled and readjusted something on the armor and suddenly I was able to move.

"What did you do?", I asked confused.

"Oh, the chestplates are never in use, that's why you couldn't move. I just had to remove one of the leatherbands."

I nodded slightly and raised my arms again. To my relief and surprise my body actually got used to the weight really fast.

Herobrine leaded me outside again and went a bit further away from me. The he stopped.

"Ok. First I want to see how good you can attack me without magic. Which actually means: attack me whenever you're ready.", he explained.

I gulped and got into an attack position. Herobrine stayed in his calm way and leaned on his sword which he stabbed into the sand.

With a quiet sigh I got ready and jumped at him. But before I could even take a tiny swing at him, Herobrine threw me to the ground. With a loud yell I stayed there, trying to catch my breath again.

Hero put his foot on my back and leaned forward, pushing me straight into the sand. He stabbed the sword right next to my head and left it there.

"You're acting way too slow. You aren't supposed to give the enemy time to react. And your eyes showed off where you would attack. Little tip from me: If you search around for a good and successful way to attack, you have to look the opposite way. For example: I'm fixing at your left shoulder, but I'm looking at your right foot. Ok?"

I nodded and he removed the sword, Makin I able for me to turn around while he offered me his hand. I smiled slightly and took it.

But before Herobrine could react, I put my foot on his chest and pulled him down while pushing him up.

He fell over me with a loud gasp and landed on his back, unable to recover fast enough.

I pushed myself up and reached for the sword that was lying a few meters further away.

But before that could happen I heard a loud growl. "That's not what you were supposed to do, Nightmare!"

I missed the sword by a few millimeters and tried again. Hero was still lying on the ground and didn't even try to stand up.

I finally got to grab the sword and stood up, ready to attack the lying Herobrine. But as I looked at him, he was gone.

"You're too loud and too slow, Nightmare."

I felt a sword on my throat and didn't dare to move.

Herobrine was standing right behind me and chuckled. He removed the sword and let me turn around and back off.

"It was clever to catch me off-guard, but you didn't try to get my sword which would give me the opportunity to kill you in a swift movement. So... Uhm... Yeah..."

He was lost in his thoughts for a moment, not noticing me or anything else. His gaze drifted away to something I couldn't see.

Concerned, I waved my hand in front of his now dull eyes.

His eyes focused again and he shook his head, trying to come back to himself.

With a slightly uncomfortable chuckle he apologized. "Sorry. I drifted away for a moment."

I smiled at him and he just took a deep breath before saying: "Well, ANYWAY... I've got a little trick that could help you disarm the enemy."

We continued training but I felt a little bit concerned about him.

Xalphire was still watching us. Her presence calmed me down a little bit and gave me the determination to give my best.

1086 words

Neko! Herobrine x Reader | Once a Neko, now a human (COMPLETED!!!)Where stories live. Discover now