Chapter 3

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The next hour or so seemed to blur past me.

Once the game had ended I remembered running out of the house I had killed Mirage in and fell to the ground. I had remained there on my knees, still grasping the gun in my hand until the ship came down to get me. While the clean up crew began to work behind me, collecting the bodies and respawning the appropriate ones back in their ship, a medic came up to me and ushered me back into a ship to take me off the island.

He had been speaking words to me as he checked me over for injuries, but I didn't hear many of them. I was still trying to wrap my head around the past hour.

"I should be dead," I mumbled.

"What was that?" the medic asked, making me realize that I had just said that outloud.

"I should be dead." I said again, louder this time. He grinned,

"Those were some pretty sly moves you had out there," he said as he took the gun I was still holding and shoved it in the backpack. I remained silent. I felt myself zone out again as the next thing I knew I was being pushed out of the ship where I was met with a faceful of cameras and reporters. In that moment I was thankful that I still had the mask over my face so they couldn't see my emotions. As I walked down they all began shouting questions at me.

"How'd you do it?!"


"Why didn't you have a respawn?"

"Who are you?" Most of the words blended into a jam of words, but the last question stuck out to me. I felt myself stop walking and all the reporters went quiet waiting for my response. Who was I? I thought back to what the medic had said to me in the ship. For the first time since I left that arena, I grinned.

"Call me Sly."

I found myself getting pushed through the reporters to another small room. There I was handed a card that resembled a credit card.

"Your winnings," the man said with a grin on his face. I looked down at it and suddenly remembered the deal I made.

"Don't suppose I could get it split in two?" The man laughed.

"Owe someone money do we?"

"Something like that." He took the card back and came back a second later with two.

"I hope we'll be seeing you again," he told me. "You're already quite the star, taking out Mirage and all." I nodded,

"He's okay right?" The man put a hand on my shoulder.

"He's already awake again. Not to happy though." I winced, no doubt he was pissed that his streak was ruined, and by a nobody much less.

"I should get going then," I mumbled to the man. "Thanks." He nodded once and sent me out the door again, where I was greeted by the reporters again, the crowd which seemed to have grew. I tried to push past them, I knew I needed to get out of here. I realized I still had the backpack and I gripped it harder, trying to get past the crowd. I needed to find Woodall. He would have Sky. I couldn't wait to see her. The crazy dream of ours to settle down somewhere off of Earth and away from everything might actually pan out.

The more I thought about her, the more eager I was to get out of here. However, the crowd of reporters had now grown larger, now with fans mixed in. There was a lot of yelling. I noticed some of them were wearing Mirage's merch. That made me want to get out of here faster, I could feel myself beginning to panic again.

"Hey bruddah's!" a voice boomed from somewhere in front of me. "Let's give the champion some room, aye?" The crowd seemed to obey the voice and began to shift away from me. I looked around for the person behind the voice when he gave me a pat on the shoulder. "Makoa Gibraltar," he said as he began to guide me through the crowd, which was now parting as we walked. I felt myself gulp. Another legend.

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