22. One problem gone, the next is coming.

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Only a few days later I woke up, confused were I was.

Then the memories poured into my mind.

Without a second of hesitation I jumped up from the bed and sprinted into Hero's room.

I opened the door and saw a person sitting on the bed, looking at me with big eyes.

Before he could react I jumped at him and pulled him into a deep hug.

"Nightmare! What's wrong? You seem pretty excited about something.", Hero asked confused.

I tightened the hug around him, unable to answer.

I instantly felt Hero gasp for air and carefully struggle to get out of my grasp.

"You're killing me, Nightmare!", he gasped, almost out of air.

With a bit of hesitance I softened my grip around him, but I didn't let him go.

Herobrine chuckled softly and stroke over my hair, causing me to snuggle deeper into his shoulder.

With a slight worry I stroke over his neck, looking for any broken bones or pain.

Hero did hiss at one point, but other than that he kept silent.

And then, Hero took me by my shoulders and pulled me away from him.

"Nightmare, what the fuck happened?! Why are you so caring right now?"

I tilted my head. "You don't remember?"

He just shook his head.

In this moment Notch entered.

"Of course he doesn't remember anything. We had to delete his memory since it would've haunted him to his death. And we got to remove that spell he casted. That's why he isn't a Neko nor a cat."

Now it was time for Hero to tilt his head and look at Notch.

"Dude, if you're not going to tell me what the hell happened, I will literally throw you both out of the window and gather the information from your dead brains!", he threatened.

(Y/n) sighed. "Believe me. You don't want to know."

She came in, dressed in a dark blue hoodie and sweatpants, her hair was tied together to a messy bun. She sat down next to Hero and stroke over his head.

He looked deeply into her eyes. "If you say so... I want to know it now even more." He smirked.

"If you really want to.", I sighed, let go and started to explain.

After almost five minutes I finished and looked at Hero.

He just stared at the sheets, his eyes blank.

"So that's why you deleted my memory... Well. It's not too bad anyway since I don't really give a damn but alright." He raised his eyes and chuckled softly.

(Y/n) sighed in relief as she noticed that he really didn't care.

(Herobrines' FoV)
I honestly didn't know why they're making such a drama about that. It's not like I can't respawn anyway. So why give a damn?

Nightmare almost strangled me a few minutes ago but as they told me what happened, I could kinda understand why he did that.

Somehow, I felt that there was something more about him than I knew tho. He seemed dangerous at first, but he's really soft to us since he really got to know us.

I don't know why, but he's a special little devil.

I grinned at that thought. A few months ago I would have ripped him into a million pieces, but now he's like a big brother to me.

Neko! Herobrine x Reader | Once a Neko, now a human (COMPLETED!!!)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora