32. Big war, little price

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(The next day)
(Steve's FoV)
(Y/n) was still in her bed, curled up and hugging Hero's pillow and blanket, sniffing into it.

"Why did this happen to him...?", she sobbed, hugging the pillow tighter. I was only able to rub circles on her back to somewhat cheer her up or at least calm her down.

She curled up a little bit more, crying into the pillow. "Why always someone who was near us?!", she cried.

I took a deep breath and just pulled her a bit up, hugging her. "Everything will be fine. If Hero would be here, he'd want us to continue.", I whispered and stroke through her hair.

"Hero isn't here, and I honestly doubt that he'll be back anyway.", she mumbled. "Why didn't I tell him to stay with me? Why didn't I make him stay here?"

I didn't know what to do, so I just remained silent. My head was wiped empty and I couldn't do anything against it. No matter how hard I tried...

I felt a faint touch on my shoulder and two words, which were only breathed silently.

"Help... Me..."

I turned around and saw...

Nothing. Literally.

The complete widow was pitch black. Or at least I thought it was the window.

A loud explosion ripped us both out of our thoughts. (Y/n) sat up and looked around, slightly confused.

I heard a loud yell from downstairs and we ran to the source together, the Witherstorm shooting its deadly projectiles at us.

But it was already too late.

Hollow stood in the middle of the hall, around her fallen pieces of the ceiling which she wasn't able to climb over. She yelled as another explosion could be heard, then a huge rock suddenly fell down into her prison.

The explosions couldn't drown out the loud cracking of her bones and her agonized cry which went silent all of the sudden.

(Y/n) grabbed my hand gently. "I'm so sorry, Steve.", she whispered.

I only stared at the pile of rocks.

The same death as Jeb... Why her tho? Wasn't it enough to take Hero, Jeb, Notch and everyone else?!

I made myself take a deep breath and just whispered with a choked voice because of pain and sadness: "Take her with you, Jeb. Take care until I come."

"I am.", something replied silently.

I looked up at the Witherstorm, trying to calm down as much as possible.

(Y/n) looked up before growling. "I'm sick of this fucking thing. No matter what you might say against that, I will kill it. You can help me, or stand around and do nothing."

I chuckled darkly, my sadness replaced with bloodlust. "You think I'm just going to stand there and let you kill the thing that was the reason for multiple deaths? Aw hell no!"

(Y/n) smiled. "Of course you wouldn't just watch me."

I took a sword from a close wall, throwing one to (Y/n) as well. She caught it and we looked at each other, ready and filled with determination.

With a loud warcry I attacked, (Y/n) following me closely. The Witherstorm was closer to the floor now than ever, causing us to be able to attack it.

I got the first hit on him, making it let out a very loud screech of pain. And I only hit its tail!

The Witherstorm went a bit towards the ground, giving (Y/n) the possibility to attack it even better. She stabbed her blade into its 'torso' and ripped it down with her complete weight and some more.

Neko! Herobrine x Reader | Once a Neko, now a human (COMPLETED!!!)Where stories live. Discover now