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I smiled. He was cute, no matter what he said.

His whiskers twitched and he looked at me.

"Do you really think I'm cute?", he asked.

I didn't answer. But I gave him a big smile.

His whiskers twitched again and he turned his head away. I noticed that he was blushing a little bit.

"And what do you think about me?", I asked out of curiosity.

"You suck.", he just answered, chuckling.

"Ha ha ha. So funny.", I groaned. I shouldn't have expected anything else.

But suddenly he said something which made me look at him in confusion.

"You're not as bad as I thought.", he said. I noticed he wasn't joking at all.

My eyes widened. Then I looked in his white eyes.

Before he could react, I hugged him really tight.

"Gah!", he yelped in surprise.

After almost a whole minute I let go of him.

I noticed that he was shaking a little bit now tho. I chuckled.

He's still not understandable.

I looked at my watch. Shit its way too late!

But somehow I didn't want to leave him alone here. He must have been alone for a pretty long time.

I thought about something. Then I stood up and took my backpack.

"You know Hero... I kinda have to leave you alone now. Sorry for that.", I said. I tried to not show him that I cared about him.

His white eyes widened. But then he suddenly closed them and looked away.

"Ok.", he just said.

But I knew that nothing was alright.

I took a step towards the doors when I suddenly got an idea.

"How about we go both to my home? I still have a free bed in my house if you want that.", I told him.

His cat ears raised and he looked at me again.

"You would really take a... Lemme say serial killer to your home? Just so he can sleep there and you don't feel bad?"

Herobrine got a point there. After all, he's still the most known person out of all Minecraft.

And he's known to not be a little, nice boy. He's known to be a killer without mercy.

But I somehow didn't care. He needed my help, obliviously.

And I couldn't let him sleep between a bunch of paper, now could I?!

"I don't care what others say about you, but you seem really nice. So I trust you. (Man if I would follow that...) I mean, you can't sleep in this mess here, can you?", I let my hand show around the room.

He looked around and sighed. "I guess you're right..."

I nodded and showed him to follow me. When we got outside he suddenly seemed a bit unsure.

"Do you really want me to...", he asked quietly. But I shushed him.

"I would run away if I didn't keep what I say, would I?", I murmured.

He was way to unsure to be... Himself. To be Herobrine.

Everyone describes him as a demonic person. But on the inside, he was just a person like me.

Neko! Herobrine x Reader | Once a Neko, now a human (COMPLETED!!!)Where stories live. Discover now