34. Happiness or Pain?

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(Multiple days later)
(Jebs' FoV)
Nightmare did it. Despite the fact that this was his very first time, he successfully brought Hero back to life.

Said male was still very weak and his white eyes were just staring into the void, but he was alive and barely felt pain.

At least we think so since he literally doesn't say anything.

I knocked on the door to Hero's room before stepping inside.

Hero didn't move as I closed the door again and went closer to him. It was very confusing but you get used to it.

Due to this death where Nightmare had to get him, Herobrine was a Neko again. His tail was lying next to him, his ears were hanging down and all in one he was completely depressed and mute now.

I sat down next to him on the bed and stroke over his hair, removing it from his eyes. "How are you today?"

Hero stayed silent.

But I found out what the silence can mean so I took a deep breath. "Let me guess you're fine?"

He slightly nodded.

"Can you talk?"

He didn't reply. Instead he pulled the blanket closer to him, hugging it softly.

I sighed. "Do you want to know how Nightmare is?"

Heros' head and ears perked up and he looked at me alarmed. But I softly raised my arms with a chuckle.

"He's fine. Believe me. Nothing bad happened, he was just unconscious for multiple hours and he was very dizzy when he woke up shortly after you, but he's fine and really wants to see you. Do you think you can arrange that?", I asked carefully.

Hero hesitated, then he nodded. He looked away again, but he seemed happier.

I stood up. "Alright. I will get him here.", I explained before leaving and going to Nightmares' room.

He dozed in his room, sprawled over the bed. His room was completely dark, but I still saw him despite him having dark clothes and hair.

I softly went to him and stroke over his belly, making him groan and open his eyes. He raised his head and looked into my hazel eyes.

"Jeb?", he mumbled before sitting up and stroking his hair back.

Even as he was sitting he was taller than me. With my sad 1,60 meters I was smaller than Hero.

And said demon was even tinier than Nightmare.

He was literally 1,93 meters tall, making me seem like a little kid next to him.

We measured it.

I chuckled. "You wanted to meet Hero again. He wants to meet you as well. And that would be now.", I explained.

Nightmare immediately jumped from the bed, hugging me. "Thank you!", he screeched, causing me to flinch.

"No problem, Nightmare.", I chuckled, hugging him as well.

He released me, smiling brighter than ever before.

We went back to Hero and I softly knocked on the door, entering with Nightmare.

As soon as Hero saw Nightmare, he blushed a bit and looked away. Nightmare went to Hero, sitting down next to him.

I left the room with a very soft giggle. It was very clear that they both needed some time for themselves.

(Herobrines' FoV)
"Hey there, Hero.", he whispered, softly stroking over my cat ears.

I moved my head a little bit.

He stopped, looking at me quite sad. "What's wrong, Hero? Is it about (Y/n)?"

Tears swelled up in my eyes and I had it hard to swallow. I don't quite know why, but I just wanted her back. She was the person I really cared about, but if she doesn't want me anymore, what's the reason for doing it?

Nightmare noticed what was wrong and hugged me softly, rubbing over my back.

I swallowed heavily, feeling a tear run over my cheek. Nightmare held me close, softly whispering sweet nothings into my ears.

I put my arms around him as well before breaking down in his arms, sobbing.

Nightmare softly pulled me on his lap, taking a deep breath.

Yet he didn't tell me to stop crying or anything else. Instead he stayed silent, only softly patting my back.

He's so sweet towards me all of the sudden, and I didn't know why. It didn't bother me tho.

No, it soothed me to know that someone is still here for me, despite the things I did before my last death.

I put my head on his chest, crying into it. His heartbeat picked a little bit up, but then he calmed down again.

I wonder why he tensed up at all.

But now I only had a mind for crying.

Everything seemed so suppressing, so dark all of the sudden, and I was only a black point within a dark void.

Nightmare stroke some hair away from my face and whispered: "I know this feeling, Hero. Don't worry. I can understand."

I raised my head and looked at him.

For the first time in multiple days I was able to speak.

"You do?", I asked, my voice weak and raspy. He nodded softly and dried my tears with the long sleeves of his teal shirt. "I do. I had a girlfriend once too who left me because I changed sides. I felt as down as you are. Trust me."

I tilted my head. "Really?"

He nodded and softly kissed my cheek. "Yes.", he whispered before looking into my eyes again. "I know that feeling."

I nodded a little bit before placing my head on his shoulder. "Alright. I'll believe you.", I mumbled, putting my arms around his strong body.

We stayed like that, hugging each other for many minutes before releasing one another.

I smiled weakly, looking at him. "Thank you, Nighty.", I whispered, calling him by the short form I always thought would be matching.

Nightmare chuckled. "It's fine, really."

I nodded and leaned against him, closing my eyes. He was very soft and warm, and he didn't move to disturb me.

Instead he petted my ears softly.

I curled my tail around my body, purring loudly.

Nightmare smiled as I did this, chuckling gently.

We stayed like that until I fell asleep in his soft arms, his warm embrace making me drowsy.

1037 words


Neko! Herobrine x Reader | Once a Neko, now a human (COMPLETED!!!)Where stories live. Discover now