Chapter 23

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We had thought that we had the advantage on Mirage's team however only a few seconds after us noticing them it appeared that Wraith had sensed our presence and all three of them were taking defensive positions.

"Okay," I said to my team members. "I have to be the one to kill Mirage." Bloodhound tilted their head, confused. "We made a bet. Actually, a lot of people were making bets." I recalled the social media war we had started when we had told the people we were on opposite teams. People had taken sides for which one of us was going to kill the other. It had been amusing to watch. I looked back over to my teammates, Pathfinder was keeping tabs on them with a triple take.

"I have a shot," he told us.

"Take it," Bloodhound instructed. We heard someone cry out in pain letting us know he had landed the shot. I looked back to the house they were in and saw that Wraith was gone. It looked like it had been Mirage that got hit and Lifeline was quickly trying to patch him up. "Sly. Can you turn invisible and get towards them? I can hold their focus." I nodded and turned myself invisible. I ran out from our cover and began to sprint over to where Mirage was being healed. As I was running I saw Wraith coming out of her void. I grinned as I realized she didn't know I knew where she was.

"Wraith is behind the zip line," I said into the coms as I ran past her. Bloodhound began focusing their fire on Wraith while Pathfinder was still guarding the house Mirage and Lifeline were in. I whipped out my R-99 as I turned myself visible once I was inside. Mirage was still down on the ground so I emptied my mag into Ajay. "One down," I said as she hit the ground.

"Wraith is down as well," Bloodhound replied. I looked back to where Mirage had been sitting and saw ten of him instead of one.

"For God's sake Mirage!" I exclaimed. I frantically looked around at the decoys. Some were sitting on the ground pretending to be injured while others were standing or walking around, creating chaos inside the small building. I quickly reloaded my gun. "Get out here and fight me like a man!" My team was still down by the river and I heard the sound of actual footsteps behind me compared to the decoys lack of sound. I grinned and got ready to turn around and fire at him when all of a sudden I heard Pathfinder's Triple Take go off.

"Attention," the announcer said. "Champion eliminated." I spun around to see Mirage on the ground.

"Pathfinder!" I exclaimed. "What did I say about me killing him?!"

"I'm sorry friend, I didn't want him to hurt you," he said as he grappled up towards me. His screen was displaying a sad face. "I'm sorry I upset you." I sighed.

"I can't be mad at you Path." His screen changed back into a smiley face as Bloodhound and Arthur walked into our building.

"Only one squad remains," they said as we looked over the loot. I grabbed some more ammo.

"Looks like the ring will be closing around us."

"I say we hold down this position!" Pathfinder said. "We will have the best vantage point if we climb onto the roof."

"I agree," Bloodhound said. I nodded and followed them outside to climb onto the top of the house. We all lay down on our stomachs glancing over the roof. Since the ring was behind us we didn't have to worry about the last team coming from that direction and we could focus on looking towards the exit of caves and bunker. I was in the middle between Pathfinder and Bloodhound, both of them seeming very focused, even Arthur was perched on the roof looking focused. I got my guns out, ready like them, waiting for something to happen. After a minute I sighed and set my gun down in front of me.

"So..." I started. "We just, wait?" Bloodhound nodded. I groaned and put my head on the roof. Pathfinder looked over to me.

"You look bored friend." I lifted my head up and nodded.

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