~Chapter 28: You're not crazy, You're not insane, You're just realizing~

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He walked through the forest, the day was bright and warm as he felt the heat on the back of his neck with a ever so light sound of tick tick ringing in his head.


You can barely hear it but it's here.


Now it's getting louder and it's quite a bother, Russia shook his head thinking he is just hearing things. He continues to walk through the forest, since when did it felt so far away.


Ok now it's loud like it's right there in the same room as him along with echoing foot steps which sounds like he is in a hallway. Why would it sound like that if he is in a forest there is no tile in sight? Nor he wasn't in a building.


It's very loud now, like it's right there in his ear. Russia was gripping his head as he sat down on a random rock which was big enough to sit down, a person of one.

Russia closed his eyes and open them again to see he was in hallway. The lights flickering like a old cliche movie, Russia could hear himself breathing and only his breathing which indicates he is alive.

He stood up from were was supposed to be the rock he sat down at and walked down the hallway having his uneasy feeling in his gut.

Just the steps echoed through the empty and what seemed abandoned hallway until he heard something that made his heart stop. Heard sobbing and it sounded very familiar.

He followed the sound were the sobbing was coming from though he felt stupid cause in horror movies your not suppose to walk into danger or something that doesn't feel right but the horror movie characters are stupid anyways.

He walked to the hunched over figure that was sobbing it was to dark to see who it was but they started to slowly turn there head and they didn't made a sound not a peep.

Like they were in shock.

"It's.... You ..... " The person said

They started to laugh like a madman before Russia knew it he was running he really didn't know why he was running it just that his feet was carrying him somewhere and he honestly didn't know where or why.

He ran right into the same nurse again, he started to feel himself panic but he did kinda feel bad they had to deal with him again but for some reason his body was telling him to fight back.

They are a danger to you.

What repeated in his mind, which felt empty his mind felt empty but yet he felt so alive.

He push the nurse, cringing. Russia was mean sometimes but not really violent towards strangers or attorney but he couldn't control his movements it's like something or someone was controlling him or he didn't want to admit it was himself doing this.

He ran down the hallway hearing the hollering of the staff right behind him and he looked back for one second and ran into something or let's say someone.

The looked for one second to see a awfully familiar face,


He kinda felt himself frown a bit to see it wasn't the person he wanted to see but oh well you can't get what you always want, He tried to explain or at least say something.

Not until he heard the nurses say something to Canada before he knew it he was in a the grasp of Canada. He tried to wiggle free but he felt weak, probably if he didn't felt so weak he could probably fight out of it before he knew it he felt a sharp pain in his neck and before everything when dark around him he saw America with frantic eyes.

Love during the times of war [Rusame] UNDER  HEAVY EDITING Where stories live. Discover now