Chapter 19

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The day of the duos match I found myself getting nervous again. I didn't have nearly as long to train with Pathfinder and I had yet to master using zip-lines like he could. As we loaded into the ship I noticed that this time around I was the champion, and mine and Pathfinder's face were being displayed above everyone. I gulped as I put the mask on, trying not to make eye contact with anyone. Since it wasn't a champion match only about half of the participants had invested in respawns and I found myself feeling guilty simply for having one. As we loaded I also noticed that Bangalore and Gibraltar were playing as well. They waved to us before they jumped.

"Are we ready to go Miss Sly?" Pathfinder asked me as we neared the edge of the ship. I nodded. We lept. "Hold your breath," Pathfinder exclaimed. "If you have to breathe!"

"Of course I have to breathe!" I shouted as we fell which only caused me to lose my breath and I felt myself get lightheaded for a few seconds. We drifted over towards Runoff, noticing that no one was following us. Once we hit the ground Pathfinder and I took off in different directions to look for weapons. "What kind of guns ya like?" I asked Pathfinder through the coms.

"I am programmed to be proficient in every weapon featured in this arena. However, I do prefer the Havoc or Devotion."

"Got it. I'll pick up any energy ammo I see as well then." Since no one else had dropped in our location we took the first five minutes of the match to loot.

"After analyzing your previous two matches I noticed that you have the best accuracy with the R-301. Here is one," he said while handing it to me.

"Thanks!" We took a few seconds to exchange the different loot we had collected. I looked down at my map and saw that we had a bit of a hike in order to get into the ring, which was going to be closing soon. "Ready to go?" I asked. Pathfinder nodded.

"I deploy a zip line so we do not have to walk across the sand!" 

"Yeah I don't like sand," I started, "It's coarse, rough, and irritating, and it gets everywhere," I said dramatically. Pathfinder looked at me,

"Was that a Star Wars reference?" he asked. I grinned,

"I'm glad you get me Pathfinder." I said.

"Well you had mentioned Star Wars previously so I took time to gain information for all nineteen films!" he exclaimed. My eyes went wide.

"Nineteen?! " I exclaimed. "When I left there were like eight!" I shook my head as Pathfinder and I got on the zip line. As we did I couldn't help but appreciate how convenient it was. "This is so much easier than walking!" I remarked as as we zipped across.

"And fun!" Pathfinder replied. I laughed as we jumped off at the other end. We were on the left side of bunker, headed towards the circle by Cascades when I out of the corner of my eye I saw movement. I reached out and stopped Pathfinder from moving. I pointed towards the edge of bunker where a team was walking towards us. Pathfinder changed his screen to display a red angry face. There was a bit of a rock edge that he pointed to and quickly grappled himself up. I grinned as I realized I could climb up to where he was thanks to the stickiness. They were coming around the corner and Pathfinder looked at me. "I will take the one on the right," he said quietly. I nodded.

"After you." Pathfinder lined up a shot with the G7 scout he had found while I got my R-301 ready. As soon as I heard him fire his gun I fired mine. His target went down instantly, headshot, and I had put a whole mag into my target, breaking his blue shields. He was down a few seconds later. Pathfinder held up his hand,

"High-five?" I grinned and gave him a high five. Pathfinder jumped off of the rock and I carefully climbed down so I wouldn't hurt myself. We went down to the bodies to see what they had. As we did I couldn't help but notice that there were no blinking green lights on the two men. I felt myself freeze as Pathfinder looted. They didn't have respawns. "Miss Sly?" Pathfinder finally asked. I snapped back to attention. "I said you can take the level two body shield." I quickly nodded,

"Right, yeah. Thanks."

"Is everything okay?" Pathfinder asked, noticing my hesitation. I nodded again,

"Yeah, yeah, just..." I sighed. "The last game I didn't actually kill anyone."

"That is not correct. You killed me!"

"That's not what I mean." I said looking over at the two bodies. Pathfinder put a hand on my shoulder.

"They knew what they signed up for." I nodded again. "Now, we should keep moving!" And with that statement Pathfinder took off. I shook my head as I followed behind him. As we approached Cascades we could hear the sound of gunfire echoing throughout the river. "My sensors tell me they are on the hill just outside of Bunker!" Pathfinder informed me. I nodded.

"What do you want to do?"

"Statically, we have a lower chance of survival if they keep the high ground. You saw what happened to Anakin when he did not have it." I laughed,

"You really like Star Wars don't you?" I said while still laughing.

"The next ring will most likely be going towards Artillery. I say we get to the high ground above the river and wait for them to come to us," Pathfinder continued. I nodded as the sound of gunfire from above us had stopped,

"Let's do it then."

"There is already a zip line attached over here." I followed Pathfinder to the zip line and got on after him. As we went I looked behind me and saw the shadow of another player.

"Uh Pathfinder? They're down there."

"That's okay. The chances of someone making a shot as we are moving is-" he was cut off as we heard the sound of a gun fire. I felt the bullet go through my arm, causing me to let go of the zip line. I remembered screaming the entire way down to the ground. When I hit the ground heard a loud cracking sound and felt immense pain rippling throughout my leg. I looked down and saw bone sticking through my knee.

"Oh God," I muttered while squeezing my eyes shut, feeling a little sick to my stomach. I felt tears forming at the edges of my eyes and I was getting light headed, both from the pain and the blood loss.

"Don't worry, I got you friend!" Pathfinder exclaimed. He swooped down in front of me, the fall not impacting him at all. I guess he was a robot after all. He came up to me and scooped me into his arms causing me cry out in pain as I was being moved, my leg nor arm enjoying any of it. Pathfinder used his grapple to get us closer to below where we had been trying to get up to. There he grabbed onto the zip line leading straight up. Once we got to the top he carried me inside the building and set me down carefully behind a counter. I looked back down at my leg and winced again when I saw it. I bit my tongue to try and distract myself from the pain in my leg, I had never felt anything so painful. Pathfinder knelt down in front of me with a med kit. "This will help," he said as he began to patch me up. "Humans and falling do not go well together," he commented. I felt the pain in my leg beginning to fade, though I didn't dare look back down at the bone. I looked up to answer Pathfinder but instead I simply watched as a bullet went straight through his head.

"Shit," I mumbled as his body crumpled to the ground. It appeared that whoever had shot me off of the zip line had followed us. I realized I had dropped both my guns when I had fallen off the zip line and frantically looked around for a weapon. I was in to much pain to be able to turn myself invisible, although even if I could, the pile of blood I was sitting in was a bit of a give away. I was in the middle of reaching for Pathfinder's gun when I saw a Wingman pointed at me. I looked at the person holding it. "Oh," I said, wincing through the pain. "Hey guys." Bangalore shook her head and looked back to Gibraltar who was guarding the door before looking back at me.

"Sly moves," she commented. "That fall."

"Ha," I deadpanned, still moaning in pain. I shifted in place, the pain rapidly increasing since Pathfinder didn't get to finish applying the med kit. "Do you mind hurrying it up though? This really hurts." Bangalore looked back to her partner.

"We have more following," he told her. Bangalore looked back down at me, the gun pointed in my face once again,

"See you on the other side," she said to me. And with a loud bang, everything went black. 

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