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I have a weird feeling that he knows something that I don't.

He was so silent the past days that I really think something is wrong.

I was sitting at the table in the living room, drinking my coffee and thinking about what could've been weird.

I was drowning in my thoughts when suddenly someone tapped on my shoulder.

I yelled, jumped up from my chair and punched the person in the face.

Let me just ask one question: how would you react if you were in my situation? I guess the same way. And now I noticed who was behind me.

Hero was standing there, holding his jaw.

"Damn for a girl you have a HARD punch.", he groaned. "But how about not reacting that way when I'm here?"

I shrugged. "How about you don't scare me like that again?"

He looked at me in a pissed way.

"Well how about not forgetting about me? Who else would stand behind you?"

And he found a point again. It's getting pretty boring now.

I have to find a point, fast.

I sighed and asked a little bit worried: "Is everything alright tho?"

He shook his head slightly. "Well now I have a headache again. Great.", he mumbled and turned his back towards me.

"Actually, I just wanted to say that I'm ready to ask Notch if you want but I guess that plan just dropped."

My own jaw dropped. Did he just...

"Yes, I agreed on a plan that I usually wouldn't agree on. Are you happy now?", Hero groaned.

I nodded.

Now I could finally help him get out of this dilemma!

But first...

"Would you like some painkillers?", I asked kindly.

Hero shook his head to my surprise. "No. I can heal myself, remember? This also counts for headaches.", he answered and snapped with his fingers.

"So... When do you want to start out adventure?", I asked, already ready to go.

"Anytime. But, just so you know: after this spell is gone, our real adventure just starts.", he said over his shoulder while he went back into his room.

"What do you mean?", I asked in pure confusion.

But I got no answer. Hero just came back with a pickaxe.

"I'd say before we go, we should get some weapons don't you think? I got some at my place."

As far as I know he has some OP weapons. So I nodded and he teleported us to a nice little wooden house on under the edge of a cliff.

I was amazed. I didn't know he had a house in the overworld.


Hero, who read my mind again, chuckled. "Well... It's invisible if I want it to be."

And in that moment, the house disappeared.

After a few moments it appeared again.

"How?", I asked. Hero just chuckled in reply and went towards the door.

He pulled out a key out of his pocket and unlocked the door. Then he pulled it open and let me go inside.


First thing that jumped at me was that everything was tidy.

Some swords and bows hung on the wall as decorations in item frames.

I went into a room which seemed like a kitchen and living room in one.

Hero, on the other hand, went towards the fridge.

"Would you like something to drink?", he asked.

"If you have some milk, I would love to get some.", I answered smiling.

He took a bottle of milk from the fridge and put it on the table. Then he went to get two glasses and put them on the table as well.

"Thanks.", I said. He just gave me a soft smile and sat down on the other side of the table.

After a few moments of silence he asked: "What are the next actions?"

I sipped my milk and answered: "Well, I'd say we go through the forest to head quarters of Mojang. We should find Notch and Jeb there. I will go inside. You should maybe follow so he can see the damage himself. And if he helps us, we know that he wouldn't hurt you. Alright?"

Hero shrugged and stared at the table. "I know he didn't change, (y/n). It's Notch. He never changes.", he whispered.

"Let's not start our fight again, okay? It's worth a shot, but if we lose, we lose it. And it isn't so bad being a Neko is it?"

He sighed and looked away. Then he stood up and went towards the side of the kitchen. He put both hands on the counter and looked outside the window.

"It's not bad but I don't feel comfortable. And this form just weakens me."

I nodded and stood up as well. I went over to him and looked out the window as well. Then I looked up to him.

I just now noticed that he is almost a whole head taller than me.

He showed me to follow him and together we went into another room which was locked.

Hero opened the door and I followed him inside.

Multiple weapons and armor pieces were hanging on the walls or shown on armor stands.

I looked at him in pure amazement.

But Hero just showed me to help myself.

I took a long sword from the wall. It was made out of diamonds. But the thing that puzzled me is that it was really light. A soft golden light surrounded it.

I took an armor which was as light as the sword.

After I was done I looked over to Hero who was still standing in the doorway.

He didn't have any armor on but had a sword hanging on his belt. The pickaxe was hanging on his other side.

We were ready to go.

(Herobrines FoV 'cause why not?)

(Y/n) was ready. I could feel how determined she was.

She was determined to help me.

A demon.

I won't get her that's for sure.

Everyone would have ran away right now. She stayed though.

Maybe there was something else than only the want to help.

Maybe it's something I still don't get yet.

Well I don't want to brainstorm to much about that.

I will just let time keep on making the days come and go.

I smiled at that thought and asked
(y/n): "Ready for our little adventure?"

She nodded and we took off.

I felt weird. Obliviously, something was wrong.

I felt like there was danger around. And I'm always right.

(And back to the magical you!)

I had a bad feeling about this. Hero looked around like something was following us and his tail twitched multiple times.

Suddenly we heard a stick break.

And after some heartbeats a person came out of the woods.

No doubt.

It was Jeff the Killer.

1150 words.

Neko! Herobrine x Reader | Once a Neko, now a human (COMPLETED!!!)Where stories live. Discover now