19. Solving mysteries and revealing new ones

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(Herobrines' FoV)
With a quiet sigh I stood up and showed Nightmare to leave the room.
He nodded and went into his own room, changing into his usual clothes.

As well as me. I just wore a dark grey creeper sweater and black jeans. And, of course, my grey shoes.

I looked into the mirror and just stroke my hand through my incredibly messy hair.

God what the hell happened to my hair?! It's like I jumped into a tornado!

Suddenly my vision went completely black and I collapsed on the floor.

I only heard Nightmare yell my name and drop to his knees next to me, then I blacked out completely.

A dark, quiet night. Even tho it looked like it was winter, it was warm and cozy.

A boy ran through the ruins, afraid of a big, black clothed person with red glowing eyes.

The boy wasn't older than 5, his brown eyes always drifted back to the demon behind him.

He ran right into the ruins, where a woman, a man and a little boy stood.

This little boy had blue eyes and light brown hair. He looked directly at the running boy.

At the same time the demon shot a red wave at the walls which started to crumble.

A single, loud yell destroyed the silence and the sound of collapsing walls disturbed every single animal.

The stones fell directly onto the boys, but the two adults instantly pushed them away.

Too late for the brown-eyed boy which was already dead. The blue-eyed boy was still alive, but he was completely unconscious.

With another loud yell the adults got hit by the rocks and got burried under them.

Only minutes later a helicopter floated above the broke down ruins and filmed the accident.

(Nightmares' FoV)
Herobrine woke up with an ear-piercing scream, so loud to shatter glass.

He was breathing heavy and his body was shaking violently.

I knew what was going on now. As well as Herobrine I can read minds. And as I did that with him, I saw what he saw.

It even shocked me.

I sat right next to him and pulled him into a deep hug, trying to calm him down as far as possible.

He put his head on my shoulder. His tail was twitching, as well as the ears and his whiskers.

After almost five minutes I got him calmed down the best I could calm him down. With a tired moan he raised his head off my shoulder and looked directly into my black and white eyes.

"You saw what happened, didn't you?", he asked. His voice sounded really tired and despaired.

God, I hated it when that happened.

I just nodded without a sound and took both of his hands.

"I did see what happened. And I know that Hollow sent you that memory. He is the only one who can manipulate other people's minds so that they'd see this. But please, whatever you do: Don't give in. Always try to push him back. Never let him get to your brain or your soul. Got that?"

He nodded once. It seemed a little bit faked but I pushed that feeling away.

I stood up and gave him my hand, ready to help him stand up as well.

He didn't move tho. He just sat there, his eyes looking at a point that I couldn't see. Again.

With a silent growl I took another gaze into his mind and was instantly surprised.

"You can't run away from the duty, Herobrine! No matter what, you have to do it. You have to kill Hollow. He killed your parents, so you have to kill him."

I heard Herobrines' voice, loud and clear, yet terrified and tortured.

"No! I won't attack him! I'm not a killer anymore! It was a long time ago, but I stopped. And I won't start again because of one IDIOT!"

The second voice was rather dark and instantly reminded me of Hollows'.

"Don't let your heart jump over your mind, Herobrine. I know your not attacking Hollow because of (y/n), Nightmare, Notch, Steve, Zomb, Xalphire, your old friends, your pare-"


That yell escaped my own throat. I didn't know I could do that as well.

"Don't ever try to speak to him again, Hollow! You already did enough bad stuff, you don't have to do this as well!"

With that we both got thrown out of his mind.

Hero shook his head slightly and looked at me. I just sighed and tried to stand up again, but he took my hand and pulled me down.

His eyes went up to mine until our gaze met.

"How did you know it was HIM?", he asked a bit aggressive.

I swallowed and answered as calm as possible: "I recognized his voice."

"Are you sure he didn't try to take YOU over?"

I deeply looked into his starwhite eyes without any fear.

"Yes, I'm sure. If you don't believe me, you can search my mind and my soul for him. But I swear you won't find him anywhere."

He looked at me for a moment longer, then he looked away.

"Sorry. I just don't trust Him at all."

With inner relief I smiled. "No one does honestly. Not even Hollow himself."

Hero nodded and I offered him my hand again after I stood up.

He took it this time and I pulled him up, careful not to hurt him.

And suddenly it hit me.

He had grey eyes yesterday!!!

I took another look at Hero. His eyes where white like paper, yet his iris was slightly shown by two thin, black lines.

His gaze shot up to my eyes and he tilted his head. "What's wrong? Am I a ghost?", he joked.

I shook my head with a smile. "No, you're not. But your eyes are completely white."

His eyes widened. "What? Not even the outline?!", he almost yelled.

"No, they're there. But yesterday your eyes were grey, weren't they?"

He only took a deep breath and answered relieved: "Yes, they were grey. But only temporary. I can always change them back to white. Or another color."

Now it was my turn to be confused. "What do you mean you can change your eye color?"

He smiled and closed his eyes for a second before opening them again.
They were green now.

"I usually don't do it that often but if I enter a castle or anywhere where I shouldn't be recognized, I kinda have to do it. There are not many people with white eyes, you know?", he chuckled.

"Also, we have to go down to Xalphire now or else she'll think that we're... You know..."

I instantly started to blush lightly. "She knows that we're not in love, does she?"

He just nodded, took my hand and pulled me downstairs with him.

Xalphire was already sitting at the table and was waiting for us.

"Oh. There you are. I didn't want to interrupt you since you could be doing anything up there. Which I hope didn't happen?", she asked with a quiet laugh.

Hero only growled loudly and sat down. I followed him.

We ate together and then started our journey to the HQ.

1212 words.

Neko! Herobrine x Reader | Once a Neko, now a human (COMPLETED!!!)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu