Chapter 16

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The rest of the legends had beat us back to Mirage's house. They had already busted out the booze and were all lounging around the kitchen.

"She purposely went into your gas?" I heard Bangalore asking Caustic.

"From my understanding, yes." When we walked in all heads turned to us. I awkwardly waved and went to grab myself a drink,

"It was a good plan. The gas," I said as I picked up a can. However as I opened up the can, the drink fizzed over and spilt all over the front of my shirt. A few people chuckled.

"And you're telling me we lost to that?" Ajay asked with a wink. Mirage came up and pat me on the back.

"You should go change. I'll start up the T.V." I nodded and ran off to my room to find a different shirt. When I walked in my eyes drifted towards the old suit that Sky had made for me, it was laying on top of the dresser. I grinned a little has I put my hand on it. If only she could see me now.

When I walked back out everyone was now in the living room sitting down. I began to make my way over to them when I was cut off by Pathfinder.

"Miss Sly," he started. "I have been told that I should not have told the reporter your age and I would like to apologize." I laughed a little.

"It's okay. They were bound to find out anyway." Pathfinder's screen displayed a smiling face.

"Still, I would like to make it up to you."

"How so?"

"I believe I may be able to help you in locating information about what happened to your family." I felt myself grin,


"Getting access to the internet archives from seven hundred years ago is a bit of a tricky task however I believe with my computer skills and enough bribe money, we could have some luck."

"Wow. That would be awesome Path." He brought his hand up and I high-fived it. "But why help me?"

"I enjoy helping humans. I also have not considered the possibility of my creator being from your time and I believe it would be worth investigating." I smiled a little, the thought was cute. "However I do believe that we may need some more money."

"Yeah? And how do you suppose we go about doing that?"

"There is a duos match in five days time."

"Are you asking me to be your teammate?" I asked with a grin.

"Unless you would rather do more solo or squad matches." I shook my head.

"I would love to be on your team Pathfinder." The screen on his chest changed to display a face with heart eyes. I gave him a pat on the shoulder. "It'll be fun! Now come, we have a match to watch."

We entered the living room and I saw that all of the seats were full. I elected to sitting on the floor, leaning up against the coffee table.

"Alright!" Mirage exclaimed. "Ready to watch us kick your asses?!" Gibraltar threw a chip at him. I laughed as I watched Bloodhound's crow swoop down to pick it up, scaring Mirage. The bird rested near my feet and I quickly brought my legs up to my chest. Bloodhound called him back.

"I heard he bit you in the arena," they said casually.

"Yeah..." I mumbled, a little embarrassed. I held up my finger. "I still have the mark!" This made a few people laugh,

"Now that's something I can't wait to watch," Ajay, who was leaning up against Bangalore, giggled. Mirage had finished setting up the T.V and took a seat in the middle of the couch, squishing in between Gibraltar and Ajay.

"Alright!" he started as he hit play. "So since none of us care about the other teams we just watch the footage of ourselves," he explained to me. I nodded,

"How narcissistic of you." A few people laughed. "And, since we took first blood, I believe that means we start with us." The screen began playing the start of the match and I grabbed a handful of chips. Watching myself made me in the arena realize that I really wasn't good at the whole thing.

"Hold on!" Ajay laughed. "Why weren't you allowed to take a mozambique?" She asked after the first fight had ended.

"Well when we first started training Mirage was teaching me how to use all the guns and stuff right? Well he made different piles and one of them was ones I wasn't allowed to take!" A few people laughed.

"That didn't mean you should go without a gun!" I shook my head,

"I believe your words were 'you're not allowed to pick them up, ever.'" I said mimicking his voice. Mirage shook his head and went back to the T.V. We then switched over to Bangalore's team and watched as they took down a squad on the other side of bunker before going inside to heal.

"Okay we have to watch this from our point of view," Mirage said switching to the cameras focused on my team.

"Do we have to?" I complained, remembering what had happened.

"How do you forget that you can go invisible and climb walls?" Bangalore asked as we watched. I shrugged,

"I mean, it's not something I did that often in 2019, it takes some getting used to!" She shook her head with a small smile on her face as she took a swig from her beer. We continued watching up and once we got to the point where Bangalore shot me, everyone burst out laughing. I found myself laughing with them. "You know looking back I can see my mistake," I said before any of them had the chance to comment on my stupidity. Once we had left bunker Mirage changed the footage to Caustics team where he had taken out an entire team with his gas. They had been healing up in the house where our fight had taken place when we arrived. Everyone applauded Wraith's headshot she took from the window, even Ajay, who was the one that was killed from it. Mirage switched back to our team and I watched everyone's faces as they watched me explain my plan. Everyone was grinning, except Caustic. I found myself biting my lip, he really wasn't the person I would want to have on my bad side.

"Dramatic villain monologue?" he finally asked as the screen had me running towards the building, although, since I was invisible all that could be seen were my footsteps in the water.

"Yeah you know, in like every movie the bad guy always gives this dramatic speech about why they are doing what they're doing. Take Darth Vader for example, he literally wasted an entire scene talking to his son about how being evil was great when like, everyone else was busy fighting." Everyone looked at me confused. "Star Wars?" Mirage shook his head and I sighed as Mirage pressed play on the footage. The video ended on my thumbs up at the end.

"I can't believe that plan actually worked." Gibraltar chuckled. "She really had you figured out!" he exclaimed while reaching over to give Caustic a pat on the back. Caustic huffed,

"I have to admit, I would never have expected someone to willingly submit themselves to the gas to provide a distraction." I felt myself grinning. "Although I would expect you will not be doing that again." I shrugged,

"Honestly. I can't confirm or deny that statement." A few people laughed and I thought I saw Caustic grin a little.

"Well, I will make sure that next time, the gas will act faster."

"I would expect nothing less Caustic," I said with a grin, although the thought was terrifying to me. "Did you like how I dramatically fell off the roof though?!" A few people started laughing and a new conversation had started about other moments in the match when all of a sudden Wraith jumped up out of her seat, looking straight ahead.

"Everything okay?" Mirage asked. Wraith didn't reply and I saw her tilt her head before her eyes turned silver.

"Everyone down!" she exclaimed with clear worry in her voice. A few people listened and hit the floor just seconds before bullets started raining through the windows of Mirages house. I quickly turned myself invisible as Gibraltar threw down one of his dome shields and I crawled back around the couch to take cover behind it, the bullets still pouring through. I looked over to Mirage who was shaking his head.

"I just had the walls repainted!" 

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