27. Secret base

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A few hours later the sun went down, but then Hollow stepped on something that sounded like wood.

I stopped and started to grin. "Seems like you found my secret base.'

Hollow went down from the wood and stared at it. Then she looked at me with widened eyes.

"Wait, what?! Didn't you know where it was?! You would've walked past it!!!", she screeched.

I scratched my neck slightly. "Well, I was never good at drawing maps..."

Hollow ripped the map from my hand and looked at it. Her jaw dropped. I chuckled embarrassed and just went over to the wooden trapdoor under the leaves, pushing them away and grabbing the metal ring on it.

With a little bit of strength I pulled it open, dropping the trapdoor on the floor. With a loud thump it landed.

Hollow just stared at the map. Then she pulled another one out of her hoodie and put I next to it.

"Well, you're still better than me. That's for sure.", she mumbled, rolled my map together and threw it over to me. I caught it and put it back into my backpack.

"What do you mean, I'm still better than you?", I asked with a quiet laughter.

Without even looking at me she showed me the map. It was literally a sketch of the biomes. But no color or anything.

"I don't go much outside. Honestly, I really hate adventures.", she mumbled and put her own map away. I grinned.

"It's not so bad. But, since you're now with me, I guess you'll have to get used to it.", I answered, shrugging lightly.

The sun was already down and I could hear the first mobs that spawned groan and rattle around us.

Then a single arrow shot through the darkness of the forest. It only missed Hollow by millimeters.

I grabbed her hand and pulled her down the stairs, pressing the button on the wall.

The trapdoor closed and I dropped to the ground, as well as Hollow.

She as shaking violently and stared at me.

"I thought we would die out there!!! Why did they attack us while you were here?!", she yelped.

But I shrugged. "I don't know. Usually they recognize me, but this time it was different. The mobs seemed to ch-"

A sudden loud explosion cut me off.

"It’s here...", I whispered. Then  I leapt up and went downstairs, Hollow following me closely. "I hope he won't find us both down here tho."

Hollow winced. "So it's still able to find us here or what?!"

I rolled my eyes. "Yes. And stop yelling or else it finds us faster."

Hollow instantly shut up and sat down on the lowest stair, watching me closely. "Why are we here, anyway?", she asked calmly.

I searched for something in a box on the other side of the huge room, in which was just a bed, a table and chairs and a lot of boxes.

"Let's just say I need to search for something important.", I just answered.

(Hollows' FoV)
He was confusing.

No matter how hard I had the urge to stab him, kill him and rip him into pieces, I had to admit that he saved me.

And I promised it to him.

Buuuuut I already broke one promise, so what could be so hard to break it again?

Neko! Herobrine x Reader | Once a Neko, now a human (COMPLETED!!!)Where stories live. Discover now