9. No way back

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(Herobrines' FoV)
I opened my eyes and looked around.

Something obliviously was wrong.

I didn't only feel it, I also saw it.

I was in the void, floating at one place.


I just stood up and started walking into one direction to keep my calm.

But after almost one whole minute I found myself at a place that looked exactly like my spawn.

"Are you kidding me...", I groaned and kept on walking.

I was sure that I was walking in a straight line.

But after another minute I landed at the same place again.

Now, being a bit interested, I started running.

And again it happened.

I kept on trying the same thing multiple times but it brought always the same solution.

"Interesting.", I say, lost in my own thoughts.

"It's interesting indeed that you didn't even think how you got here. Or let me say: you don't even care how you got here."

That voice.

I turned around, seeing Nightmare right in front of me, way to close to hurt me.

I could feel how COLD he was.

Colder than ice but warmer as lava at the same time.

It gave me shivers.

"How about you tell me what happened that you're so ugly?", I said, grinning evil.

But Nightmare just punched me in the face, throwing me off guard and letting me fall on the 'ground'.

I groaned in pain and stood up again.

Nightmare stood there, completely not moving. He just watched me.

"I wouldn't dare to say anything wrong, Herobrine. You know what happens if you do.", he hissed at me.

I crossed my arms and looked directly into his eyes.

I rolled my grey ones and growled: "Yeah, sure. As if you'd-"

I couldn't get any further because suddenly a sharp, piercing pain shot through my chest, letting me fall on my knees again.

I looked up at where Nightmare should be standing. But he's gone.

His voice came from every direction at once as he laughed: "You shouldn't stop keeping your guard up, Herobrine. Taking you over is easier than taking Notch over. But you're a fighter. You try to get me out of your mind. Too bad that this won't work."

I yelled in pain as Nightmare tried to get the full control over me. But I didn't let him.

Tears dripped down and fell into the abyss as I tried to keep myself conscious.

He was strong, no doubt.

But I was stronger.

He can't keep a demon like me at Bay!

Suddenly the usual symptoms of being in the void kicked in as if they were trying to help Nightmare.

I tried to stay strong and eventually got him to stop for some time.

Nightmare appeared again, breathing heavily.

But so was I.

We both caught our breaths almost completely synchronized.

Neko! Herobrine x Reader | Once a Neko, now a human (COMPLETED!!!)Where stories live. Discover now