Twenty-One: She Had To Be Alive

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Nico P.O.V:

I woke up with a start. A cold sweat trailing down my back. Tears staining my cheeks. I looked over to my right side and jumped in surprise when I found out the bed I was in was, in fact, several feet off the ground. Not to mention that sitting on the ground was a very tired looking Will Solace.

"Will?" I called down to him. What in the world was he doing here? Where was here? What was I doing-. My breath hitched and I suddenly remembered why I had tears streaming down my face. Percy.

"Nico? Oh, Neeks, thank the gods you're awake!!" Will sprung up. He seemed exited and bright. That is, until he saw the look on my face.

"Nico, what's wrong? Did- did you have a nightmare?" Concern and worry lined his voice. I turned away from his touch. I didn't deserve him. I hurt her and I didn't deserve him. A fresh wave of tears started to drip down my face. I felt like I was suffocating. What had I done?? Ohgodsohgodsohgodsohgodsohgodsohgodsohgods-

"Nico di Angelo!" My head snapped around to face Will who was gripping me by the shoulders. "Breathe. Explain." Will instructed. After a few minutes, I managed to calm myself to a semi-coherent state.

"Percy- I did it. I hurt her. It's all my FAULT!" My voice cracked and I flung myself at Will, who recieved my with open arms.

"Hey, it's okay," he soothed me, gently stroking my hair. "I know you didn't mean to. Whatever happened, I know you didn't mean to. Look. I fixed Percy up myself, okay? She is fine." I looked up at him. He fixed Percy? Then-then he saw what I did! He, he saw-

"Hey," Will continued, once again snapping me out of impending mental spiral. "It's okay. I forgive you. And I know Percy does too. Do you want to see her?" I nod slowly. I needed to see her. I had to make sure she was alive. She had to be alive.

I followed Will through the winding tunnels of a dark cave. Where was I? I had just locked onto Percy's signature and- oh my gods. She still didn't know. She was going to kill me.

"Will..." I whispered to him, tugging on his arm slightly to get his attention.

"Yes?" He asks, responding to me in the same tone I used.

"She, she, doesn't know yet, Will. I didn't get the chance to tell her." He stopped walking. Fear flashed through his eyes briefly as he turned to face me, eyes wide.

"What?!" He whispered harshly at me. "She doesn't know yet?" I shook my head. Will started walking again. As we walked, I could faintly hear him mutter, 'she's going to kill us...'.

Wally P.O.V:

Yeah. Okay. I screamed. I screamed bloody-fucking-murder and you would have to. Here I am, innocently trying to see if Percy is like, OKAY, and she scares the life outta me.

Batman, Kaldur, Black Canary, and Diana all burst into the room expecting to find something terrifying and horrific like a fire, or an ax murderer. Instead they find me, on the floor with what was probably a terrified expression and Percy, laughing her head off; probably to the point of reopening her stiches. Sufice it to say, everyone was taken a back and at a loss for words.
As Percy managed to regain composure over herself after a brief wince and a cautious pat of her stomache, I turned to her, breathing hard.

"You," I start, eyes wide and hand pointing at her in an accusatory manner, "are a monster." This statement sends Percy into another fit of giggles.

"That was gold." Percy proclaimed as she finally stopped laughing. Hopefully. Diana was the first to recover from Percy's outburst. She rushed forward and scooped Percy up into a hug that should have probably been qualified as a death grip.

"Diana," Percy choked out, "need oxygen!" Diana immediately released her, then began fussing over her like an older sister as Percy whinned in protest. It was such a wholesome exchange that you could almost make-believe they weren't both powerful women who could probably kill you with a snap of their fingers.

The door to the emergency OR burst open to reveal a very worried looking woman. I recognised her as the woman who had yelled at Batman and lived to tell the tale. I didn't really know who this woman was or what she was doing here, but I was certain of two things: 1) Never get on this woman's bad side and 2) respect her for all eternity because HOLY SHIT SHE YELLED AT BATMAN.

"Step aside, Diana." The woman instructed. Diana seemed to want to protest but removed herself almost instantly as the woman sent her a, if we are being honest here, quite terrifying glare. I was pretty sure this woman was a god, could beat up Superman with a newspaper and then tell him to clean his room.

"Mom..." Percy started, looking at the woman with fond eyes. Oh see, now that explains so much.

"Oh my beautiful girl!" The woman, now dubbed as Percy's Mom, ran forward and embraced Percy in a gentle, but firm hug. Percy and her mother whispered lightly to each other, both of them seeming to relax in each other's arms.

Batman cleared his throat, gaining the attention of the two women. He opened his mouth to speak, but snapped it shut so fast he probably bit his toung after recieving not one, but two, sharp glares from the Jackson women.

Black Canary, being the brave soul that she was, tried to pick up where Batty left off.

"Miss. Jackson," she began, clearing her throat as she started to speak, "as you are aware, your daughter was recently involved in an attack, now we need to-"

"Do it later." Percy's Mom snapped at her, cutting Canary short. "You can question her, later." Canary opened her mouth to try once more but the woman, once again, cut her off.

"And I will determine when that 'later' is. Are we clear? Good." She finished with a hint of malice in her voice, glaring at each of the Leagers as she spoke.

Teacher, Not Hero (femPercy Jackson X YJ)Where stories live. Discover now