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(Notchs' FoV)
The platform fell, taking Herobrine and me with it into the abyss.

Almost 100 meters into the valley. Multiple persons had already left their life on this cliff in order to seek death.

Now it was Herobrines' and my time.

After almost 50 meters down I suddenly felt a tight grip around me and we got teleported up to the others.

Herobrines' back hit the ground first since he was the one beneath me.

I rolled down from Herobrine and looked at him in confusion.

We landed just a few meter away from the cliff.

"Why do you keep on saving me, Herobrine?", I asked quietly.

Said man just hissed. "I couldn't just let you die there, now could I?"

I nodded. I understood now.

He still thinks I'm his friend.

I chuckled.

How stubborn does a man have to be to not notice anything?

I groaned.

No! You can't get out now!

Alright, alright. I'll join the fun later on.

I felt how something suddenly sat on top of me.

It was Herobrine.

"What the hell was up with that?", he growled.

"I... Well. I think I can explain it to you easily."

Herobrine raised his eyebrows.

"What. The. Fuck. Notch?", (y/n) asked me.

That was the point where I completely lost control over myself.

(?????s' FoV)

He's to stupid to keep me away.

He keeps on thinking that he can underestimate me?

"Stop it, Nightmare."


"Stop it.", Herobrine said extremely cold.

"Or else I'll have to stop you."

"And how do you want to do that? You're way to weak for me!", I sneered.

"Or you just underestimate us.", he answered way calmer than I expected.

I began to grin and took all of my strength together.

There's no way he can survive this fall without magic.

I used all my physical and psychical might, made him incapable of magic and threw him down the cliff.

But before he fell, he grabbed the edge.

Even I could hear his elbow crack once without breaking, he still held on even tho it HAD to hurt.

He's determined to help his 'friend'. That's precious.

I went towards the cliff and took out Notchs' knife.

"One for Daddy, one for Mommy, one for Steve and the last for (y/n).", I chuckled, stabbing his fingers.

He didn't have enough power to keep on holding on with only one finger.

Herobrine yelled and fell into the abyss again.

This time, without teleporting back up.

I let Notch take over again and laid myself to sleep.

Neko! Herobrine x Reader | Once a Neko, now a human (COMPLETED!!!)Where stories live. Discover now