26. Kill Hollow?

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Under the stone pile was a body. It was completely bloody and some bones were broken, but the person was breathing.

I pulled the body out and rolled it around.

With a loud yell I jumped away.

Under the black hoodie was a 16 year old girl, her black mask broken. Her bloodred eyes were staring at me in pure shock and she tried to move away, but she failed with a loud yelp.

"D-Don't come any closer, Herobrine!", she hissed and sat up, raising her bloodsoaked arms.

I tilted my head after the shock was gone and asked slightly whispering: "Hollow?"

The girl stiffened, but then she sighed and lowered her head, the semi-long black hair falling over her eyes.

"Just kill me. I know I did kill almost everyone you ever loved, so just give me the mercy shock.", she growled.

Somehow, even with the possibility of doing so, I couldn't.

Even tho she was sitting in front of me, completely powerless and my sword was lying in the bag, I couldn't.

Something told me that it was wrong if I did it.

And I didn't want to be a killer.

I sighed and shook my head. "No, Hollow. I won't be a killer like you."

She raised her head, shock and surprise plastered all over her pale face.

"You... Won't? Why? I killed Nightmare, Notch, Jeb... Every person you needed and loved, I killed them. The only persons that are left are Steve, (y/n) and Zomb. And I created a Witherstorm which killed a few mortals as well.", she stuttered, completely confused.

I didn't answer, but I went to my bag. Then I sat down next to it, staring at Hollow.

"Just tell me one thing. Why?"

Hollow shrugged. "Pure bloodlust, boredom, hate against you... Most likely bloodlust. And the need to spread despair."

I nodded and took my bag, searching for something.

Hollow glanced at me, but as soon as I raised my head she looked away like nothing happened.

With a soft chuckle I remembered that I did the same thing with (y/n).

Then it suddenly hit me.

"Are you in love with someone?", I asked. Hollow winced and looked away, slightly blushing.

"Let's change the subject.", she answered. I shrugged a little bit and started searching again.

Soon after I found it, throwing the golden apple to Hollow. She caught it quite confused and looked at it.

"Just eat it. It's not poisoned or anything.", I chuckled and leaned back, trying to be calm around her now that I found out who she is.

Come to think of it, I still know nothing about her. So I had to ask.

Hollow had taken a bite out if the apple.

"Say, what is your real name?", I asked. Hollow looked up to me.

"Saiko Janine Berger.", she answered calmly, still eating her apple. "And yours?"

"Absentia Herobrine Nóctèr."

She nodded. "Nice name."

There was no hate in her answer, nor anything mocking. It was just a plain answer.

"So... How'd you land under that pile of stones there?", I asked to change the subject.

Hollow, AKA Saiko, shrugged. "Witherstorm. That fucking asshole turned against me and tried to blow me up. But it just hit a little hill in the middle of fucking nowhere and created this cave.", she answered, her voice dripping from annoyance and anger.

Neko! Herobrine x Reader | Once a Neko, now a human (COMPLETED!!!)Where stories live. Discover now