Eight: Gotcha

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Batman P.O.V:

Diana had chosen a seventeen-year-old to instruct the Team? A SEVENTEEN-year-old? The girl was barely older than Wally and Artemis, she was younger than Kaldur not to mention the age difference between her and M'gahn... What kind of things was she even teaching them? All of them have been fighting for years, Robin especially. What could he possibly have to learn from her that he doesn't already know?

"So, Percy, it's only been your first day here, so I don't expect you to have gotten very far in your, ah, teaching, but tell me, what are you teaching?" I questioned her. I wanted to know exactly what made her so special. Percy sucked up a noodle.

"Well, as you said I haven't gotten very far. Right now, we are in the middle of a contest." She stated simply, turning back to her pasta. I quirked an eyebrow, but the effect was lost since I was wearing my cowl.

"A contest? What kind of contest?" I asked. She had already started? She had barely been here for 7 hours. Artemis rolled her eyes.

"It's hardly a contest, more of a game. A twisted game that she has us playing for a reason I can't even tell you." Artemis stated anger in her voice.

"Oh, come now. It's not that bad, just a friendly competition." Percy argued. I looked to Robin, he seemed as uninterested in the "game" Percy had them playing as Artemis.

"What is the object of the game?" I asked, highly curious now. Connor was the one who answered.

"We have to steal her shoelaces and duct-tape her feet to the floor with this," Connor said while holding up a roll of baby blue sparkly duct-tape. I almost choked. This was the game? She had them playing childish pranks? I wouldn't allow her to go backwards with the Team. They needed a real trainer. Not some kid who had no idea what they were doing.

"Percy, I'm afraid there has been a mistake. I apologize for wasting your time, but your just not the right fit for the Team. Clean out your room, you leave tomorrow." I expected her to argue, cry or throw a fit. Instead, all she did was smile.

"Gotcha." She said with a smirk. I cocked my head.

"Excuse me?" I asked. Percy smiled even wider.

"You know, Bruce, you really should be more careful about how you phrase things." We all stared at her in shock. Did she figure out my identity? No, Diana must have told her, which was still a problem, but she couldn't have figured it out. We had been in the same room for less than 30 minutes.

"You're probably wondering how a figured it out," Percy continued. "It was quite simple really. Ya see I had a suspicion, but when you talked like you were firing me, like I worked for you, well that sealed it. I always knew Batman would have to be rich, what with all his gear. He runs around Gotham, dressed like a bat, with a brightly colored child at his side. So, how many rich people in Gotham have the same build as the Bat and how many have children that would be able to fill the role of Robin. Narrowed it down to you, Mr. Wayne, but I wasn't sure until right now. So thank you, for the information." Percy smiled again and went back to eating her pasta.

Robin P.O.V:

She figured it out. She found out Batman's identity within the course of dinner. How was that even possible? No one had ever figured it out before, not even the Justice League. They spent months trying to figure it out and in the end, he had to tell them.

"Well, dinner was delicious M'gahn. I look forward to more meals like this. Now if you excuse me, I have to make a phone call." Percy stated. She got up from the table, placing her dishes in the sink. She turned to leave but she stopped at the door frame.

"Oh, and Batman, your shoes are untied." She then continued down her the hall. We all looked to Batman's shoes to see them unlaced and duct-taped to the floor. Okay. So maybe she was better than we gave her credit for.

Percy P.O.V:

Oh, my gods, that was gold. I mean, I know I have a knack for pissing off important people and/or celestial beings but dam...I just told off Batman! Hell yeah, I still got it.

I traveled along the twisting tunnels, moving faster and faster before the panic could set in. I finally made it to the room Diana had given me. I stepped into the room and willed myself dry. I focused hard on the ink covering my skin. I had said I would try to limit this power for emergencies, but the dye had seeped into the second layer of skin and was making my whole body itch and made me feel like my blood was on fire. Screw it, I'm considering this an emergency. I hovered my left hand above my arm and focused on pulling the dye out of my skin. It was hard, painful work. The dye burned as I leached it from every pore on my arm and the oh so familiar tug in my stomach was starting to throb. After about 10 minutes of this painful work, I had a ball of dark purple dye hovering in my left hand. I was panting, exhausted and covered in sweat, resoaking my clothes. I managed to crawl my way to the bathroom and dump the dye down the drain.

I was so tired, but I still had that phone call to make. I picked up the burner phone I had bought before I came here. I dialed the first number in the contacts list, there were only two. The phone rang three times before a soft voice answered the phone.


"Hey, Annabeth."

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