Twenty-Four: Operation Spooky Time: Plus Ultra!

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Percy P.O.V:

This was it. This was the pinnacle. The ultimate coup d'etat. 5 days of planning had lead us to this. This was the grand finale.

The Stoll brothers had been nothing but excited about the prospect of fucking with Batman. In fact, you could say they were positively thrilled. Leo had been confused about the whole thing at first, which was to be expected considering he had never experienced a Percy Halloween... Annabeth kept muddling over the little details like, "How do you know the Justice League?", "Why do you and the Stolls have a cave in the middle of the forest?", "Isn't this illegal", and "Percy, why haven't you answered any of my questions?". You know. Little things.

However. After 10 minutes of explaining that it didn't matter and people shouldn't ask questions that will lead to answers they don't want, we mighty five set out on "Operation Spooky Time: Plus Ultra!"

It was a dark and stormy night... Lightning flashed and bats zipped around the air...we all stood on edge...

Actually, it was a perfectly normal Monday morning at around 4 am. Halloween had happened to fall on a Monday this year. Lame. So, we were planing on setting everything up in advance. I managed to sneak Leo into the Cave through the underwater bay doors. He then gave himself and my other three amigos clearance into the Cave and Watchtower, all without alerting the League. Man, I knew there was a good reason he came back to life.

After Leo instructed me that I would now have to play at least 2 hours of Player vs Computer games every week in order to return the favor, we began out work.

First, we laid some basic traps and tricks. You know, trip wires, smoke bombs, the basic stuff you would expect. And, of course, props. I was planning on this year to be my greatest yet, possibly greatest ever. I had my comrades, brothers in arms, all around great pranksters, the Stolls. I had the one and only Mcshizzle, bad boy supreme, flamming hot Leo Valdez. And, the wonderful, the amazing, Annabeth Chase. All around dream team right there if you ask me.

By around 5:30, the traps were set. M'gahn had told me all about how the Team would be having a little Halloween party this year. She had been super excited. Too bad I got involved. I'm almost sorry for the poor Martian. Almost. It was honestly the perfect distraction and cover. If all went according to plan, they would never even know it was me. As I said before, the perfect storm.

All of us dressed in dark blues and greys, allowing us to slip through the Cave undetected. Everyone assumes that when planning a heist, you wear black. But, that is stupid. Fun fact, when ninjas had to move undetected through the forests of ancient China and Japan, they wore multiple dark colors that matched the landscape. See, I know things. Also, this wasn't my first rodeo.

Leo had fucked with all the sensors in the Cave, visual, audio and motion, allowing us to move freely and set off fake alarms in order to further fuck with them.

Basically, we decided that we were going to send each member of the Team on their own personal haunted house, completely isolated from others. Cruel? Yes. Necessary? No. Going to happen? Without hesitation.

To make things even more fun, we were going to have music. And sound effects. Leo was the only other person who truly understood the gravity of what I was going to be remixing while these twerps went through my horror fest but the Stolls were entertained and Annabeth was begrudgingly on board.

And now, as we all reached our places, various props and remotes in hand, the plan clear in our minds, we waited and watched as the show began.

M'gahn P.O.V:

I was beyond excited. The Team had only been together for about 10 months so this was my very first Halloween on Earth. I honestly cannot wait. What if something scary happens?? That would be so cool!! Like, imagine if someone broke into the Cave and like scared us really bad, like a horror movie or something
That would be so crazy.

I was practically jumping up and down in excitement as I waited for the rest of my teammates to get into the living room. Kaldur and Robin ended up showing up first, always so punctual those two. Artemis came in, making a beeline for the Lucky Charms. Maybe she didn't get enough dinner. I'll have to make sure to serve her more tonight. Connor came in after her, following his normal routine of getting a glass of water from the kitchen and then sitting in front of the TV, listening to static. Finally, Wally stumbled in, looking half dead. Whenever I seem him in the mornings, he is just so tired. I wonder if he gets enough sleep. I should ask him eventually. That's what friends do right?

Robin was just about to open his mouth to chide Wally for looking so tired when the Zeta Tube rung out across the Cave.

Percy Jackson C3.

We all turned and looked at each other before bolting to the door.

Percy P.O.V:

That's right motherfuckers, I am back in action and ready to rumble. Me being on the floor while this whole shindig goes down is key. I gotta chorale these idiots in order to extract prime fear. We can't have any of them actually being smart and finding out its a prank, and we definitely cannot have any of them finding who is doing it.

I am slightly in the clear because they know who I am and they know I could beat their sorry asses up. However, they have never seen my compadres and would immediately assume that they were legit attackers and try to kill my homies. And we cannot have that. While I don't doubt that my amigos would be able to take the sidekicks, I do not need a panic, well, an uncontrolled panic. Best to just avoid it.

While all of them definitely would pose a threat to our operation if they grew brain cells, there were three of them that I was actually worried about.

Number 1: Kaldur. The problem with him is, as far as I could tell, the dude actually did have quite a few brain cells. In combat, we could take him, but he was smart and had a stick up his ass. No doubt he would tattletale and Diana would beat my ass. We kinda just need to keep him stupid and confused. If worst comes to worst, we are just gonna have to try and convert him to the dark side.

Number 2: Conner. The dude had super hearing, maybe x-ray vision, and anger issues. Now that was a stellar combination for ruining Halloween plans. However, Annabeth managed to find that all the air vents and pipes are lined with lead. Why the Justice League would do this, I have no clue. Like, didn't this used to be their base? Superman legit could just look through the vents and see an intruder like, easy peasy lemon squeezey. I blame Batman. Probably needed the vents to sneak around like the sneak he is and compromised safety for his aesthetic. Not that I don't do that all the time but you know, hypocrisy. Basically, we just needed to be quiet around Connor and not be idiots. Yeah he was a problem. Oh well.

And finally, the biggest problem, Number 3: Robin. The kid was literally a fucking ninja. He was Threat Level Midnight, guys this was not it. Basically, he had brain cells, could probably find out that Leo fucked up his computers and fix them, and was like 12. Bad combo right there. However, if Robin did bust us, I didn't think we would have any trouble getting him to turn. I had read the kid's mission reports. Talk about a prankster. In any case, the fun was about to begin.

As soon as the Kiddies caught sight of me, I was bombarded with questions. I let it go on for a few solid minutes before I raised my head in fake alarm. All of them tensed. I looked each on of them in the eyes before seemingly staring off into nothing. In reality, I was looking into the air duct to give Travis the signal.

"Do you hear something?" I asked them, with faux concern. That's when Tavis hit the button. It started slowly at first, a faint do do do do, do dot dot dot. Wally's widened and he paled. Robin seemed mortified and gasped in surprise. Artemis spun so fast she probably had whiplash and looked ready to run for the hills. Travis increased the volume.

The Zeta Tube tried to announce the arrival of several Leaguers, all coming to M'gahn's Halloween party no doubt, only to be drowned out by a painfully loud song that lives in infamy.

Artemis let loose a scream of horror as the Wii Theme blasted through the cave.

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