33. Revival

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(Multiple days later)
(Steve's FoV)
I took a deep breath and looked suspiciously at the white-silver fluid in the glass bottle (Y/n) gave me.

"Are you sure this will work? It really doesn't look so tasty...", I mumbled, letting the fluid run from side to side by tilting the bottle. It was only very slow and seemed to be really sticky.

She nodded. "I read it one of Notchs' journals as I was doing this, and this seems to be the right thing to do. It should work. But now we only need the bodies."

(Y/n) and I had gotten the corpses from their place of death, and no one could look worse than Jeb and Hollow. Most of their body parts were either squished or completely destroyed which made it a pain in the ass to get them out of their places.

Herobrine wasn't looking good either. His complete body is almost literally a cheese. You could easily look through some holes in his body and he was bloody as all fuck.

Notch had a few stab sounds, as well as Nightmare, Xalphire and Zomb.

The only body which was really hard to find was the body of Hollows' brother Kuro. But his body was nothing more than a like of ashes since he was caught in a burning house. But we were able to get him as well.

(Y/n) and I went to the mortuary were all the bodies were, (Y/n) was carrying the glass bottle.

Despite it being really tiny, it should work with everyone.

Except Herobrine because he was different from everyone else. He had a different code.

As soon as we arrived there, we had to get ready since this wasn't quite the most beautiful thing to see. Nor was it soothing.

We went inside and saw the ghosts sit next to their bodies. It was very interesting to see that Kuro was also here, but not Herobrine.

Kuro looked pretty nice. Black cat ears, dark blue hair which was falling messily over his tired red eyes and his pale skin. His description seemed similar to Herobrines', but they looked nothing alike. Next to Kuro Hero seems like a piece of paper.

We went from body to body, giving all of them a drop of the freshly brewed potion and some clothes. As we came to the very last body, (Y/n) hesitated and closed the bottle.

"Let's hope this worked.", she mumbled before going to her boyfriend.

His body was way bloodier than before, but something was really odd.

Usually Hero had, and only I know that, a single deep scar over his neck. But it was nowhere to be seen.

In fact, Hero was nearly gone as well. His body started to fall into a million pixels.

Notch came over, as well as everyone else. They were awake and alive which was very good. But as I saw Notchs' gaze, I only wanted to return time so he wouldn't have been standing up.

Notch lowered his head before gripping Herobrines' hand. It was limp as he softly raised it and stroke over it.

"I...", he started, but his voice broke down.

After a few moments of just taking deep breaths he whispered: "Nightmare has to get him now."

I turned around, only to see that Nightmare was actually the only one who was lying at his place, breathing bit barely moving.

It hit me like a wave.

Herobrine is completely dead. Nightmare is trying to get him to respawn, but will he do it?

I sighed and put a hand on Notchs' shoulder. "Is this the first time being the leader?" Notch nodded.

"He never wanted to do it, but no one else can do it. So he has to bring Hero back to his home before the time is over.", he explained worriedly.

I tilted my head. "What will happen if he fails?"

Notch went completely silent. He wasn't able to say anything, it was so brutal.

Instead, Kuro mumbled: "They will both die and their codes will delete themselves in the most painful way possible."

I flinched, and (Y/n) whimpered, looking down at her friend. She broke down crying, hugging him gently.

"No no no no no...", she whimpered, putting her head on her husband's shoulder.

Herobrine was completely limp in her arms. He didn't twitch, move, breathe, or anything that showed that he may be here and listening.

I stroke over her back as she cried into his shoulder.

Notch went towards Nightmare, taking his arm and measuring his pulse.

"He's fine. For now.", he said shortly, but still worried. "I hope he will stay like that as well."

(Nightmares' FoV)
A shiver ran over my body, causing me to close the zipper of my pullover further until it got my chin. Then I continued on my way.

Hero was somewhere between the place where I died and his old house. If I'm not mistaken, it's where I first ever met him.

The old glade in the fire forest.

I walked over to this place, despite it taking multiple minutes.

As soon as I arrived there, I saw a pile of black clothing lying in the snow and the ashes of the burned down forest.

Something bad happened here which burned the whole forest down. Something not even the gods could say.

I went straight to that pile, kneeling down next to Herobrine and carefully shaking him.

He stayed unconscious for a long time, causing me to take a deep breath and lift him up bridal-style.

He was extremely weak, even as he woke up. His eyes were dull and empty, his skin pale and cold. "N-Night...", he mumbled, his voice weak and raspy.

I softly stroke over his brown hair, removing it from his eyes. "Don't worry. I will bring you to the spawnpoint and everything will be fine again."

Hero nodded softly before leaning against my shoulder, both arms wrapped around my neck.

We had exactly one hour left but this will be very hard since the house was two hours away.

And I wasn't able to teleport, nor did I really want to.

Hero gripped me a bit tighter as a cold wind stroke over us, bringing a lot of snow with it.

I held him close and started walking to the house, being as fast but also as careful as possible.

(Some minutes later)
We arrived at the house and I looked up at the sky. The spare sunlight that was shining through the clouds was showing me that we only had two minutes left.

I had to hurry.

I set him down against the wall before just kicking against the door with all my might, causing it to break and open.

As quick as possible I picked him up and brought him inside, searching for a single room.

The house was massive, so I only had the chance to listen to his directions.
As we found the room, we only had 30 seconds left.

I went to the bed, putting him down. Hero took a deep breath and laid down, looking at me and waiting.

A heavy pain shot through my chest, causing me to collapse with a screech.

Hero reacted immediately. He jumped to me, helping me stand up and guiding me to the bed.

But before anyone of us could react, everything went black.

Hero was quicker and at least touched the spawnpoint.

I begged that we did it.

Something exploded close to us and we both got knocked off our feet.

A thick cloud of dust covered us, but before more could happen, I fell into a deep unconsciousness.

1287 words

This has to be the most confusing chapter that I ever wrote in my entire life.

Neko! Herobrine x Reader | Once a Neko, now a human (COMPLETED!!!)Where stories live. Discover now