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In the room was a huge glass chamber. It was only lit in a dim light.

I noticed how Hero suddenly was nervous and put my hand on his.

He sighed.

"Are you still sure you want to...?", I started but Hero cut me off with a nod.

I looked around a bit more.

A bunch of redstone dust was lying around the glass chamber, together with some repeaters and Redstone- Blocks.

A big metal machine was sitting on top of the glass, obliviously to catch lightning. Some cables ran down the glass dome like water and disappeared in the ground.

Hero swallowed and took a step forward.

Notch went towards a room next to the other one with the dome, only devided by a thin glass.

Jeb opened the dome and Hero stepped inside carefully.

The Jeb closed it and put a metal plate on the door.

Hero closed his eyes. His tail was slightly twitching.

Jeb went into the room behind the glass and stood next to me. He put his arm around my shoulders.

Notch took a headset and put it on.

"Are you ready to start the process?", he asked Herobrine.

Said person just nodded with slight hesitation.

"Beginning programming in three, two, one..."

The light went out.


For a moment it was completely quiet.

Then, suddenly, a lightning stroke right at the metal construction on top of the dome and lit up the room for a split second.

This second was enough to see that Hero was kneeling on the ground, clutching his chest.

Everything went dark again, only to be broken again by a few more lightning strokes.

Hero yelled.

I put my hands on my ears and tried to shut the screams out.

A few minuted later everything went dark again.

It was done.

Notch settled down the headset and tried to turn on the light.

And within a split second the whole glass dome lit up and exploded into millions and millions of pieces.

My eyes widened.


(Notch's FoV)
Shit! This isn't supposed to happen at all!

I waited until the dust had put itself down and sprinted into the chamber.

In the dim light of the redstone I saw Herobrine lying in the middle of the glass, completely unmoving.

I ran towards him and checked him.

Pulse? -Weak.
Breath? -Weak as well.
He himself? -Unconscious.

"Shit.", I mumbled and tried to get him to wake up.

I rolled him onto his back and put both hands on his chest.

I felt something warm and sticky cover my hands.

"Come on! Wake up!", I whispered in fear.

Neko! Herobrine x Reader | Once a Neko, now a human (COMPLETED!!!)Where stories live. Discover now