28. A painful mistake

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(Herobrines' FoV)
Everything was really, really silent. It was uncomfortable.

I carefully raised my arms and put them against the walls.

With a deep breath I opened my eyes and focused on the rocks. Then I released my spirit from my body and made it go to Hollow to keep her save.

My eyes turned into a dull, grey color and I held my breath. With a low sigh I let a black lightning appear.

It was supposed to hit the rock I focused on, and it did indeed.

But it also did something I didn't expect to.

My loud yell broke the silence as the lightning broke the cave and went right into my heart.

A stinging pain filled my body, soon followed by numbness and even more pain. My vision went completely white for a second, then black. My lungs felt like I was underwater, I couldn't take a single breath. The only thing I heard was my loud yell full of agony and shock, mixed with fear and pain.

Soon after I couldn't remember anything else than my body falling to the ground, my spirit returning and Hollow running over to me, trying to keep me awake.

(A few days later)
(Mojang HQ)
(Hollows' FoV)
(Y/n) sighed as she walked over to me, sitting down next to me.

"You really like him, right Hollow?", she asked quietly. There was no more hate in her voice, and they didn't treat me as an enemy anymore.

I took a deep breath and stroke over Heros' hand, who was lying unconsciously on the bed in the infirmary. "No. But he saved my life twice. And I have to repay him for that."

(Y/n) nodded. "Alright. But just know one thing: He doesn't like it if you try to take me from him."

We both laughed quietly. (Y/n) and I are quite the good friends now. She also found out who I really am, which is why she accepts me that good.

Hero twitched a little bit. We both focused on him, but it's the same thing as already happened twice.

He didn't wake up, nor did he even try to open his eyes.

I sighed and looked at her.

"You know... I have to apologize to you as well. After all, it's my fault that Nightmare, Notch and Jeb all found their way to the Aether."

(Y/n) lowered her head a little bit. "It was meant to happen once. You just made it quicker, so don't judge yourself. You see, even I killed. Mostly sheep and pigs, but also a villager. I scared him so much that he fell off a cliff."

I gasped. "That's not the same, (y/n)! I literally killed people that were close to more than only one person! I killed more people from him than from anyone else!"

She went silent and only looked sadly at her boyfriend, somewhat hoping that he'd wake up again. But that was just a wish.

"I have one question, Hollow. Why did you hurt him?", she asked calmly.

I took a deep breath and mumbled: "Bloodlust... the need to spread despair... And one reason which is completely private."

(Y/n) hesitated, but then she nodded.

"Say... How long are Hero and you together now?", I asked her this time.

"Actually, I think about one year. Probably more but Hero is always gone for such a long time, so I don't really know anymore.", she answered after a short moment of thinking. "I should ask him to stay longer with me, but he's just the kind of person which can't really stay in one place.."

Neko! Herobrine x Reader | Once a Neko, now a human (COMPLETED!!!)Where stories live. Discover now