14. Shocking sights

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(Hero's FoV)
Notchs' eyes widened.

"Not the Aether!!!"

Zomb only nodded slowly but Notch didn't care. He only sprinted outside, not caring about anything else anymore.

(Y/n) and Steve stayed in the room for a moment, talking with Zomb.

I, on the other hand, started chasing after Notch.

I followed him into his room where a huge portal was standing. Notch did go through it only moments ago.

With a loud sigh I also entered the portal, ready for the symptoms to hit me. After all Notch made the Aether this way that it would weaken me.

As my body appeared in the Aether I already started to feel a slight headache starting.

I growled quietly and concentrated on the Aether itself.

What I saw, sent a heavy shiver over my spine.

Notch was sitting in front of the portal, staring at the destroyed landscape.

The usually godlike Aether was laying in rubble and ashes. Dead angels and rocks were lying everywhere, between huge holes in ground and walls.

Trees were burned down, the rivers had the color of blood. The huge castle was falling apart slowly but surely and the survivors were yelling in agony, begging for the pain to stop.

A few years ago I would've enjoyed that sight, but now I only felt a stitch in my heart.

I went over to Notch and sat down next to him.

Notchs' eyes were dull and he didn't even notice me.

In front of him was a dead angel with brown hair and white wings. His grey eyes started through me...

My breath stopped and my eyes widened.

The angel looked extremely like me when I was younger, only those grey eyes were different and he had a normal body... Size?

"Y-you... Notch.... D-Don't tell me..."

My voice failed me as I noticed that this wasn't a mere joke or an illusion.

Notch finally looked at me hesitantly. "Hero I-"

But I didn't care anymore. I went out if the Aether, near tears.

(Y/n) and Steve were on the other side, ready to enter as I ran past them.

(Y/n) reacted instantly. She ran past me and stopped in front of me, both hands touching the doorframe.

She noticed how done I was. She pulled me closer and hugged me carefully.

But I only broke free from the hug and ran outside to the forest.

I heard (y/n) and Steve yelling my name while I entered the forest, searching for the Netherportal.

Only five minutes later I found it, well hidden in vines, tall grass and trees.

Without taking another look back I jumped through the portal and instantly fell to the ground in the other side, my legs were unable to carry me.

He tried to replace me!
He tried to...

My eyes filled up with tears and I swallowed hard to keep myself calm.

An endermanhybrid came over to me and sat down next to me, softly rubbing over my back.

"What happened, Hero?", Xalphire asked carefully, her usual calm voice full of worry.

Xalphire was half human, half Enderman. Her black hair faded to purple at the tips, and her dark pink eyes looked at me worriedly.

I only shook my head in a desperate try to calm myself down so I could at least speak without starting to cry.

Xalphire noticed it and pulled me closer to her, even tho mobs don't usually do this.

I put my head on her shoulder and took a deep breath.

Suddenly I couldn't take it anymore and started crying.

God, I hate it.

(Xalphires' FoV)
I could easily see what happened.

Notch did try to replace him again and Herobrine noticed it.

Why does Notch always do this?!

"Am I really that worthless that anyone can replace me just like that?", he suddenly whispered.
"If that is the case, I'm not even worth living on this planet anymore."

I instantly pulled him away from me and put both my hands on his shoulders. I adjusted myself so I could sit right in front of him.

With a shock I tried to look into his eyes while he avoided mine.

Suddenly he started to laugh. "Notch did the same thing, you know? And now I feel betrayed by him. Are you going to betray me as well?"

I shook my head and took his hands carefully.

"I won't betray you, Herobrine. No matter what, the Nether is always behind you. And you are not worthless, Hero."

He sighed quietly. I put my hand under his head and adjusted it so I can look directly into his eyes.

His grey eyes, even darker than they should be. Tears were sparkling in them and I could easily see his pain and despair.

With a quiet sigh I leaned forward and hugged him.

He instantly wrapped his arms tightly around me, clinging to.me desperately.

Soon after I felt how he lost control over himself, crying like a wolf.

This is going to be a long day.

(Steve's FoV)
My eyes laid upon Notch who was completely emotionless. His eyes stared blankly at the floor of the HQ.

(Y/n) was sitting next to him on the sofa and stroking over his back in circular movements.

"Why would you try to replace him?", Zomb asked calmly. Too calm for my likings.

"I-I didn't want to replace him! I wanted... I..."

Notchs' voice broke and he just lowered his head a bit more, trying to hold his tears in.

"Hey. It's alright. Hero's probably a bit sad but he'll catch himself easily.", (y/n) tried to cheer him up.

Notch just nodded without a sound.

With a loud sigh I went outside and sat down on the warm grass in the sunshine.

Soon after (y/n) appeared next to me and sat down as well.

"How do you think does Hero feel now?", she asked.

I stayed silent and thought about my answer for a moment before answering.

"I think he feels betrayed. After all that happened since he appeared again he would probably think that it's his fault. The thing with the Neko, the destruction of the Aether, the Witherstorm, Hollow, Nightmare... I think he is going to do something stupid next.", I explained slowly.

(Y/n) nodded and put her head on my shoulder. "What do you think he will do?"

"Try to kill Hollow, Nightmare and the Witherstorm with the Netherarmy."

1080 words.

Neko! Herobrine x Reader | Once a Neko, now a human (COMPLETED!!!)Where stories live. Discover now