29. A ship is sailing

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I've been thinking about this ship for way too long and now I'm doing it-

I walked around in the HQ with Steve, drowning in my thoughts. It's been a few days since Hero finally woke up after a long time, and (Y/n) was caring about Hero like a mother.

Said man was pretty much helpless under her attention. She fed him, brought him to bed, read books with him and more.

I only waited for the moment that she would start washing him.

Not that I would care too much.

Instead, I've been wondering where Xalphire and the zombie. I have no clue what he is called, but if I had to guess, his name is Zomb.

Hero talks about him sometimes. Unlike (Y/n) I listen to him all the time. He's a great story teller. He's putting riddles into stories the most clever way, and always finds the right words whenever it's necessary.

I'd love to listen to him forever.

"Say, Hollow.", Steve interrupted my train of thoughts, snapping me back into reality.


"Did you perhaps tell (Y/n) that they would survive, but not you?"

I hesitated before slowly answering: "I did in a way, but I never said that I wouldn't survive. I just said that they would make it, but not me. I never specifically said I would die." I went silent for a moment as it sunk into me. "You know what will happen, don't you?", I whispered, looking at him.

Steve buried his hands inside his jeans pockets before nodding shortly, seemingly sad all of the sudden. "I do know indeed.", he replied, looking away.

I stopped and gripped his arm, stopping him and making him look at me.

"What's wrong?", I asked carefully. But Steve stayed silent, only coming closer to me. He was a few centimeters taller than me, considering the fact that I'm not wearing my boots right now. Or else I would be taller than him.

He put his thumb on my cheek, looking deeply with his sky blue eyes into my red ones which weren't hidden behind a mask for once.

I swallowed a bit as I noticed what he was getting to.

"Since the day I saw you the first time as you are right now, I felt something I never quite felt before. I can't stop imagining us two be together as a pair. I just need to imagine this, and every time I'm around you, I feel my heart warm up. I get completely numb around you, and I never know what to say. I try to say something, but only silence leaves my mouth. I'm shy whenever you're near, but I really want to be around you. No matter what you did to anyone. Hollow, you don't have to answer immediately.", he told me.

I looked up at him before tilting my head. "Wait what are you-"

He cut me off by kissing me gently.

I let out a loud gasp and tried to move a bit away from him, but he kept me close, softly wrapping his arm around my body.

It made me melt after some moments and I kissed him back as well, putting my arms on his shoulders to keep my balance.

Steve broke the kiss, looking at me with a little smile. I looked at him as well, my eyes focused on his.

He stroke over my black hair and whispers: "Would you be my girlfriend?"

I nodded a bit and hugged him. "Sure, Steve."

We both couldn't be more different. He's a nice person, while I'm a killer.

I softly took a deep breath and held him close. He lifted me up and brought me to the living room and sitting down on the sofa.

We cuddled for a long time until (Y/n) came down to us. She looked at us before smiling.

"Seems like you two found each other.", she chuckled. Steve and I looked at her and Steve asked the question I've been asking myself since a few hours.

"How is Hero?"

(Y/n) went completely silent, looking away. "He...", she started hesitantly, but then her voice broke.

I looked at Steve before standing up and going over to her. I hugged her softly.

(Y/n) buried her head in my shoulder and trembled. "I doubt that he will survive. He coughed out a lot of blood and then he just fell into a coma. I can't make him wake up, nor react, or even check his pulse since he had a way too weak one. I don't know what to do. I-I... It was a big mistake to let him go!", she sobbed.

Steve came over to me and hugged her as well. I gave him a short nod and together we lifted her up and carried her to the sofa, setting her down.

Steve stayed with her and comforted her, giving her a blanket and hugs while I ran upstairs to look after Hero.

Said man was unconscious and a streak of his hair was pitch black. On top of that he shivered a bit and was completely curled up. Some blood dripped out of his mouth.

I went over to him, sitting down next to him and removing some of the blood from his lips. "Hey can you hear me?", I whispered.

But no one responded.

I gently took his shoulder and shook him, trying to get him to wake up. But he stayed unmoving.

One thing I immediately noticed is that he was really, really cold.

I took his hand, searching for a pulse at his wrist, but not finding it. My own pulse went faster and I put my finger under his nose.

There! A gentle breath stroke over my hand, but it was very weak.

Before I could try to make it a bit stronger tho, Hero gripped my hand tightly, opening his eyes very weak.

"Hollow...", he mumbled, trying to sit up but collapsing with a low choke. "Shit..."

I lifted him up a little bit before taking the pillow and putting it up against the bedframe, then softly placing his slender body against it.

Hero looked at me. "Where's... (Y/n)?", he asked. I swallowed heavily. "Should I go get her?", I asked. He only answered with a soft nod.

I went outside, right to her and Steve. "(Y/n), Hero is asking for you.", I told her. She immediately leapt up and ran into the room where Hero was before tackling him with a hug.

Hero gasped a bit before hugging her as well, but very slow and hesitant. (Y/n) released him after a few moments, taking a strand of his hair. "It's black...", she whispered before looking at him.

Then she only hugged him again, sobbing into his shirt. Hero held her close, stroking over her hair.

I left the room backwards, only mumbling: "I'll leave you two to it." Then I went to Steve and sat down next to him.

"How is he?", he asked me and removed some of my black hair from my eyes.

"Very weak, but he's over the hill. He shouldn't collapse so soon again.", I replied. Steve smiled and placed one arm around my shoulders, pulling me closer. I snuggled up against his warm body and fell asleep slowly.

1227 words


(throwing in random song)
(Who can continue it?)

Mayday, mayday, the ship is slowly sinking!

(I hope it isn't)
(Sorry I'm sleep deprived =D)

Neko! Herobrine x Reader | Once a Neko, now a human (COMPLETED!!!)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن