Chapter 27 The Outcome for Sympathizing a Lion

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The lantern festival in the capital really deserved it's fame. Flying dragons, pouncing tigers, dancing phoenixes and Guan Yin sitting in the middle of lotus..... There were a lot of kinds of ice sculptures.

The streets were packed, as though the entire country was here. The women of the Great Qi were bold and unrestrained; quite a number of them stopped the Crown Prince before saying, "Is this brother's heart taken yet?"

Tian Bing Qing and I exchanged secret smile, whispering to each other, "This is the fifteenth girl."

It had only been two hours and the Crown Prince already made 14 girls cried from heartbreak. Was his heart made of stone?

He was so coldhearted, it made people depressed.

Tian Bing Qing suddenly gave me a look of pity; I couldn't fathom why. I was just about to ask him why, when my neck was suddenly pulled from behind. My body turned for a moment before falling into a warm chest. I looked up and my eyes fell on the Crown Prince's chin.

He lowered his head, his phoenix eyes twinkling as he leaned down and gave my lips a peck. While I was busy being taken aback, he spoke with an unchanging expression, "Miss, I already have someone in my household. I don't dare to mislead Miss."

I stupidly looked up from his embrace and saw the girl's eyes reddening. She forced herself to laugh and said, "I was too presumptuous." After that, she looked at me who was wrapped in Feng Zhao Wen's embrace. She appeared to be weirded out. After that, she covered her teary face with her hands and ran off

I touched my own face; secretly remembering how I had been eating sumptuously lately. I must have overate, why else was my face scary enough to scare a young girl to tears?

The corner of Feng Zhao Wen's lips was raised as he patted my head, "Are you satisfied now? Do you still want to see the celebration?"

I was in a daze, "Your Highness, am I that ugly?" I scared that beautiful girl to tears like that.

The Crown Prince looked at my with a difficult expression, as though he wanted to tell the truth but was afraid it would ruin my self-esteem. Under my earnestly questioning gaze, he simply sighed before he relented, "Actually, one will get used to you after looking at you for a while."

Thinking about it made my heart turned cold. I struggled out of his embrace and rubbed my belly, "Let's go back to eat." Being ugly was not my fault, but going out to scare others was.

Feng Zhao Wen held my hand as he gave a low chuckle, "Actually, it is better to eat warm things when your mood is bad."

Was that considered him comforting me?

En, the Crown Prince's comfort was not something of low value, might as well accept it.

Whenever one faced spiritual collapse, one must make up to it with worldly material; only then could one find the strength to go on.

The citizens of the Great Qi had both spiritual strength and wealth, Feng Zhao Wen dragged me through the rows and rows of restaurants serving roasted ducks and aromatic dishes only to stop in front of a noodle stall in a little alley.

I secretly said to myself: The Crown Prince must have forgotten to bring his money pouch.... He was originally rich enough to give us a feast!

Just as I was about to persuade him, Feng Zhao Wen raised his sleeves before sitting down. The way he sat was truly noble and upright. It was unfortunate the alley was dark. No one could see him.

Had we been sitting in one of those restaurants, he would have stolen everyone's attention for sure.

What was even more unfortunate was this noodle stall was operated by a pair of old couple. They did not even know he was this kingdom's Crown Prince and greeted him with a familiar warm smile, "You are here? Same order?"

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