16. Surprise

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My eyes widened and I tried to sit up again, only to get pushed back down by the hybrid, careful but determined.

"I don't want to strap you down, Nightmare.", HE said calmly.

"Why'd you save me then?!"

My voice was filled with fear. I wasn't happy about that but I also didn't want to do anything against it.

The man chuckled quietly.

"Because Xalphire and I think you can easily help us with that attack Hollow is planning. And I know he betrayed you. It's nothing new to me, but you probably felt lost after this. So I offer you my help."

"And Hero wouldn't have saved you if he didn't believe that you could change."

My eyes were still stuck on the slender man which was now coming towards me.

"Are you sure you want to trust me? After what I've done to you all and Jeb?", I asked a bit afraid but Herobrine only sighed.

"I'd let the coincidence with Jeb slide as an... Accident and try to trust you. But only if you help us."

That is one thing I like about him: He tries not to lie and stay friendly.

"O-ok... What am I supposed to do?", I asked. Damn, my voice was trying to make me sound like I was panicking.

The Endermanhybrid which Herobrine called Xalphire only smiled.

"Well, first we have to get you back on your own feet. Then we have to tell Notch and the others about this. And then... Well... You would make an awesome fighter with a bit of Hero's help."

My gaze instantly shot back to Herobrine who was now sitting next to me as well, a shadow above his face.

"Do we really have to tell Notch about this?", he asked Xalphire, pain swinging in his voice.

He didn't even try to hide it. That is something else about him I liked.

"Yes, we have to. I don't want them to think he's the enemy here. They still think he's on Hollows' side.", Xalphire sighed.

Herobrine didn't seem happy about that but he pulled himself together and turned to me.

"Well, after you got better again I could at least try to train you a bit. You're already a good fighter, but you let your guard down when you think you've already won. We could try to change that. And I have the one or the other little stragety for you. Of course the training I'm willing to give you is... A bit painful sometimes. But I think if we get your knowledge together with my own knowledge we can make you a powerful immortal."

I nodded slightly worried.

"Of course, I'd only give you the training if you really want to. You'd need a lot of determination to finish it. It's not just a little bit jumping around with a wooden sword, I'm going to train you like a normal Netherian student."

I nodded again, this time more determined than before.

"I would like to try it.", I answered quietly.

Herobrine smiled at me and put his hands on my chest. He looked at Xalphire for a moment, which nodded softly.

My chest suddenly got a lot colder, causing me to gasp. But soon after it got warmer again and I couldn't feel any pain anymore.

Xalphire showed me to sit up which I did, still expecting a wave of pain shooting through my body.

Surprisingly, that didn't happen.

Xalphire removed the bandage and threw it in the trashcan while I inspected my chest.

There were no cuts, no scars, no blood... Nothing. Just my pale, uninjured chest.

"How'd you do this? I-I mean... Just... How?!", I asked completely puzzled.

Herobrine only chuckled and offered me his hand.

I took it slowly and he helped me stand up.

As I put my complete bodyweight on my legs I collapsed.

But before I even touched the ground, Herobrine caught me and sat me back down on the bed. My face suddenly became really warm and I covered it with my hands.

I heard Xalphire laugh quietly and cursed myself.


"I'd like to know that as well, Nightmare.", she said.

Herobrine tried hard to not laugh but he failed miserably.

I shot a played death glare at him and growled quietly.

That was too much for him. He collapsed in laughter and was literally sitting on the floor. Xalphire and I couldn't hide it either and we both also started laughing.

After almost five minutes we stopped, crying and holding our stomachs.

"Oh dear God", Xalphire laughed while she tried to catch her breath.

Why can't that always happen?, I thought while taking deep breaths to calm down.

(Steve's FoV)
I kept walking on the grass path away from the HQ, armed with my sword and a bow with a bunch of arrows.

Notch, (y/n) and Zomb were all still at the HQ, trying to calm the crying man down.

I wasn't able to take the crushing silence and went outside to go to the mines to gather some coal and iron.

The inconvenience with Herobrine was now two days ago. Since that day I was only waiting for something to happen, either Herobrines' move or Hollows'.

I finally arrived at the mine and pulled out a pickaxe and a torch, ready to start mining.

But before I could do that I heard someone teleport behind me.

I turned around, sword raised in one hand.

A female Endermanhybrid was standing behind me, hands raised to the sky.

"Dude, I'm not here to hurt you. Herobrine sent me.", she growled.

As I heard that I slightly lowered my sword, enough to show that I won't hurt her, but ready to attack if I had to.

The girl sighed and first introduced herself. "I'm Xalphire. Sorry if I shocked you but he wanted me to teleport to you, Steve."

I nodded. "Spit it out, Xalphire."

"Nightmare is on our team now. He's not dangerous anymore and Herobrine will train him. He's not considered a threat."

I raised my eyebrow and tilted my head. "Are you sure he-"

Xalphire cut me off with a loud groan.

"Hollow tried to kill Nightmare. But Herobrine had a bad feeling and told me about this. We teleported to Hollows' castle and found the unconscious Nightmare. Herobrine noticed that he was not happy about that and we brought him to the Nether where we healed him and talked it out. Nightmare has important informations for us and is ready to help. Got it?"

I nodded and sighed relieved.

He's save and Nightmare wants to help. That's good.

Xalphire smiled and asked: "Can you tell Notch, (y/n) and Zomb about it? I don't think Hero would be happy if I told them this."

I accepted and she teleported back to the Nether.

With a quiet groan I looked into the direction to the HQ.

That's going to be a nerve-racking return..., I thought annoyed and started going back to the HQ.

1177 words.

Neko! Herobrine x Reader | Once a Neko, now a human (COMPLETED!!!)Where stories live. Discover now